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A Rush Home to Rapture
Riding a rush, being juiced, flying high-this is the feeling we strive for every day. What's the huge attraction to this heightened state? Many medical authorities would have us believe that the desire for a constant high is an addiction-and an unhealthy and unrealistic one at that. A Built-in Homing Device My life experience reveals the opposite. Such a drive is not only healthy, but also very realistic. Our attraction to highs is a natural, built-in homing device implanted in us by the Universe. This attraction leads us to the Real McCoy in life-the real deal, real satisfaction. It's God's bait to get us to bite deeper into life's offerings. A Call to Awaken Our Deeper Nature This desire for peak excitement is fueled by a deep inner knowing that this buzz is a glimpse of our true natural state. On a very primal level, we connect this super feeling with our natural inheritance, our rightful birthright to feel good all the time. It's the Universe's way of leading us home to the truth-that our very essence is this high frequency vibrational feeling. Our true "normal" human condition is to feel good. Clues Abound When I was ten years old, I noticed a strong, ecstatic rush of sensation within my being when I was in the presence of a wild animal, a cascading waterfall, a howling wind or an ancient tree. I felt the exact same physical and psychic rapture when I sang Christmas carols and wild party songs, played Bach on the piano and Bo Diddly on the guitar. Surprisingly, I reveled in the same tingling in my body when I sat in an empty church or a deserted sports stadium. I was the willing prey to the penetrating sound of silence. Later, as I transformed from a boy into a teenager, I enjoyed this same intense emergence of sensual-spiritual electricity, warmth and connection when I began to jitterbug, go skinny dipping under a full moon, and fall in love over and over again. What's Going on Here? I was being introduced to much more than romantic, sexual awakening. My whole being was opening into the wonder and power of my true physical-spiritual nature: high voltage electricity! This divine initiation cannot be discounted and discarded as merely "overactive hormones!" It is so much more. In the West, we might describe this profound inner potency as Natural Vitality. The Chinese call this electro-magnetic force chi, the Japanese ki, the Indians prana, and native peoples primal life force. Charisma is King Natural Aliveness goes by many names. We describe a person possessing a lot of natural electricity as having a lot of charisma or a magnetic personality. Athletes seek the much-revered runner's high. When the gods are gracing someone's goals, we say the turned-on person is groovin, smokin, cookin, steamin-on fire! No Waiting in Line This exalted state is not the exclusive enjoyment of a fortunate birth or fanatic athlete. There's no shortage, quota or waiting list for this God-given gift. This Feel Good State is more available than most folks realize. Place Your Order To live in a high octane, high octave state, all we need to do is order it. When we invite and welcome this exhilaration, we soon realize that it's available 24/7 from endless sources in our everyday environment. Feel Beyond the Form The secret to opening to the rush of life's Feel Good Energy is to look beneath the surface of whatever outer forms we encounter. The key to unlocking the juice is the intention to experience life "behind the scenes." When you approach any activity with the intention and attitude that you will receive energy-a lift or boost-from the interplay, then you will. And, in the same manner, when you expect the interaction to require of you a lot of extra effort-work, struggle-then it will. The seer (see-er) determines the outcome of every life interaction to be either energy-giving or energy-draining. A Rose Is a Rose Is a Rose Ancient and native peoples know the truth about energy. So do quantum physicists. Energy-Life Force-constitutes and animates all solid "things." Underneath all surface appearances flows pulsating power. Behind all formal exteriors lies electric aliveness. Energy is energy is energy-no matter what the form. Knowing this fact, you can consciously decide to tap into the aliveness-the vitality-at the core of all matter, form and situations. The Gift The most profound, practical benefit of Natural Vitality is the gateway it gives you to receive energy from every aspect of your environment-human, plant, animal, mineral, chemical, plastic, solar, stellar, elemental, extraterrestrial, inter-dimensional, angelic and Ascended Master. Natural Vitality is choosing to have a conscious, constant, vibrant, heart-body-soul connection with all living beings and all forms of life-even the "so-called" inanimate ones. Fund Your Dreams This Life Force can be used to heal, enrich and transform yourself, others and the planet. When you learn to allow Natural Essence to rise upward through your physical chakra energy centers, you rejuvenate every cell in your body, dissolve blocked emotional pathways and access unlimited power to create your dreams. By connecting this energy with the heart, it becomes prayer. As this energy ascends into your consciousness, visions and revelations blossom. Kundalini Rising ultimately leads to communion with the Divine. Sacred In-to-me-see Sacred Intimacy is an ancient and graceful channel to unlocking Natural Vitality. To call something "sacred" means to hallow or venerate it, to consecrate and dedicate it to an important purpose-like allowing yourself to be filled with Source Essence. "Intimate" in Latin means "a close friend." In-to-me-see is choosing to see every experience as a friend, ready to give you a sacred gift if you allow it. To see into the true nature of any form or situation is to find a friend, a field of self-feeding energy. You have the power to make every activity a "sacred act"-be it petting an animal, cutting vegetables, or shopping in a supermarket. Yoga Unites Yoga means union. Seeing the common energy nature of all life forms and situations allows us to feel union with all people and experiences. All life encounters become energy-enriching interactions. Meld into the flow of your shower, the softness of your bed, the color of the sunset, the roar of a wave, the curve of a rock. Sex Connects "Sex" means coitus, union, a coming together. When you experience all aspects of life as having the same essential nature as you, you easily feel the connection, merging and sharing of Life Force with all "things." Exchange energy with your plants, your paintings, your fresh clean laundry! Ecstasy is Our Natural State The word "ecstasy" comes from the Greek meaning of ec: to move out of and stasis: status quo, static, fixed. When you "break through to the other side" of any old stuck condition, you enjoy the exhilaration of experiencing life in a fresh, different, new way. Bliss is our birthright. Re-Light the Fire in Your Belly We're all born with a passion and zest for life. We meet challenges, obstacles and disappointments along the rough road of growing up. Much of our Original Joy for life becomes muted. You can re-kindle the exuberance of being alive by approaching life as an adventurous treasure hunt for the lost gold-your natural radiant core. And, lucky for us, all paths lead to Primal Life Force-because Natural Aliveness is the very essence of the path itself. About The Author Keith Varnum has 30 years of practical success as an author, accupuncturist, personal coach, filmmaker, vision quest guide and international seminar leader, and is the owner of http://www.TheDream.com and http://TheCareerDoctor.net.
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To Raise Your Frequency, Just Turn on the Joy! The feeling response to being filled up with Love from your Spirit is joy. Higher frequency energy-Love-activates a joy response in your emotional body. I like to say that joy is a frequency-but it is more accurate to say that joy is your emotional response to higher frequency. When you are at a certain frequency, feeling the Love from Spirit moving through you to Spirit, the natural feeling you have is joy. And here is something truly empowering to know: when you feel joy, you are at a higher frequency. Four Words that Make Life Worthwhile Over the years as I've sought out ideas, principles and strategies to life's challenges, I've come across four simple words that can make living worthwhile. Looking for a Better World - What Every Person Can Do! Each night, when I put my head on the pillow and turn my thoughts to things ethereal, I am hopeful that the world is a little better place than when I awoke that morning. I hope that the dissidents, extremists, murderers, plunderers, bigots, philanderers, cheaters, molesters and others of mean-spirit find that their chosen path is not a beneficial avenue. I hope they see that they themselves are not truly benefiting from a mean-spirited philosophy. Letting Go Of Perfection "The power of discovery enables us to achieve excellence without having to be "perfect.'" Its The Journey, Not The Destination Don't you just hate clichés like the one illustrated in the headline of this article? I know I do. But love them or hate them, most of us must admit that such adages and clichés are often grounded in truth, and this one is no different. For Inspiration Watch a Kite Fly Against the Wind Given a steady wind and a properly balanced kite, the kite will soar to great heights. But if the nose of the kite is pointed downward, the same wind will send it crashing into the ground. Accelerate Your Abilities In today's fast-paced life, the wins usually go to those with exceptional skills and abilities. The old quote is true, "The race is not always won by the swift and the strong, but that is the way to bet." Look Out Any Window Over my extended Thanksgiving weekend I took some time to look through my telescope at the moon. I saw the full moon rising in the east- northeast and thought it would be a good night for a look, so I set up my Meade reflecting telescope in the kitchen and aimed it toward the window. Make Mistakes! Its Okay - Really! When you fall, do you get right back up? Do you learn from your mistake and move on? Or do you kick yourself so hard in the butt that you just mope around for days in your PJs and wonder why you're so miserable? Come on! Get a grip! Recognize the Perfect Realtor As soon as you have launched a strong desire, the answer is on its way. In that moment the Universe/God begins to orchestrate every person, event, and resource necessary to fulfill your desire. The Minds Fancy Dress Party -Or- A Brainstorming Session In Berlin a restaurant opens for anorexics and in Buffalo a lawyer with a stutter wins a court case. When everything you're working on has gone STALE and your own initially promising concepts are starting to annoy you, you need a brainstorming session to get to the missing bits or generate some new ideas. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Whoever coined this phrase is a genius. Life finds ways to dish out exactly this- the good the bad and the ugly. At times all in one day. Lessons about Life in an Unexpected Place Did you ever receive a gift in an unexpected place? How To Be Secure In An Insecure World Most of us believe that our happiness and security are dependent upon our relationships, work, income and the external events that take place in our lives. When things are going well there is a sense of well-being and safety. We sleep well at night, wake up feeling refreshed and have the sense that the world can be managed - that we are in control. However, this kind of security is fleeting. As people and events are constantly changing, we are often edgy about what's coming down the road. Create Your Own Self Esteem - Part 1 Self-esteem is something that we all wish we had more of. Some of us go through our entire life feeling "self-esteem deficient". The constraints placed on us by low self esteem can feel so impenetrable that we find ourselves shrinking back from our dreams and accepting something less than desirable. This often results in feelings of emptiness, sadness, deprivation and a life not fully lived. Time for Sunshine Having spring around makes you feel different after such a long winter journey. How well do you feel when you have a little bit of sunshine in your life? What effect does it do have on our psyche? The power of sunshine brings us a lot of comfort, optimism, self-confidence and of course a smile. Imagine how great if would be if we were so positive all year round! Anamchara - Living An Essential Life What is essential in your life? This question contains one of the most important words an question can address. This is the word "essence." To know your "essence" is to live the mystery of life rather than the illusion of "your life." Say Thank You to the Cow for the Steak on Your Plate Have you ever said thank-you to the cow that provided you with the steak for your dinner! How To Weather Lifes Inevitable Storms In the Northeast, we have a few months to prepare for winter by gathering firewood, securing windows and doors, and getting furnaces cleaned. As with any change, there is always a period of adjustment required. Often change in our lives doesn't occur so predictably. If I Hurt You, Then Im Sorry This statement has stopped many a war in my house. My oldest two children are two years apart in age and would fight about everything and nothing when they were little. One would anger the other and then deny that it ever happened. One would accidentally harm the other during play and not want to accept responsibility for the other's anger. Seldom did a day pass by that one of them wasn't screaming at the other for some horrible crime. It never failed when I would be brought in to mediate, they'd both claim they were innocent and the other was bad. How many times did one of them try to convince me that the other was lying and just trying to frame them for a crime they didn't commit. What's a parent to do? ![]() |
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