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Good-Bye Yesterday, Hello Today
Many of us are unable to move forward with our lives because we refuse to let go of what no longer exist: YESTERDAY. The portal to yesterday is permanently closed; gone out of business. It is non-existent; a mere idea of what once was. It is disconcerting that so many, many people are stuck in the unyielding grip of what happened to them in yesteryears. They experience great difficulty living in the present. Yes, their bodies are here, but their minds and souls float around lost in the non-existent twilight of yesterday. Perhaps this misfortune is made even more tragic by the fact that many of these folks are just carrying around a lot of old trash that's stale and stinky and need to be disposed of. The reason many of us cannot climb to higher heights is because the garbage we cling to weighs us down. You know people and I know people who still carry grudges and hostility and resentment in their hearts over something some man or woman did to them yesterday. Some of us cannot maintain a decent relationship with our parents because of something they did to us or did not do for us years ago that we still carry around with us. Many a friendship has been sacrificed because one or both of the individuals cannot move beyond what happened yesterday. It was Shakespeare who said, "What is gone and past help should be past grief" We cannot grow and enjoy our ever-so-fleeting present because we are regular visitors to that non-existent place of yesterday where we lick our wounds and feel sorry for our "mistreated" selves. Thus, we cannot change with the times or gather new stars. We can't move on to newer discoveries and experience new things. We have found a resting place in our sad little non-existent twilight of yesterday. But until we are able to say good-bye to yesterday, we cannot say hello to today and all the wonderful joys of living today will be forfeited. When we make the decision to give up living in the "then-and-there," we will experience the great joys of living in the "here-and-now." We cannot progress as long as we keep shifting our self development gear into reverse. We keep going backwards into time gone by. We cannot live and enjoy our "now" because we are fixated in the past. Unresolved experiences of the past are the cause of many obstructions and destructions in the present. And as someone said, "No army can march forward on a retreating mind." A lack of desire to move forward leads to a steady phasing out of existence. Changing times will leave you in the wind of decay. We must make a conscious decision to let go of the past, to release that which no longer serves our growth, and to rebuild upon a new foundation. We must accept and admit the past is over, done, finished, complete and no longer a reality. Yesterday's issues have no room in your today. Open yourself to the divine power that is available to you today. God's power can neutralize those phantoms of the past and release a healing power within that pervades every aspect of your being. Then, after having been cleansed of all past debris, you can truly live in the present and look forward to the future. The "then-and-there" will lose its control over you. You will be able to say, goodbye yesterday, hello today. Rejoice in your today experience! HONEY, THAT WAS THEN No, I don't hold any grudges dear We all from time to time, I am afraid You see, my dear, we cannot afford to linger So lets' give each other a great forgiving hug From "Room Beneath the Snow." Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. http://www.clergyservices4u.org. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: A Grief Management Workbook, will be available soon.
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The Seasons Of Life, Part 3 of 5 This week is part three of our five part series on The Season's of Life. Time to Change the World! Here's something you can do each day that will REALLY make a difference to provide: Small Steps, Great Strides Sacred space, sacred time On Stand-by Direct Answers - Column for the week of April 28, 2003 Aim High Change is difficult for many people. Often times our whole identity is wrapped up in what we've learned as children will work for us when dealing with people, allowing us to survive, thrive and fit in. While some people have had to learn to thrive in the midst of change and learned to be adaptable by being open to new ideas and embracing change, many others have had to fight for survival and every table-scrap that came their way. Behavior is learned and it takes work to unlearn and dismantle these old beliefs. Dont Die With Your Dreams Still Inside You I write and talk a lot about dreams. Primarily because I know we serve an awesome and amazing God, who gave us dreams for an awesome and amazing purpose. We all have a dream to do something great, go somewhere incredible, achieve the unachievable, beat the unbeatable or meet the "unmeetable." Unfortunately, more often than not, most dreams remain unrealized; silenced by fear and doubt. What's needed is a renaissance to recapture the spirit and belief we once had as children. We need to remind ourselves in all that we desire to be, have and do... "I can, if I believe I can." My aim is to inspire as many people as possible to passionately pursue and do their dreams. Revitalize your dreams. Start today. Don't just dream; dream BIG dreams! Put them in your heart, then put them on the wall, refrigerator, mirror ... wherever you'll see them often. Remind yourself you are more than worthy of everything your heart ever imagined. Believe, then diligently commit to a plan to achieve.Resolve to live a life that ends the way you want it to; and don't you dare, I say don't you dare... die with your dreams still inside you. The Most Important Investment You Can Make For Your Old Age - And No, Its Not Money! When I was twenty-two, I was befriended by a woman named Doris who was thirty years older than I was. Although Doris was then a fifty-two year old woman, she did not feel it was inappropriate to befriend me. She did not operate with the social belief that she should choose her friends only from people her own age. We became very close friends and remained so until her death at the age of eight-two. Spiritual Evolution: A Journey of Truth BORN OF BODY AND SPIRIT Safety ? Are You OK? Safety is an interesting concept. When we think of safety we almost intuitively think of its opposite, danger. Some people say that "our thoughts create our reality." I would differ with that in one important way. I would say our thoughts create our perception of reality or our interpretation of reality. That is not the same thing, but it is at least as important. Byron Katie says "Reality is kinder than our thinking." Do You Pay For Services Out of Obligation or Appreciation? Have you ever paid for services rendered with a strong sense of appreciation, yet you weren't aware of the impact you had on the person who received the payment? Let me assure you it does make a difference. In fact, how you pay for any type of service sends an important message yet is often overlooked. I say that with certainty because recently I had the good fortune of working with a client who demonstrated the most impressive attitude and professionalism in regard to payment. I was so struck by his approach and attitude that I decided to share what transpired, hoping that others might take something of value away from my experience. Life Lessons I Learned from My Cat Even if you are not a cat person, bear with me, as this story goes far beyond cat mania. Our little tabby cat was frightened and highly-sensitive from the day we rescued her from the SPCA, two and a half years ago. No doubt being jailed there for four months messed her mind. As we came to learn "Shylo's" nature we renamed her "Shybaby." Lisas Christmas Lisa was born into a loving Christian family and went through life knowing of The Lord and his supreme sacrifice. She was accustomed to Amazing Grace each Sunday and saying grace before meals. Lisa knew of the birth of baby Jesus; that worshippers came from far and wide bearing gifts. After all this was no ordinary birth. An Unquenched Thirst Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 9, 2002 Work In Progress: 10 Benefits of Not Knowing It All 1. You can relax and enjoy your life more if you don't expect yourself to have all the skills, knowledge, and wisdom to carry you forward into the future. Put To The Sword Direct Answers - Column for the week of December 23, 2002 My Mothers Garden I love to talk about Purposeful Living with others and share how it's affected my life. But sometimes when I get to the part about doing what you need to do my listeners eyes glaze over and I know I've lost them. I get the response that it doesn't seem like much "fun" to find your purpose and do what you need to do. In fact, it sounds rather Calvinistic. It sounds like trudging uphill in the rain with your head down ? oblivious to your surroundings. You Can Make a Difference When I study of world these days, I see a lot of despair, and hopeless. There are countless problems that our society faces such as war, the degradation of the environment, and crime Consulting Your Soul Recently I approached a traffic light where a man stood in shabby clothes with a three-legged dog by his side. As I waited for the light to change I looked at this scene with compassion and felt an urge to contribute something. The sign he was carrying indicated that he was homeless. The people in my car commented that he was a strong young man, there were plenty of employment opportunities, and why should anyone give to people who are capable of working. They indicated a kind of mild contempt for this man soliciting funds whom they felt "should" be working. My thoughts were on him and the fact that he cared for and fed this crippled dog. I rolled down the window and gave him several dollars for which he expressed enormous gratitude. Being Relatable in Todays World as a Christian There are reasons we cross paths with those that we do. Sometimes its SO obvious, because we have walked a mile or two in what that person is going thru. But other time's we scratch our head and wonder why. In any case, it's important to be relatable to those around you in life. Synchronicity Synchronicity: the coincidence of events that seem related but are not obviously caused one by the other (Encarta Concise English Dictionary) ![]() |
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