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The Day I First Believed
I was eight years old, over four decades ago and I remember this event as though it was yesterday. It was a beautiful but cold and blistering winter day in the city of Detroit. Snow was falling moderately, but the wind was ferocious. My siblings and I were engage in some play activity when I was suddenly summoned by my mother and told to go to the store to purchase a loaf of bread and a few other items. Begrudgingly, I took the five dollar bill, dressed in my insulated snow suit and left for the store which was about six blocks away. On the way, something terrible occurred; the five dollar bill blew out of my hand. I ran to try and catch it but the blowing snow blinded me and I lost track of it. I was panic stricken. After all, money did not come easy in our family. My father was deceased and my mother was keeping us together as best she could by herself. Even at the tender age of eight, I understood what losing five dollars meant and it hurt me to have to tell my mother that I had let the money escape from me. But the biggest hurt came when I did tell her. She did not believe I was telling her the truth. I was devastated. I did not understand why she thought I was lying. I was deeply wounded and it became important for me to try and prove my innocence because my mother's trust meant everything to me. The problem was, I did not know how. That night, as always, I got on my knees to say my prayers. This prayer was different. Usually, it was the typical "now I lay me down to sleep?" and asking God to bless every relative and friend I could think of. But on this night, I cried as I asked God to make my mother believe me. I told God that the preacher said He knew everything and could do anything and since He knew I was telling the truth, He just had to somehow make my mother know it too. Miracle on Maplewood St. The next day, the Detroit News carried headlines and an article about the plight of a paperboy who had customers' money blow away from him after he had made collections in the blowing and drifting snow. After reading this, my mother came to me and apologized for not believing me. She stated that if it could happen to the paperboy it could happen to me. My joy knew no bounds. My mother believed me! God had worked a miracle. He really did know everything and could do anything. It was at this moment that my faith journey began. No longer was it what the preacher said, it was what Saundra knew. Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, veteran social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach which can be reviewed on her site. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, is expected to be available in July. You are welcome to visitAMEN Ministries:Your Soul's Service Station for spiritual refreshing, soul edification or to browse our newly expanded mini shopping mall. Blessings to all!
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On Sunsets and Telecom Another perfect sunset seen from Redondo Beach, California. Since arriving here in June I've had the pleasure of watching many sunsets while jogging or walking along the Redondo "Strand," and have yet to tire of the endless beauty of each individual sunset. Each one is stunning, each one is different. While jogging along this evening, watching today's contribution to my portfolio of California memories, the thought came to me that sunsets are a lot like the day to day activities that challenge our lives. I.Q. You Q. He, She, or It Qs. I have, in recent years, come to believe that IQ tests are a waste of time for most of us, and a waste of money for some of us. In fact, as a general rule of thumb, if you want to know how stupid you are, check to see if you're paying for an online IQ test. The Power of Inner SELF I am sharing one of the great insights.The fear that we have about venturing into anything new is our past memories and darkness. There is a way out to walk in the darkness. It's to seek active guidance from within and trust deeply that we are guided from within. The intensity and accuracy of the guidance dependence on our contact with inner teacher/leader/light. In fact the fear is nothing but fear of being alone. Some day, we deeply and experientially understand that we are not alone but intimately and moment to moment guided by the inner teacher. Seek to be guided and your trust will never be faltered, you got to remove the thought that you are alone. False Prophets Direct Answers - Column for the week of May 12, 2003 Iron Man Inspiration - Raise The Ceiling On What You Can Achieve The Florida Iron Man involves swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles and running 26.2 miles. It is one of the toughest sporting competitions in the world. To Thine Own Self Direct Answers - Column for the week of December 6, 2004 The Beauty of Life "An unexamined life is not worth living."-- Socrates Navigating The Squeeze Today more than ever before, we are witnessing a crises of consciousness over the validity of war versus the power of humility, integrity, understanding and diplomacy. Simultaneously those who are spiritual seekers ponder the purpose and mission of their immortal souls. Healing The Abandonment Wounds I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and authored eight published books. Every individual I've worked with has had some abandonment wound to heal, and most relationship problems stem from abandonment wounds. Justice Delayed Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 22, 2003 What Life is All About? When we look at lives in any places in this world, we may come to the similar red line. Those lives consist of phases that take living creature from a step to a further one. Be it human or plants or animals, their lives are all the same. It's a growth from youth to old then die. Anam Cara - Going Beyond The Good In Corrogue I receive a gift of love. The Theft of Fire "Igne Natura Renovatur Integra" (By fire is nature renewed whole.) ?Alchemical maxim A Cat In The Hand Is Worth Two Birds In The Bush! I bought this computer just over two years ago with my first venture into the world of credit cards. I'm a mature woman and have seen and done a lot in this world, but nothing could have prepared me for this. When I finished high school computers were not standard curriculum and, as was the way back then, I did the family thing with little to do in the way of secondary education. So, with my children married and raising families of their own, some maniacal little voice in my head told me I could get a credit card, buy a computer, learn how to use it, make a whole new life for myself and all would be rosey. NOT!!! Keep Hope Alive "Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.." ~ Emily Dickinson The Red Ribbon Everyone wants a blue ribbon. Blue. First place. The best. Even kindergarteners want that blue ribbon. In sports, I was never a blue-ribbon person. In a race I was always last. In baseball I was as likely to get hit on the head as to drop the ball. In basketball I was fine as long as there weren't nine other players on the court with me. Where I got my horrible sports ability, I don't know, but I got it. And I got it early. Do You Pay For Services Out of Obligation or Appreciation? Have you ever paid for services rendered with a strong sense of appreciation, yet you weren't aware of the impact you had on the person who received the payment? Let me assure you it does make a difference. In fact, how you pay for any type of service sends an important message yet is often overlooked. I say that with certainty because recently I had the good fortune of working with a client who demonstrated the most impressive attitude and professionalism in regard to payment. I was so struck by his approach and attitude that I decided to share what transpired, hoping that others might take something of value away from my experience. Have You Voted Today Huh? You're probably wondering when this article was written, and probably thinking that this article is about a recent election. Well, it is and, it isn't. Accelerate Your Abilities In today's fast-paced life, the wins usually go to those with exceptional skills and abilities. The old quote is true, "The race is not always won by the swift and the strong, but that is the way to bet." Everybody is Somebody I wrote about my life and all that I have had to go through. I also ended that story with a little bit about how my life has since changed, but I want to take it further. I want you to see me how I was then and how I am now. Am I changed much? Yes, I am no longer the person who went through all those things. ![]() |
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