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Remember The Titans --Let Them Never Forget...
In the popular movie, "Remember the Titans" most of us most likely can recall our favorite scene. Do you remember this one? The first challenge of the coach was to get the community to break up the racial divide and pull together. So the head coach (played by Densel Washington) decides to take his players away to camp. Even with the change of environment racial barriers still stood tall and tension were high. After the first few days the coach noticed the communication between the black and white players had not improved in the least, matter of fact it was getting worse. The players were not executing their plays, mistakes were made purposely in order to make others look bad and as a result fights continually broke out. So here is what the coach decided to do. At lunch one day the coach pulled a particular big fat happy go lucky lineman up to the front of the lunchroom. This kid didn't care black, white, purple, green, he just was happy to be there. The coach asked him to tell the whole team ONE thing about his roommate that he learned in the few days they were there. This kid rattled on for what seems an hour about his roommate. However, with no surprise to the coach, when he asked all the other players to do the same, none of them could mention one thing about the other. How could they expect to win souls (I mean games) if they didn't believe in their cause and pull together as a team? So as a result the coach made each player learn things about one other between each practice session until each player new something about all other players. In short, if you recall the rest of the movie, that exercise brought the team together and not only inspired everyone, but also they went undefeated that season. However, what if those racial barriers had not been broken down how many souls (I mean games) do you think the Titans would have won that year? Would they have won even one game? Is there any difference in winning games and winning souls for Christ? Is there any difference in the lack of communication that once paralyzed the Titans and Christians today? Sometimes we just going through the motions of going to church, going to parties and not breaking down barriers? And at the end of the day even years later do we know any more about our friends? Can you count on both of your hands the number of people you hang with that you know things about them deeper than just their name or social status? The turning point in the last game of the season came when the coach got angry and serious enough, pulled is defensive players aside and said. "From this moment forward I want you to let no one, I mean no one get past you and make another yard. Let them never forget the day they played the Titans!!!!" From this moment forward, I challenge you to let no one; I mean no one, get past you. Let them never forget the day you loved someone enough to find out more about them. Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT series. A powerful five step plan to better your life, get healthier, and have more energy! For FREE mini Course click here! http://www.resolutions.bz
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Nine Lives Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 2, 2002 The Karate Kid I have an unexpected relationship problem. It's hard to believe it has become such an issue but it has. The whole thing started very innocently when my boyfriend and I were watching some silly action movie. The female heroine was kicking butt, and I mentioned to my boyfriend I took a semester's worth of judo classes in college and could probably give him a run for his money. Body Calling: Eye Sight Cured Naturally Lorenzo C. an inspiring young teenager who fell to the inevitable statistics of a major automobile accident. A victim in the back seat of his family's car that had been involved in an accident and their car lost control and hit a tree, crushing down on Lorenzo's side of the vehicle and on Lorenzo. Rushed to emergency care Lorenzo survived but suffered severe eye damage. After many months in cosmetic reconstruction and surgery doctor's final diagnosis was poor, if not null and void. Lorenzo's father went to all levels of research and help to restore his son's eyesight, to no avail. Then one day the father ran into an old friend, Professional Golfer, Justin Morris, who suggested Lorenzo take vitamin nutritionals and supplementations and one specifically referred to as Visionex. Lorenzo began taking them with his meals daily as a regular course of action, pretty much auto-pilot. Eight Choices You Can Make Today that Will Change Your Life Forever The direction of our lives is determined by the choices we make every day. They accumulate and add up to our ultimate destiny. Here are eight choices you can make - choices that will create for you a life of abundance and prosperity in all areas of your life. The Rumble in the Jungle: Revealing Greatness The other night I was watching a documentary on that famous boxing match called The Rumble in the Jungle. The fight was between Muhammad Ali (Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee) and George Foreman. The Art of Forgiveness Forgiveness is a critical element in becoming self actualized and fully loving. Forgiving is the process by which you let go of feeling victimized or having wronged others. It allows you to climb out of the dark well of anger, bitterness, or guilt into which you can easily fall. Emancipation Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 8, 2003 Today is Yesterdays Tomorrow The problem with waiting until tomorrow is that when it finally arrives, it is called today. Today is yesterday's tomorrow. The question is what did we do with its opportunity? All too often we will waste tomorrow as we wasted yesterday, and as we are wasting today. All that could have been accomplished can easily elude us, despite our intentions, until we inevitably discover that the things that might have been have slipped from our embrace a single, unused day at a time. Change Begins With Choice Any day we wish we can discipline ourselves to change it all. Any day we wish; we can open the book that will open our mind to new knowledge. Any day we wish; we can start a new activity. Any day we wish; we can start the process of life change. We can do it immediately, or next week, or next month, or next year. Body Acceptance: The Secret to Weight Loss Success Can we love our bodies? As the years go by, each decade brings new and unexpected changes. We move from adolescence to young adulthood. For some, the transition is into motherhood. Most of us eventually enter into maturity and beyond. Our bodies are affected by stress, environment, sadness, and other emotions. Some bodies are affected by illness or disease. Other bodies are shaped by the after effects of emotional eating, starvation, or compulsive exercise. Is it possible to make peace and love our bodies? Five Reasons To Journal Keeping a journal during the coaching process is one of the most simple and effective aids a client can use. Below you will find five reasons why I encourage my clients to use a journal during their coaching time. I hope that you will be motivated to commit your creative pursuits to a journal. Say Thank You to the Cow for the Steak on Your Plate Have you ever said thank-you to the cow that provided you with the steak for your dinner! The One Thing You Really Want There is one thing you want... Mirror, Mirror -- What Do I See? "A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror."-Ken Keys Why You Are Special and Why Does It Matter Why 'you are special'? 5 Notions That Americans Should Put Out To Pasture Wisdom and knowledge come from the same family but are as different as apples and watermelons. What we call common wisdom is what made you expect me to say oranges instead of watermelons. Common wisdom flows off the tongue like water over the falls but doesn't always require that the brain be fully engaged. Some people call this, the common wisdom of the day. This particular kind of wisdom is rarely examined for truth or any other useful quality. It is commonly accepted because it is so commonly heard. It is much like an unpaid commercial that we set into motion not knowing where it came from and with little regard to whether it is true or not. It is like an old pal who always steps in to keep a conversation going when we run low on original ideas. It is almost never questioned and in most conversation, it is only a matter of who is going to say it first. Some of these sayings so glibly passed around among us are innocuous, while others are outright misleading and sometimes dangerous. Here are five of them that should be challenged, examined, analyzed and if reason prevails, will finally be put out to pasture. What Inspires You? Have you ever thought? What inspires YOU? What is it that drives you day in and day out? What is it that inspires you? Journals You Can Keep Besides your daily feelings, thoughts, and experiences journal, there are many ideas for journals or diaries that you can keep, some are suggested below. Buy a blank book or a notebook with a particular journal topic in mind and keep this book for only that topic. You may decide to keep several kinds of journals at the same time, so remember that you do not have to journal every day. Keep Hope Alive "Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.." ~ Emily Dickinson Tsunami This article was channelled through me by an entity called Joseth (My name for the creator) ![]() |
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