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Changing the World... One Book at a Time
Ever read a book that's changed your life? Most of the today's most beloved authors and spiritual teachers can recall a book that started them on the journey toward spirituality and success. In fact, that question has become the foundation for a new book club called the Transformational Book Circle (TBC), created by bestselling author and relationship expert Gay Hendricks. Hendricks says the inspiration came from a gathering at the home of Chicken Soup for the Soul author Jack Canfield's one evening when there happened to be many transformational leaders gathered. "The subject of books that changed your life came up and everyone had one," recalls Hendricks. "Their eyes would light up as they recounted the wisdom from these books and began to relive the story about how these books changed their lives. It was fascinating, especially since a number of the people there were authors who had also written bestselling books that have changed the lives of millions." Just thinking about the powerful transformation that books had brought to the lives of so many of the people in the forefront of spirituality today, Hendricks was reminded of the great power that is passed from generation to generation in books that are sometimes forgotten over time. He was curious to know more about how books of the past had inspired the people who inspired millions today. So Hendricks set out to ask Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, Louise Hay, Doreen Virtue, Barbara DeAngelis, Kenny Loggins, Debbie Ford, Bill Harris, and many other transformational and spiritual leaders this question: "Which book changed your life?" And the answers surprised him. "Every person I asked told me a remarkable story about how one or more books had opened the gateway to a new dimension. Nearly all of these books were virtually unheard of and many were hard to find," explains Hendricks. What began as a curious conversation evolved into the Transformational Book Circle, designed to be the world's first transformational reading community with books devoted to creating powerful changes in our lives. Hendricks asked many to suggest a book that the Transformational Book Circle could republish each month, along with additional inspirational material to further illuminate the lessons of the book. Says Hendricks. "Our goal is to build a community of people around the world who are reading the same book at the same time. This is a potent way to create change." The bestselling authors participating in this project are people who have devoted their lives to assisting others in transformation, so they are delighted to pass on the wisdom of the ones who came before them. Louise Hay, author of many bestselling books and founder of Hay House Publishing, attributes the genesis of her success and evolution to a book that changed the way she views life. "Many years ago I read a book by an author who opened my eyes, and my heart," recounts Hay. "I believe that her book helped make me who I am. Her work is obscure, not easy to find these days, but her message is just as powerful today as it was many years ago. As someone who has great respect for the power of the written word, it is a thrill to see her work come to life again through the Transformational Book Club." The book that changed her life, ultimately, contributed to helping her change millions of lives... and will continue to do so. Same is true for Neale Donald Walsh. Millions of people have read his Conversations with God series, yet Walsh credits a certain other book for preparing him to receive the messages he has shared with so many. The Transformational Book Circle offers its members an exclusive edition of The Power of a Single Thought, available only to its members. "Some authors more than others inspire us to honor the true voice within," says Walsh, the modern messenger who helped shape the way we commune with Divine Source. "Some authors open us up and clear us of doubt while filling us with hope. I was blessed to read a book that helped prepare me to receive insight and empowered me to share it." Walsh is happy to share the book that helped shape his own life's work with his faithful readers, and newcomers, through the Transformational Book Circle. And so is Kenny Loggins. As one of the most successful singer/songwriters in the world, his powerful, soul-stirring songs such as "This Is It," have changed many lives. "Music is a universal language, yet sharing the message of a special book is a powerful way to unite people and create change in ourselves and our world." The Transformational Book Circle couldn't come at a better time. In a world beset with so many challenges, inspiration is a welcome friend to members who join the circle. Each month they receive one life-changing book along with a CD that features exercises to bring the book's material to life, spoken by the famous author who recommended it. Members will also have access to a web-seminar with the transformational luminaries, learning from them how their lives were changed and improved by the book. Most importantly, everyone who is part of this circle becomes part of a growing community seeking and devoted to transformation. (To find out more, please visit www.transformationalbookcircle.com) "This is a way to create communities of people who believe that personal and global transformation is possible," says Hendricks, who is also co-founder of home delivery DVD club, The Spiritual Cinema Circle, which is dedicated to movies with heart and soul (www.spiritualcinemacircle.com). "The written word is a power tool for changing ourselves and our world." Arielle Ford has long been devoted to bringing the work of top transformational authors to the public. She has worked with icons such as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson and Jack Canfield. She is author of seven books including Everything You Should Know About Publishing, Publicity, Promotion & Building a Platform: A Step-by-Step Guide for Authors. http://www.EverythingYouShouldKnow.com. She is a founding partner of The Spiritual Cinema Circle: http://www.spiritualcinemacircle.com and the Transformational Book Circle. http://www.transformationalbookcircle.com.
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Seven Things You Must Give to Others if You Want to Achieve Success! A major part of the process of achieving success and living the kind of life that you dream of is to give. Many people think that to get what you want you have to take it. There is a universal truth though that the true path to get what you want is to give. When you give, you get. What you sow, you shall reap. If this is true, then what is it we must give? I'll show you the way... Love the Opportunity Somebody said you have to love what you do, but that's not necessarily true. What is true is that you have to love the opportunity. The opportunity to build life, future, health, success and fortune. Supercharge Your Dreams! We all accept the fact that the lighter the backpack, the easier and quicker the climb to the top of the mountain. We all understand that the lighter the load on an airplane, the higher and faster it can fly. We pay extra for high octane fuel so our car will operate more efficiently. Then why don't we apply the same wisdom to our bodies and our dreams? Lewis And Clark Pay Attention As I write this Southern California has just ended its second week of triple digit temperatures. The intense heat changes the way we live and alters the rhythm of our days. We are up earlier to walk the dog while the park is still cool. We spend a lot of time indoors in the air conditioning. We've been eating better. We don't want to heat up the house with the stove ? so it's salads and chicken from the grill. And, as I don't want to head out in my black car two or three times a day, I find myself thinking more about what I need to do and combining trips and make lists. Why Are We So Lost? The Journey Home Did you ever wonder how you ended up where you are in your life? Is life a culmination of a series of very carefully planned moves or a hodge podge of serendipitous events? Of course as we get to know ourselves better, our radar becomes more finely tuned. Our intuition develops and we become more secure with our inner knowing. We make better choices. Sometimes I think the journey would be easier if we had a map to guide us. Who Are The Underminers? How many of you had the experience growing up of being told in various ways to limit yourselves from being all you can be? The movie "The Incredibles" is a wonderful metaphor for this. In this movie, the superheroes ? the people with extraordinary powers ? are restricted from using their powers. Confidence Building Steps That Work Like Crazy! Self-confidence is your assessment of your own self-worth. It plays a large part in determining your happiness through life. So how do you create confidence? Well here's a surprise - you take action! If you don't currently have much self-confidence, let's explore the options on how to cultivate this trait within your life. Your Support Network Quick. Who's in your support network? Huh? What's a support network? Do I have a support network? Honey, who's in my support network? The Power Of A Dream - Success Always Start Off With A Dream Back in the good old days of school, the teachers would often catch us for daydreaming in class and not paying attention. "Stop dreaming! Dreaming will get you nowhere," yelled the teacher. Is it really so? Does 'dreaming' really get you nowhere in life? The answer is 'Yes'...and 'No'. If you dream and you took massive action to achieve your dream, your dream could very well come true for you. However, if you dream and take no action, it remains just a powerless dream. Psychic Sponge Syndrome: The Easy Inner-Centrifuge Remedy Here's a nifty trick to use to clear yourself of any psychic "stuff" you may pick up as you move through the world. I learned the basic format for it from a woman who had the booth space adjacent to mine at a tradeshow. Being someone who had not yet mastered the art of being open-hearted without sponging up the energy of others, I was walking around like a zombie on day two of the show, after having been immersed in the circus of conflicting energies the day before . My booth neighbor asked me what was going on with me, as I was obviously not as radiant as I had been on day one. When I explained that I had soaked up too much chaotic energy and didn't know how to rid myself of it, she said, "Oh. You just need to spin it off." And I said, "Cool! HOW?!" Turning 40 Most of us, at one point or another, take a moment to evaluate our lives and the paths that we have chosen to take. We each do it at different times and with different emphasis. Sometimes people do it around high school or college graduation time, when deciding what career to pursue, how we want to be regarded by society, friends, and family or how to transition ourselves from a student to a grown up. Product Testing Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 24, 2002 The TOP 5 Things That Keep You From Success Everyone wants to be rich. A lot of people want to be successful. Yet, only a few people are willing to pay the price. There is a price to success as there is a price to failure. Here are 5 reasons that keep people from accomplishing their dreams. Directions For Life Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. Memorize your favorite poem. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want. When you say, "I love you", mean it. When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye. Believe in love at first sight. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely. In arguments, fight fair. Talk slow but think quick. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. Call your mom. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze. Don't let a little disagreement ruin a great friendship. When you realize you've made a mistake, act immediately to fix it. Marry someone you love to talk to. As you grow old together, your ability to communicate will be more important than their physical attributes. Spend some time alone. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. Read more books and watch less TV. Try your best to create a loving atmosphere in your home - this is a vital factor that will contribute significantly to your children's happiness and your family's harmony. In disagreements with loved ones, deal with the current situation. Don't bring up the past. Read between the lines. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality. Be gentle with the earth...and yourself. Pray. There's immeasurable power in it. Don't trust someone who doesn't close their eyes when you kiss them. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before. If you make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while you are living. That is wealth's greatest satisfaction. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it. Do not forget that your character is your destiny. Have You Voted Today Huh? You're probably wondering when this article was written, and probably thinking that this article is about a recent election. Well, it is and, it isn't. The 5 Fortunes Within What could be nearer to us than our own selves. What could be a greater fortune to discover than our own love. When you can accept yourself just as you are, with all your warts and wrinkles, with all those extra tucks of fat, with all those scars and blemishes, with all your broken promises and misadventures, then, and only then, can you begin to appreciate your own power, beauty, integrity, intelligence, and competence. Have You Lost Focus? Matthew 5:14-16 Trusting Yourself and Others How come, as women, we always second-guess ourselves? Are we not confident to choose a mate that has the characteristics of what we yearn for or start and operate a business that we have a passion for? Who can you trust? Michael Vick is Average Michael Vick can do wonders on a football field, but don't think of him as an anomaly. He is just like you and me. Average. What is Your Recovery Rate? What is your recovery rate? How long does it take you to recover from actions and behaviours that upset you? Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? How long? The longer it takes you to recover the more influence that incident has on your actions, the less able you are to perform to your personal best. In a nutshell the longer it takes you to recover the weaker you are and the poorer your performance. ![]() |
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