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Are You Taking Responsibility?
It is time to take responsibility for our actions and the results we create in our lives. It's time to stop expecting someone else to do for us what we are unwilling to do for ourselves. It's time to remember that no one is doing it to us and no one is going to do it for us. We have the right and the responsibility to powerfully, positively choose what we desire for our lives, and to create our life we must also take the appropriate actions in our world. I was leading a workshop where people voiced a string of "I can'ts" and one woman said she "wants to be out of debt." There are no "can'ts". Either you choose to or you don't choose to. There is no "trying". Either you do it or you don't. Remember that your mind does not have a sense of humor, does not know true from false, and does not know fact from fantasy. All your mind knows is what you feed it. Your mind also has a strange way of eliminating certain words so that if you say "I want to be out of debt" your mind hears the shortened version of "want debt". If you say you don't want to be afraid, your mind hears "be afraid". When we say "I don't want to forget", we tend to forget. It's best to say "I am remembering". Focus on the positives of what you choose for your life so there is only certainty. I have had several powerful reminders of this recently when I needed to take responsibility for my own actions. In one case, I set aside a savings jar for "credit card debt". The money I put in became like a magnet and do you know what happened? Yep! My credit card bills were growing each and every month. Now, the truth is that I pay my credit cards in full every month, but I got rid of the jar so that I could create prosperity for more joyous events in my life. In another case, I had a conversation with the director of an organization I'd joined. I'd paid for the membership on-line but she couldn't find the records. I specifically told her "I don't want to be charged twice for this." Do you want to guess what happened? Right again. I was charged twice. Here are some tips to improve your communication for creating: 1. Avoid using negatives. Take responsibility for your life by making powerful, positive statements of what you choose to experience. Remember that your mind does not have a sense of humor and will take whatever you tell it literally. 2. Be clear, specific, and detailed about what you choose for your life. Invest the time and effort to focus your thoughts so you can get more of what you desire and deserve. If what you get doesn't meet your needs, become even more clear and specific in your choosing. Be grateful for what you receive, and yet refine and define your choices more powerfully. Conscious creation is your right and your responsibility. You CAN have what you choose. 3. Let go of any old stories you've been telling yourself and others about the past. It's the past. It's gone. You can't go back and redo it, but in the re-telling and re-living you re-create more of the same by keeping the past alive. Live responsibly by responding, rather than reacting, to life. Learn the lessons you need so you can let go and grow into your powerful, prosperous future. Instead, vision what you DO choose so that you can feel the excitement of everything you know is coming your way. 4. Be conscious. Be aware. Be awake. Not only of others, but of yourself and what you think, say, and do as a co-creator in your life. Be responsible. If something happens that you hadn't expected, take time to figure out what you did to create it so you can do better in the future. No blame. No shame. Only gain. Last, but not least, take time to have fun, laugh, and play. Those are the truly exquisite moments in life. Debbie Friedman, M.S., C.Ht., is the Manifesting Maven who helps people consciously create the life they love to live. She is the creator of the popular Cleaning Out the Closet of Your Mind for Wealth series. http://www.CleaningOutTheCloset.com
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