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Save the Planet with Your Joy!
Your own level of frequency raises or lowers the overall frequency of humanity, and because being at higher frequency equals the experience of joy, it is literally true that in order to raise up the world and deliver it from suffering, it is imperative that you are joyful! And most people think saving the world requires sacrifice and suffering! In fact, the very opposite is true. Indeed, the most magnanimous-and effective-thing you can possibly do for the planet and its inhabitants is to raise your frequency up out of pain and struggle to that of peace, joy, and ease so that the collective joy-level increases, thus lifting all out of pain and struggle. What a grand plan! We are personally rewarded beyond measure for doing what needs to be done. It is built into the Creator's Design. Now, joy may be the last thing you spontaneously experience when you learn of some of the perverse things that are going on here on Planet Earth, and of the distressing things that are happening in the lives of people you know and care personally for, but please understand I'm not suggesting you are to be joyful about the inharmonious things you see in the world; I'm saying we need to be joyful despite them. While this may sound cold and unfeeling, it is truly anything but. When we go to the joy space, we lift our own frequency, and thus, the collective frequency, up. When we allow the horrors and sad events we observe in this world to polarize us to turmoil, fear and sorrow, our frequency is lowered, and thus the frequency of the Whole is lowered. Allowing the inharmonious things you see occurring in the world to take you out of the joy-space-or further from it-contributes to the lower-frequency energy that created it and sustains it. The effective response to any undesirable condition is, first and foremost, to radiate Love-the Love that comes only through correct alignment with your Spirit. This not only raises your frequency and the collective frequency, it puts you in position to receive instruction from your Spirit as to what you need to do to further lift up and change the situation in a tangible, physical way. Until you are more consistently dwelling at a higher frequency, it can be a challenge to go from an awareness of what is going on in the misaligned world-especially if it is something that is touching you or someone you care about-straight up in frequency to the joy space, but it is possible to at least feel peace-the peace of alignment with your Spirit-despite any circumstance. Simply release it to your Spirit to lift it up. Instead of adding to the disharmony by investing passion in it, bring yourself into proper alignment so that you can raise the frequency level of all. In time, you will learn to hold steady in your joy and the turmoil in the world of duality will no longer drag you down. Being joyful truly is the most powerful way to help to heal the planet! Excerpted from Recreating Eden ©2005 Julia Rogers Hamrick Julia Rogers Hamrick has been a spiritual-growth facilitator for over two decades, and is the author of Recreating Eden: The Exquisitely Simple, Divinely Ordained Plan for Transforming Your Life and Your Planet. Julia writes about and leads seminars on proactive joy, and the relationship between frequency and experience. For more information on Julia and on recreating Eden, visit http://www.recreating-eden.com To read about Julia's own dance with Spirit, ego, and frequency, read Julia's blog, accessible from her website.
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Life is Art In my years teaching people to be successful, I have seen that basically people break their lives down in to two major parts: Wealth-building and the rest of their lives. Having done a lot of reflection on these two topics - wealth and life - I am coming to some new conclusions about how to perceive the two. Money or Faith? I've been to 64-countries, and yes money comes in handy, and goes quickly (and is useful and has its influence), I've had a ton of it at one time or another and an ounce of faith, and I'll take faith any day-why? I'll explain. Anybody who has been in a combated zone, under fire will tell you: '?keep the money, I need faith right now.' In a like manner, when I was in the hospital, had a stroke that paralyzed me, a heart attack also, and bypass surgery, they said I was a Fruitcake. But three days later I got out of bed, and when I did, for three weeks they called me "The miracle of the ward." Even the atheist doctors were spellbound. Money walked away, as faith took over. From the Hint of a Rainbow to... The grey sky of morning contained an ominous quality. The clouds were so thick they were almost tangible. Then I saw it. Faintly sandwiched between the clouds was the hint of a rainbow. Barely visible were the bands of color, with a straining, subtle expectancy as the dim colors arched upward. It was the beginnings of a rainbow. The hint of a possibility of something beautiful, magical and rare. Who is the Pilot? It was a mild summer day in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina when I boarded United Airline flight 7318 to Washington, DC. Like usual, I promptly located my window seat, with no doubts that the pilots would safely take me to my destination. Suddenly, as I sat gazing out of the window waiting for take-off, certain questions unfolded in my mind. I wondered, "Who are these pilots that I wholeheartedly entrust with my life?" I wondered about my surety of knowing that they would, or could take me to my destination. I also pondered on "Why it is that I -- or we as individuals, trustingly and unwaveringly allow others to continuously pilot our lives without questions or reservations?" We permit others to pilot our lives while we unquestionably find our seat near the window - just watching - watching our lives quickly pass by. We lack faith in ourselves, because too often, we allow others such as bosses, friends, family and even enemies, to navigate our lives. We allow others to pilot our lives because of their negative words. We allow others to pilot our lives because they claim to know what is best for us. We live on autopilot without a clue as to where we are headed, or how we will get there. We must declare that we will no longer allow other people to take control of our lives - or of our future. No matter how cloudy things look, no matter how dark our past is, we must remember that God is in control. Allow God to be your pilot -- as you co-pilot your own life into a prosperous and promising future. Declare today: I will no longer sit back and allow other people to control my life into an uncertain and discontented future. The past is behind me -- and only the best is yet to come! Copyright 2003 by Audrina Jones Bunton. REPRINTING THIS ARTICLE: Permission is granted to reproduce or distribute this article only in its entirety and provided copyright is acknowledged. You can find other articles to choose from at http://www.purposefully-living.com/mailing%20list.htmMotivational Speaker, Audrina Jones Bunton was born the seventh of eight children in her household in Pinehurst, North Carolina into a loving and committed Christian home. As she has 2 children, over 40 nieces and nephews and great- nieces and nephews, it is not unusual to find her under the same roof with many of her maternal five-generation family on weekends and on holidays. In her youth, she fondly recalls traveling throughout the U.S. with her family, as her parents ministered from state to state year after year-helping people as they traveled. Hope For Those Sexually Abused As Children PART 1: Warning - This article may be inappropriate for younger readers. Please seek the permission of a parent or guardian before reading further. Are We Ever Really Alone? A new twist on a familiar quote - Chances are you've heard the term "If it's to be, it's up to me!" I happen to like this quote, the only thing about it is the more life experiences I pick up the more I tend to realize that it's actually only true to a degree. Play a BIGGER role in life! Did you ever think that you are not playing the role which you should play in your life? ![]() |
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