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Who Is Dr Robert Anthony and Why Is He One of My Mentors and Heroes?
So who is Dr Robert Anthony? He is the best-selling author of the books 'Doing What You Love - Loving What You Do', 'Advanced Formula For Total Success', 'How To Make The Impossible Possible', 'Total Self-Confidence', 'Betting On Yourself', 'Magic Power Of Super Persuasion', '50 Ideas That Can Change Your Life', 'Random Wisdom' and the audio program 'Rapid Manifestation'. These are all included in his latest multi-media course 'Know How To Be Rich'. Up until a few months ago I had never heard of him but I am grateful I discovered his works through a friend's recommendation. Although I had achieved some success with other experts help, I kept sabotaging myself by trying to help others before I was ready. The friends and family I offered advice to either looked at me as if I was strange and changed the subject or muttered "You're weird!" and walked away! Now, thanks to Dr Anthony, I have scientific proof (from quantum physics!) that I am on the right path. For me it was the missing piece of the jigsaw and the turning point which prompted to share the collective wisdom of my heroes and mentors with the world via my site www.4-inspirational- quotes.com Other points covered by Robert include: The Law Of Attraction The Law Of Cause And Effect Flip Switching The Power Of Now Consciousness Your Power To Choose The Value Of Certainty Discovering Your Purpose The Law Of Vibration Manifestation How may light bulbs went off in my head? 5/5 For quotes, articles, special reports and e-courses by Dr Robert Anthony please visit http://www.4-inspirational-quotes.com/dr-robert-anthony.html
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Lock In Your Legacy You, my friend, are going to die. Justice Delayed Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 22, 2003 Being An Adult I have always thought that grandparents were the icons of wisdom, the "go to" person with he answers, the epitome of patience. Energy Work Basics Part 3: The Power of High Intention At SPIRIT Connections, we believe that the most powerful tool we have when working with energy is our ability to set a high intention. We add the word "high" to intention since we are interested in intentions with a high vibration. Conspiracy of Silence Direct Answers - Column for the week of January 12, 2004 The Great Challenge of Life Here's the great challenge of life - You can have more than you've got because you can become more than you are. Heavy Weather Guide Direct Answers - Column for the week of April 26, 2004 Whats Your Reason For Waiting? The fever had been high late into the night, but at 2:30 A.M., it broke. The little girl's mother breathed out in relief. She'll be O.K. in the morning, she thought. A Word Fitly Spoken ~ Acceptance A WORD FITLY SPOKEN Where Has All the ENCHANTMENT Gone? Long Time Passing I thought you might enjoy reading a professional article I prepared several years ago. It is just as current today and really speaks to a tragedy in our health care system that we must all try to combat. I am trying to explain some of the problems of managed care which penetrate much more deeply than out pocketbooks. These problems penetrate our minds, bodies and spirits! I am eager to hear from you, as always. The HUGE Deposit of Diamond in You Something happened to me some years back that is worthy is sharing with everybody all over the world. When I started running my business, things were very tough for me to the point that I could hardly afford to have a dime on me. One of those days, I was at home and very hungry with no hope of seeing anything to munch. I tried to force myself to sleep, but I could only succeed for just thirty minutes! I was so hungry that I just couldn't have time for my favorite past time, reading. Quitting Before It Even Starts Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touch down. --Ross Perot Life is a Mystery...or is it? Being the last of three daughters, I was a suprise to my parents who were being very cautious about not having any more children. At the age of 30 my mother found out she was expecting her third child, and not very happy about it at that. All my life growing up I was constantly reminded how I was not planned for and consequently not really wanted. But thank goodness I was a good baby and actually turned out to be the best thing that ever came along. But, having this thought in the back of my head, it kind of formed the way I grew up. I actually believed that I was a "mistake" and therefore should not have been born in the first place. Where do misfits fit in? I know that my mother did not mean to instill these thoughts in me but they did have a major role in my self confidence. Personal Philosophy is Like The Set of The Sail We have all experienced the blowing winds of disappointment, despair and heartbreak. Why, then, would each of us, in our own individual ship of life, all beginning at the same point, with the same intended destination in mind, arrive at such different places at the end of the journey? Have we not all been blown by the winds of circumstances and buffeted by the turbulent storms of discontent? Moneys Sad Lack of Intrinsic Value A good number of my columns deal with finances and money-related issues. Obviously, these are issues we have to confront everyday. However, I have to try to keep in mind the fact that money has only a limited value in our lives. Many of us, including myself, often lost sight of the fact that money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. It has no intrinsic value. It is only worth the benefit or enjoyment that a person can get from it. If someone is unable to glean any benefit or enjoyment from the things it can buy, then it is worthless to that person. We all know (or at least we should know) that money can't buy happiness, but I'd like to go a few steps further in demonstrating how money lacks intrinsic value. Why You Are Special and Why Does It Matter Why 'you are special'? Mirror, Mirror -- What Do I See? "A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror."-Ken Keys Supercharge Your Dreams! We all accept the fact that the lighter the backpack, the easier and quicker the climb to the top of the mountain. We all understand that the lighter the load on an airplane, the higher and faster it can fly. We pay extra for high octane fuel so our car will operate more efficiently. Then why don't we apply the same wisdom to our bodies and our dreams? A Teller Of Tales Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 10, 2002 World Kindness Day Once upon a time, in ancient India, a beggar favored a certain foot of land in a village square. He wanted to be rich, but he only knew dire poverty. One day he died on the spot where he had been begging for decades. The villagers decided to bury him on the spot where he had spent decades begging. They marveled when they found that only a few feet beneath the surface lay a treasure chest from an ancient kingdom. ![]() |
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