5 Simple Tips On Using Your Senses

1. Breakfast in Bed.

Imagine a lavish breakfast arrives brimming over with sweet cream pancakes, an assortment of berries and raspberry syrup, complete with a steaming mug of latte and a tender handwritten note of gratitude. You can already taste it. For sure, 'It is an elegant breed of person who treats breakfast in bed as a lifestyle.' says, Mr. Breakfast, in his defintive guide to enjoying breakfast. www.mrbreakfast.com

2. Give Your Face a Break.

When you smile it says that you are friendly. And smiling uses about 16 muscles, while frowning about 40. Yoga facials @ www.yogasite.com provides easy to do massage techniques to improve circulation while diminishing stress as well as helping you to look & feel more relaxed.

3. Ode to Joy.

Classical music is calming and good for the brain. Beethoven broke all the rules as his greatest outpouring of compositions occurred when he began experiencing deafness. Beethoven's Symphony #9 -ODE TO JOY- has a plush sound and his intrepid story is sure to rouse your senses.

4. Smell 101.

Roses smell better than cabbage and bread is even better. Studies at Duke University have shown that 'pleasant odors significantly improve tension, depression, and confusion.' For an intoxicating berry scent try, VOTIVOS Red Currant candle. Snnfff...It's sensational!

5. Color me Red.

Peggy Ashcroft an Empowerment Workshop Leader suggests that color can be used 'to create wellness and contentment , to incite passion or anger, to express frivolity and seriousness.' Good or bad the color red is impressive. And a single red rose is always worth praising.

Janice Hoffmann is Ceo and founder of Success Is Sweetest http://www.successissweetest.com A NYC based Lifestlye Coaching Boutique.

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