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Playing with Matches
Matches are all about power; a new world opens up when you strike a match and see it burst into flames. Most all children go through a period of fascination with matches. I did, my children did, as did most of the kids in the neighbourhood. The taboo of playing with matches has been spoken of and written about countless times in our history. I moved from matches to batteries, electricity, and gun powder. My friends and I even managed to secure some blasting caps and played with them. We didn't find dynamite, so we tried to create it with limited success. We experimented with gasoline and fire. As youngsters, adolescents and teens we were fascinated with the power and energy of these things and are ability to control them. One of the blessings of being ignorant is that you don't have to deal with the consequences of your actions until it blows up in your face. This is why we try to protect our children from themselves and the consequences of their actions. Children love power and are not afraid of it until they understand the consequences, and even then it sometimes drives them further to test their limits. Every generation of humanity is another physical year in his maturity, yet man has moved very slowly in his evolution. Mankind has been on this earth for thousands of years and until about 100 years ago he was still riding on horse and buggy and using primitive tools. When witnessing the diversity in evolution of the people that now exist on our planet, we can observe that we have not been able to positively deal with the awesome physical powers and energies that are available to us. Those that have moved from horse and buggy to space, show the same signs of immaturity when dealing with power and energy. Although humbled by energy, they seek to control it. I grew up with the story of humans that have evolved from apes to the time of the discovery of fire. Having experimented with fire the ape got burned and turned away from it in fear, never to evolve any further. Why do some of the earths inhabitants evolve faster than others? I live in an affluent part of Canada in North America that has a very generous immigration policy. The country is diversified with all cultures. I can witness many of these peoples struggling with the new technologies; they seem to be out of place and time. Many of them feel compelled to embrace the technology but are either fearful of the power of it or do not feel or understand the need for it. Our older generations have been left behind and many have given up or struggle to keep pace with it. Humanity works backwards in trying to harness energy or control it. He works from the outside in. He tries to contain massive amounts of energy and use it to demonstrate his power. It is observable that there is a need for the powerless to control power or energy. This is a sign of immaturity and should carry a warning not to play with matches. Humanity moved away from his/her real power centuries ago. At one time he was able to manifest on demand all that he desired for his immediate needs. The normal progression of the evolutionary cycle is to move away from your source of energy in bursts and then return to it over time. From the protection of the womb to death and rebirth humanity spends little time understanding and developing the power that he already possesses. Mankind already has within him/herself the ability to control energy with his thoughts. In the minds of men, power is not power unless it is demonstrated in a massive display. The real power however is in the knowing that you have the ability to use it and control it without the need to display it. This is the kind of power that man fears the most. Man fears most his own inner powers of psychic abilities, because he has reserved that power for his Gods. Power is in the control of the energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed; it is controlled and transferred. That ability comes from thought, from a source of intelligence (mind). Within humanity each individual has at his/her command all the energy in the universe. Man does not have to strike a match to keep warm; all he has to do is think warm. Man does not have to kill or gather food to survive; his hunger can be satisfied with only a thought. This is the true power of humanity and is where he needs to spend energy developing. The source to real power is in all of us. We as individuals are the switch that moves energy and transforms. We gave up this knowledge millennia ago for a measure of security. We deemed ourselves unworthy to use it, and gave it away to those that would promise to use it wisely. History has demonstrated that it has not worked for us. We gave away our power from free choice and we still have the ability to take it back simply from a will to do so. People that play with power in immaturity destroy themselves. Power coupled with awareness of self as the source cannot destroy itself. Begin now to move your thoughts inward and know yourself intimately as the source of power. Use this knowledge in maturity to create all that you desire and nothing more. Create your life and the circumstance of it as you desire. Know that you are in this world to experience your power physically. Never be afraid of it, but use it within your own ability to control it for your good purposes. The ONLY THING, the ONLY THING that will get in your way is your own thought that it is not possible. I can now hear you thinking, "Wow if only this was true." If you are having thoughts like this, then you have an awareness, a knowingness of how little energy you get to control. It is your thoughts that open the doors to this absolute energy. If you think little you get little. If you think or expect a lot and are willing to settle for less, that is exactly what you get. You and you alone are controlling what you get. You are demonstrating lack of power because you believe you do not have it. You are in control of little power. And every time you fail, your beliefs will be reinforced until you can clear you mind of such thoughts. Playing with matches may be fun, but the real power to light up universes comes from within. Roy E. Klienwachter is an ordained minister, light worker, writer and author of Spiritual New Age Wisdom books, written in simple language with the eloguence of Zen wisdom. http://www.klienwachter.com
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The sky devoid of a single cloud seems as empty as I feel and the beach looks like an arid desert, molded by tireless wind and blazing heat. I picture myself atop an Arabian camel, parched with thirst, crossing an unforgiving series of never-ending dunes, up one and down the next, no rhyme nor reason, only the nose of the animal in front of me. Lessons about Life in an Unexpected Place Did you ever receive a gift in an unexpected place? Quotable Quotes Are Nothing More Than Flowery Words Quotable quotes are nothing more than flowery words... And anyone given enough time and cognitive power anyone can put one together. Yes, they may strike a chord or make you feel good, but their true value resides in what they encourage and excite you to put into action. Ideas not followed by action have very little power. Here is one for you: "Only that which is eternal has any true value." Now you think about that quote and in some circles it might be considered pretty quotable. So does this mean that if this online message lasts for eternity that it has true value? Actually the author is attempting to convey something more profound (I happen to know him pretty well). The only thing which is eternal (quotable or non-quotable) is that which lies within you -- your spiritual core. This is your true identity and therefore anything that cannot stand the test of infinity is but a passing fancy. What does this have to do with quotable quotes? Well a lot..hang with me. If you are focusing on the infinite then you must take the action necessary to strengthen and escalate the Power of the Infinite within yourself. The next logical question may be, "Well how do increase this power within?" All great teachers, sages and saints since time immemorial have told us in one-way-shape-or-fashion that the power to win in your life comes quite simply from two things. You must constantly: Study, understand, and immerse yourself in that which brings you power. Avoid all that weakens you. Unfortunately, you live in a world that will inundate you with that which weakens. Increasing your Infinite Self then becomes a matter of critical action; and here is where we tie this conversation into quotable quotes. The fact that you are alive in this century guarantees that you are highly exposed to negative input from the media, friends, school systems, family members and various other energy vampires. Now while you may not find all of above factors as negative in your life, we can be pretty well assured that unless you avoid television, newspapers and magazines all together (something you might strongly consider), you have at minimum some negative energy to contend with. If you are barraged by negative media input on a daily basis you must actively seek input to the contrary just to stay at equilibrium.. much less get ahead of the energy game. Enter quotable quotes. The infamous quotable quotes could indeed be a part of your action plan to offset negative input from other sources. Ultimately you will become that which you think about all day long, for thoughts breed action and actions breed results. Read the quotes as well as other pieces of inspiration and power; and then most importantly...act boldly in accordance with this line of thinking and pull yourself from the quagmire of collective limitation. You were born into greatness but have been conditioned into mediocrity -- and you can quote me on that one. Garbage In Its Place There is nothing worse than seeing garbage blowing down the street of your neighborhood, or finding broken shards of glass at the local swimming hole where children play. Wildlife is just as vulnerable to garbage and many have lost their lives after becoming tangled in waste or mistaking garbage for food. It is up to each of us to make an effort to minimize this unsightly, and sometimes hazardous, problem. 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