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Make Life Work: Repair the Relationship with Yourself
What areas of your life are working well? Career? Finances? Relationships? Health? When life works you enjoy fulfillment, happiness, and a sense of well being. "I know how to do this thing called life, and I'm doing it well." Areas that do not work create stress, fear, and anxiety. We loose sleep. Self-talk quickly degenerates into, "I'm a loser. I can't do anything right. Nothing will ever change." How can you rebuild inside and have life humming again? Five Tips for Inner Repair 1.Pick one challenging area How do you feel about yourself? What is your inner self-talk in this area? Are you judging yourself, someone else, the world? What do you fear others are saying about you? 2.Let go Observe your thoughts and feelings. Adopt the position of neutrality. Pretend you are scientist watching a specimen under a microscope. Approach your behavior, thoughts and feelings as "Oh, that's interesting."Do not assign meaning. 3.Stop taking life personally Take a nice deep breath and repeat, "This is not about me.I don't need to control this." Entertain the thought that everything is FOR you, not against you. 4.Accept your feelings Make them OK. Feelings are energy, not enemies. Stop judging your feelings and allow them to be. 5.Make different choices Is there a different choice I could make in this situation? What outer step supports that new behavior? Adjust your inner lens slightly and you have a different view that creates lasting change. Practice new choices with patience and soon your career, marriage, finances and health will work for you and life will be rich in abundance and loving. Rebecca Skeele, Author, Life Coach, Professional Speaker travels throughout the country presenting her unique approach to cocreating heaven on earth. She holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and Spiritual Science and has been working with individuals since 1990. Rebecca's book, You Can Make It Heaven: How to Enrich Your Life with Abundance and Loving is a cocreator's manual for envisioning and living a personal heaven. Her new course, Becoming a Spiritual Scientist: A Course for Cocreators shows how to give up our story-based reality and begin living intentionally. Visit http://www.makeitheaven.com to learn more about Rebecca, her work and her professional talks and workshops.
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Afraid of The Light? Plato once said, "It is easy to forgive a small child afraid of the dark, but not a full-grown man afraid of the light." Since long before Plato light has symbolized truth--facing the reality of our situation in relation to God, to others, and to self. Create Resistance or Creative Acceptance Resistance is not a new word, but for many of us awareness of resistance is new. In Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, resistance is defined: "to withstand, to strive against, to exert force in opposition, to counteract, defeat or frustrate." Attaining Financial Freedom Financial freedom is not about having enough money to spend to your heart's delight, without seeing red. It is freedom from the control of money; freedom from being a slave to money. Never Jump to Conclusions Human mind which is well known as a fluctuating prodigy presumes itself to be a great judge. It is so natural for the mind to judge anything that appears to it especially so in the case of other human beings. It doesn't give little time to itself to start thinking about any person. It jumps to conclusions in no time. Is such thinking called proactive intelligence or lack of wisdom? Rocking The Boat I work in a factory, and we have supervisors who play favorites. They have about six girls who can do no wrong, and they have easier jobs than the rest of us. These girls go out after work to bars, and that is why they are in with the supervisors. Once in a Lifetime A subscriber recently wrote to me and asked me to consider this common phrase ? Once in a lifetime. Essential Ingredient Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 15, 2003 Top Ten Ways to Retire Retirement 1. Retire the word "retirement" from your vocabulary. Look it up: it means to "withdraw" or "retreat." Words can shape reality, and it's time for this one to go. Doesn't "renaissance" or "graduation" better describe your post-career life? Just Say, I Love You to Those Who are... Life is beautiful and lovable with the type of people we have around us. We talk about unconditional love, what is that? The way we love GOD?is unconditional love. Loving a person without expecting anything in return. But in today's world, how many people understand this. Probably none. We hurt people, who care for us. We ignore their love. Every morning and every evening this person walks into our life and tells, "I LOVE YOU", "I LOVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU ARE AND AS YOU ARE". We never responds back and then one day he moves out of our life. Principles That Govern My Life The strength and durability of a building is found in its foundation. The same is true in a life. What we accomplish and the effect we have on those around us is not only in what we do, but also in who we are. In fact, what we do is driven by who we are, what we believe and value and by the principles that we live by. Dream Lover Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 1, 2003 What in the World are You Doing? Here is the typical life ? typical, though not everybody does it this way. But for the most part, lives generally go something like this: Change Those of you, who can fathom yourselves welcoming and enjoying a big, major change in your life right now, raise your hands! When I say, change, it might be a good change and it might be a bad change. Either way, we all don't know what that change is going to be like, what aspect of our lives is going to change and we might not even be happy with it. Nine Lives Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 2, 2002 To Raise Your Frequency, Just Turn on the Joy! The feeling response to being filled up with Love from your Spirit is joy. Higher frequency energy-Love-activates a joy response in your emotional body. I like to say that joy is a frequency-but it is more accurate to say that joy is your emotional response to higher frequency. When you are at a certain frequency, feeling the Love from Spirit moving through you to Spirit, the natural feeling you have is joy. And here is something truly empowering to know: when you feel joy, you are at a higher frequency. The Inspiration Factor The first thing that an aspiring leader must realize is that they must be inspiring! That is, they must be capable of, and willing to inspire people on to greater things than if the leader were not in their lives. Begin With the End In Mind - Tips to Make Your Life More Meaningful What would you change if you knew you would be dead in 1 day? Would you spend more time at work, pouring over budget figures, and trying to figure out how you were going to make this quarter's numbers? Would you read just 1 more e-mail from a complaining co-worker? Would you check your voicemail one last time? What would your obituary say about your life? For Inspiration Watch a Kite Fly Against the Wind Given a steady wind and a properly balanced kite, the kite will soar to great heights. But if the nose of the kite is pointed downward, the same wind will send it crashing into the ground. What an Artist Experiences When Working With the Angels I am an Angel artist on a passionate spiritual journey and I would like to share my story of what it is like to work with the Angels. It is a unique experience and very real. And How Do We Feel This Morning? Without question, going to the hospital is teamwork from the time you arrive until you are wheeled out the front door. Everyone is working together for the common good of the patient, or at least a crack at his bank account. That is as it should be in such mercenary endeavors. ![]() |
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