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Long-Term Care Insurance: Eldercare Solution
When I suddenly had to become a fulltime caregiver to my elderly parents, both with health problems and starting to develop dementia (namely Alzheimer's), I had never even heard of Long-Term Care Insurance. After we burned through their life savings, and then started chipping away at mine, I was advised to apply for financial assistance for them through the government's Medicaid system--a program for those at the poverty level. It was quite a long process with mounds of paperwork and numerous investigations, but finally my parents were approved. I was so happy that monetary help would finally be on the way, until I discovered that the financial assistance would only pay to put my parents in a nursing home, not even in Assisted Living, and with very little help to keep them in their own home. Since their levels of care were so different (my mother needed most things done for her), there weren't any facilities that would allow them to be together. They'd be across the street from each other in different wings of the home. After fifty-five years of marriage, my parents were adamant about wanting to be together in their own home, in their own bed, where they could continue to cuddle and kiss--as they so frequently did. And, since my father was so "difficult" with a terrible temper and quite a long record of manipulative disruptive behaviors, the homes didn't want to deal with him anyway. It was challenging, but I committed to keeping my parents in their own home and attending Adult Day Health Care five days a week. Then, with the help of two marvelous caregivers, after four more years of loving each other--they passed, just a few months apart. Even though caring for every aspect of my parents' last years was the hardest thing I have ever done--I am proud to say I gave them the best end-of-life I possibly could. Had I only known to insist that we buy Long-Term Care Insurance for them prior to their illnesses--their years of in-home care could have been paid for, and I could have saved myself so much heartache, not to mention a small fortune. I encourage you to learn from my mistake and look into LTC insurance long before you need it-for your loved ones as well as yourself. Like fire insurance, hopefully, you'll never have to use it. Also, call your local Area Agency on Aging, or Department of Aging, and ask if there are any financial programs, waivers or grants available in your area that you can apply for. STARTLING STATISTICS · An estimated 4.5 to 5 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. In a Gallup poll, 1 in 10 Americans said that they had a family member with Alzheimer's, and 1 in 3 knew someone with the disease. · Increasing age is the greatest risk factor for Alzheimer's. One in 10 individuals over 65 and nearly half over 85 are affected. Rare, inherited forms of Alzheimer's can even strike individuals in their 30's and 40's. · A person with Alzheimer's disease will live an average of eight years and as many as 20 years or more from the first onset of symptoms. · More than 7 out of 10 people with Alzheimer's disease live at home, where family and friends provide 80 percent of their care. The estimated value of this informal care is $257 billion annually. · One half of the U.S. population has a chronic condition. More than one quarter (26.6%) of the adult population provide care for a chronically ill, disabled or aged family member or friend, which translates to more than 50 million people. · 37% of caregivers are living in the same household as the person they care for. 54% are between 35 and 64 years of age. 59% of the adult population either is or expects to be a family caregiver, and 2 million more caregivers will be needed in the next twenty years. · An estimated 43% of Americans age 65 or older will spend time in a nursing home. By 2012, 75% of Americans over age 65 will require long-term care. Long-term care costs are rising at 6% annually. · The annual cost of Alzheimer's care in the U.S. is at least $100 billion, and will soar to at least $375 billion by mid-century, overwhelming our health care system and bankrupting Medicare and Medicaid. · Alzheimer's disease costs American business $61 billion a year, which is equivalent to the net profits of the top 10 Fortune 500 companies. $24.6 billion covers Alzheimer health care, and $36.5 billion covers costs related to caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's, including lost productivity, absenteeism and worker replacement. THREE WAYS TO PAY FOR LONG-TERM CARE 1. Pay for in-home caregivers and assisted living/nursing homes out of pocket. This is expensive and can often deplete a family's life savings. 2. Meet a very specific poverty level and qualify for government assistance through the Medicaid program. Unfortunately, options are limited, only paying for nursing homes that accept Medicaid. 3. Buy a Comprehensive Long-Term Care Insurance policy. This protects your family's assets from the rising costs of caring for someone who needs full time care. An employer might pay the tax-deductible premiums. Consider buying it at a younger age, when more affordable and accessible. It must be bought before a major illness strikes. Medicare and regular health insurance does not pay for long-term care. The average cost for a person who needs long-term care is $40-$70,000 annually, depending on where you live, plus the cost to the family caregiver who may have to leave their job. QUESTIONS TO ASK YOUR INSURANCE AGENT --Is the coverage comprehensive, meaning it includes all levels of care: in the home, assisted living, board & care, and nursing/dementia facilities? --What is the daily benefit? --Is there 5% annually compounded inflation protection? --What is the elimination period? --Is it a lifetime benefit period or a limited time benefit policy? --Is there a spousal discount? --Can you hire caregivers privately as well as from an agency? --Is the home care benefit based on a daily, weekly or monthly maximum, and if the benefit is not used, can it be used in the future? --Does it cover home care coordination of services? --How many ADL's (Activities of Daily Living) does it take to trigger a claim? --Is there a time limit for filing a claim? --Does it cover the cost of Adult Day Care & Adult Day Health Care, hospice and respite programs? --Is it a tax-qualified plan? --Is the company highly rated and have they ever raised premiums? --Can you see the company's published annual audit to check their track record for paying claims? ### Jacqueline Marcell is a national speaker on eldercare and the author of, "Elder Rage", a Book-of-the-Month Club selection being considered for a feature film. Over fifty endorsements include: Hugh Downs, Regis Philbin and Dr. Dean Edell. Jacqueline also hosts a radio program heard worldwide on: http://www.wsradio.com/copingwithcaregiving . For more information: http://www.ElderRage.com Permission is granted to publish all/part of this article free of charge as long as: the author's byline is included, the links are live, and the author is notified: J.Marcell@cox.net or 949-975-1012.
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Sleep-At-Night Coverage With A Private Health Insurance ( Affordable Health Insurance ) Health Insurance: a sense of dissatisfaction Accident Factoids Accidents, personal injuries and insurance claims are here to stay. No matter how far into the 21st Century American's elect to drive (unless by the beginning of the 22nd Century we're all zipping around in our own personal space ship) motor vehicle accidents will continue to pile up; with no end in sight! Car Insurance Quotes Online ? Why You Should Use the Internet to Find a New Insurance Company Before the internet, you picked a neighborhood car insurance agent, and you stayed with the insurance company for years. Now car and truck drivers are finding reasons to shop online for their car insurance company. Saving hundreds off their premiums from the convenience of their home are just a couple of reasons. Mortgage Insurance Plans: How Good Is Yours? Mortgage insurance, to pay off a mortgage, is something you'll inevitably be asked to take out by the bank. Mortgage insurance is necessary so that if something happens to you or your spouse then your loan will be paid off which is good news for your family and the bank. Banks act as if doing you a favour by offering mortgage insurance through their own group plan. Are they? The Immorality of Guarantee Issue Health Insurance While there are genuine debates about whether privatized health insurance or nationalized health insurance policies make more sense, there can be little doubt that guarantee issue policies represent the most immoral type of hybrid between the two. The argument that everyone should be covered by health insurance is an argument for a nationalized health care policy. By contrast, believers in privatized health insurance argue that a private system yields more efficient pricing and cost controls in the health care field. But with guarantee issue health insurance policies, an immoral situation is created that undermines the benefits of a privatized system by poorly and immorally implementing some of the edicts of a nationalized system. How Do I Lower My Auto Insurance Rates? Since there are many factors that go into determining your auto insurance rates, there are many chances to lower your rates. If you change jobs and your drive to work changes or you stop working or you work from home, you should contact your insurance company. If you have a teen driver and they go to school over 100 miles away without a car then you should be able to get a discount. If you get married and are in your teens or twenties call your insurance company and see about combining your policies. Take defensive driving if your state allows it for a discount. See if increasing your comprehsive and collision deductibles will save you a lot of money. You need to compare what you're saving and how much more you will have to pay if you file a claim. For example, if you go from $500 to a $1000 deductible and it lowers your insurance $50 per 6 months then it saves you $100 a year. It will take you 5 years to break even from what you are saving compared to how much more you have to pay. Now, if it saves you $250 every six months then it would be more worth your while. See if combining your auto and home insurance polices will qualify for a multi policy discount with your current company. This could be a substantial discount. One of the biggest ways you could save $200-$500 or more a year is shopping around for insurance. The auto insurance industry is very competitive and this is great news for smart consumers like yourself. Shop for auto insurance quotes here and see how much you can save. Guide to Car Insurance Here is a useful guide to car insurance. Buying car or motor insurance is important as it is legally enforced in the UK . 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It is inevitable that some things get lost. In fact as stated in a recent research "Around 62,000 mobile phones were left in London taxis during the last six months. That's an average three phones per taxi, according to a survey of licensed London cabbies by the Taxi Newspaper and Pointsec Mobile Technologies. Absent minded and drunken travellers also forgot 4,000 laptops and 5,000 PDA's when exiting cabs". 10 Ways To Save On Car Insurance For most people car insurance is a the single largest insurance expense after health insurance. Rates are high and are forever climbing, at least it seems that way. You can save money on your car insurance premiums by following these easy to implement steps. Health Savings Accounts (HSA): Do I Still Submit My Bills to Insurance When Using HSA Money? The Health Savings Account (HSA) is becoming well-known as an incredible tool to reduce health insurance premuims and still provide good security for healthcare emergencies. 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They found that 52% were involved in accidents within five miles from there home and 69% were involved in accidents within ten miles from their home. Only 17% of those polled experienced accidents beyond twenty miles from his or her home (Strillacci, 2002). Life Settlement: Towards A Free Market for Life Insurance The Life Settlement market is all about providing due access to needed cash from existing life insurance. What Price For Your Health? How do you put a value good health? For many it is priceless. So how much are you prepared to pay to seek the best medical advice available? A Life Insurance Quote Became Reality Life insurance quote ![]() |
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