What is a Duvet Cover?

A Duvet Cover is actually just another name for a Bed Comforter Cover. It's like a very large pillow case, is is normally used to cover a down comforter. Using a duvet cover makes changing your bedroom decor quick and easy, and it's much easier to clean than a full comforter.

Duvet covers come in all sizes, however according to review in Good Housekeeping Magazine, sometimes sizes can vary as much as 10 inches. When buying duvet covers, it's a good idea to look at the size in inches, then compare that to the actual size of your comforter.

Buying a duvet cover is a quick and easy way to change the look of your bedroom decor. They make great focal and starting points when you're designing the room's look too. Since you can choose from a wide selection of both fabric styles, solid colors, or patterned prints, you can immediately change the entire look of your bedroom simply by changing your duvet cover.

Like sheets, when you buy a duvet cover you'll want to pay attention to the fabric type - or fiber composition. For instance: do you want a 100% cotton duvet cover, pure silk duvet cover, or a polyester cotton blend? The thread count is important too, usually the higher this is, the better quality duvet cover you have. And better quality generally means it will last longer, and look new longer too.

Cleaning your duvet cover is usually just as simple as cleaning sheets. You toss them in the washer and dryer as needed. Since the duvet cover resides on top of your bed, washing it each season tends to be frequently enough for most people.

Duvet covers can be easily made too, from a pair of bed sheets actually. If you find a set of sheets you really like, or you love your current sheets so much you'd like to show them off, buy another two top sheets in the same style, then simply sew them together. Leave one end open to slide your comforter into, and put buttons, a zipper, or pretty ribbon ties on that open end.

© 2005, Kathy Burns-Millyard. This article is provided courtesy of the Stylish Beds section of The Do It Yourself Home Decorating Network - Visit StylishBeds.com for beautiful decorative duvet covers, comforters and more!

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