Amish Furniture A Piece Of American Pride

Over the past several months I have been actively working with Amish Americans. The Amish have a unique culture, and are often called the "Simple People." Amish appear to be caught in a time warp dating back to the early 1800's. A time when horse power was a term counting the actual number of horses, and instead of E-mail snail mail is the normal means of sending someone a letter. Yes this lifestyle does appear slower, simpler, and not as efficient to the novice eye, however I have found that we should examine the finer points of their simple but industrious culture.

I am Proud to be an American, and so these next few comments hurt me dearly. Americans have lost the war for quality; we all but conceded it to the German's and Japanese. Americans have lost the war for value, our labor costs, quality of goods, and timely service rates are among the worst in the world. As a result of these great losses American industry has moved overseas and across the boarder. We have come to the point as a labor force where we no longer want to give the best to receive the best. Our own American companies don't dare ask American employees for what they need to survive; they just close the doors and pack up for some other more profitable location. There are, however, Americans that provide a manufactured product of the highest quality and the best value.

We need to learn from the Amish, particularly Amish Furniture Craftsmen. Their simple lives are a model of efficiency. They set their workshops up to be man by small teams of family members. Each area flows to the next point in the assembly. Their time is seldom idol; they work on the project at hand until it is done. They don't just do the work they live the work. They put themselves in to each piece of Furniture, Quilt, or Cheese, they make. They have pride in their products, something long lost by regular Americans.

Amish value, you can't beat it. Ask a furniture shopper "Would you like a piece of Amish Furniture?" Nine out of ten times the answer is always yes. Their products last for generations and are built reliably. Their pricing is fair and honest, no hidden schemes to get you to buy more. They take pride in having you as a customer.

The Simple People have the answer to the current American problem. That answer is "Pride!!!" What happened to "Made in America", those proud add campaigns from the eighties. What happened to the country that saved the world sixty some years ago, not by might or fear, but through determination, ambition, and pride. The problem is not just with the guy punching the time clock, or with the guy signing the checks. The problem lies on both sides of the labor and management divide. Look at the Amish, the Simple People. Learn what they know; see their pride. Maybe then working together we can make America great again. Buy a Piece of American Pride, a piece of real Amish Furniture at

John Stover is just a simple guy.

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