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Website Marketers Enemy No. 1
There comes a time in your efforts to market your website that you realise that it's no longer enough to tell your family and friends to visit your website - you need to get some people who will pay you in cash rather than compliments. You need to start approaching other website owners and start building an online network of contacts. This is a crucial step to achieving online success. I once read a quote that applied at the time to conventional 'bricks and mortar' businesses but it just as pertinent if not more so for online businesses: "You will not be successful by being a cave dweller." Kind of obvious but there are so many business owners that are cave dwellers. Sitting in their offices staring at the phone day after day wondering why no new prospects ever phone them up. You have to stand up, open the door and get out into the world and shout from the rooftops about your business. If you're online you need to do the same for your website. One of the best ways to do this is to establish reciprocal links with other relevant websites. But this is where Public Enemy No. 1 comes in - if you don't know how to bypass it all your efforts to contact the website owners and establish links with them will be in vain. Those nasty spam monsters that roam the web harvesting email addresses from all web pages and then bombarding them with member enlargement hormones and get rich quick schemes have made it hard for you. If you decide to try and email a website owner using the email address they make publicly available on their website you're already fighting an uphill battle. That email address is likely to be going through some form of spam filtering and if your email subject to this person has even a whiff of canned ham about it you'll be in that Trash Can quicker than you can say "$1million Ebay secrets". So, what's the answer? Well, for starters - don't be tempted to use software to do your links work for you. People like people. Not robots. Do your own dirty work. Also - try and find the name of the website owner and use that in your email to them. One of the best ways to overcome the dreaded Delete Key when you are contacting website owners though is to use their online contact form. When they receive an email via the form they have on their website they know that a real, living, actual human being has filled it in and not some spam monster - hence - they're more likely to read it. Good luck! Michael Cheney is Author of The Website Marketing BibleTM. Take the Free 7-Part Course "Internet Marketing Made Easy" and get your free sampler of 'The Bible' here: http://www.websitemarketingbible.com/marketing/
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Five Ways to Quadruple a Websites Revenue Many website owners all too often give up on their website, even before their site has had time to shine. It can take months, or even years to reach the optimum for a business so why not expect the same out of a website? It is hard to find a business that finds the desired revenue within the first year. So why should a website be as popular as it should be within the first few months or years? So What If You Dont Have A Website? Gasp! Choke! Gag! That's how people react when you tell them your business does not have a website. So do you really need one? How To Make Your Market Throw Their Money At You! The use of free, relevant and meaningful content can single handedly grow your business into seven figures while making you the star of the lives of thousands of raving fans (customers and clients). Viral Marketing Strategies Viral Marketing is allowing people to giveaway and use your free product or service in order to multiply your marketing quickly over the internet. The idea behind viral marketing is that you include your ad with the freebie people giveaway or use. Below are a collection of high impact viral marketing strategies: Learning More About Your Customers to Achieve Maximum Online Profits! Knowing about the people who buy your products or use your services on the internet is extremely important. If you know what your customers like, dislike, want and think, then you know exactly how to update your site and adapt it. Nothing pleases a visitor more than a site that fulfils everything that they desire. Pleased visitors lead to buyers. Not only will this boost your profits but it will also lead to satisfied customers who will leave your site and tell others. This will boost your web traffic. How To Use the Multiplier Effect in Web Marketing One of the most exciting things about doing business online is the Multiplier Effect. It's the principal factor behind some of the fortunes that have been made on the Internet. Building An Effective Banner Campaign Banner advertising can dramatically help you increase traffic to your web site. Banner advertising can be a very cost effective marketing solution and can help you to gain access to millions of internet users. It can also prove to be a huge waste of time, even creating a net loss rather than increasing your bottom line. So we'll try to guide you onto the path to true results and a very successful Internet Marketing campaign using banner ads. First things first: What's it going to cost you? Assuming you're going to design and building your own banners, you can still loose money on the cost of advertising if you're not careful. Work out the estimated cost of each banner advertising campaign: Cost-per-Visitor: If you pay $10 per thousand impressions ($10/CPM), and you get a 2.0% click-through (20 visitors), your cost-per-visitor is $.50 ($10 per 20 visitors). Cost-per-Sale: Now you know about what you're going to pay per visitor. So what does that amount to per sale? Well, if 1 in every 20 visitors buys your product, your cost per sale is $10.00. Total Sale Amount : $9.95 USD Paypal's Fee Amount : -$0.59 USD Net Profit Amount : $9.36 USD So if each sale of your product produces a gross profit of $9.36, then your net profit per-sale will be -$.64 ($9.36 gross profit - $10 cost-per-sale). This campaign is not profitable! As you can see, something has to change in order to make a profit. That's why it's important to track and calculate every campaign. So what went wrong with this example? -Paying too much for the banner space? -Need a better click-through rate? -Need to charge more for your product? The truth is that only you have the information required to decide but at least at this point you're in a better position to make a qualified decision. Return on Investment Ratios: Your return-on-investment (ROI), before non-marketing expenses, is 0.0% ($0.00 total net profits with a $10 investment). Experiment by advertising on multiple sites or using different banners if your budget will allow it. Find the perfect campaigns that yield the highest ROI. A few terms to know: » CPM - Cost Per Impressions (The "M" comes from the Roman numeral for 1,000). So $20 CPM represents $20 per 1,000 displays of a banner). An Impressions is simply each time your banner is shown. » CPC - Cost Per Click. You pay an agreed amount for each click-through to your site. » Click-Through (CT) - A click on an ad which takes the viewer to another site. » Click-Through Rate (CTR) - This is the number of people who click on an ad (banner or text link) divided by the number of displays of the ad, represented in percentages. Example: 500 people click on an ad that has been shown 10,000 times, which works out at: 500/10,000 X 100% = 5%. » Run Of Site (ROS) - This means your banner will be displayed on all or most pages of the site. Buying or Creating your own banners: You can find a graphic designer to create your banner or you can simply learn to design and build you own. We have done both on this site and our research shows almost equal results when using identical conditions. We're not going to give tutorials on banner design but we will offer a few tips to help get you started. If you decide to purchase your banners: Do your research. There are many so called ' graphic designers' that have very little training or experience with any type of graphics much less internet marketing or banner advertising. Get any promises or guarantees in writing. Keep in mind that anyone can setup shop online and many have no idea what they're doing to say the least. Do it yourself banners: There are several options when it comes to creating your own banners. Again, we're not here to teach you how to design and build your own, just to guide you in the right direction. Here are a few things to consider: » Think through your design. » Decide on a format. » Flash or Animated. » Image or HTML. » The best banner size. » Image load times. Image or HTML? Well, most of the banners we see are image based, whether .gif, .jpg of flash. But there is another very simple alternative. The HTML banner. You can even combine images and HTML to create incredible banners. A couple benefits of using a HTML banner are: » HTML banner will normally load faster. » On a HTML banner, you can promote many links. Banners sizes: 468 x 60.....Full banner 234 x 60.....Half banner 392 x 72.....Full banner with vertical navigation bar 120 x 240...Vertical banner 125 x 125...Square button 120 x 90.....Button #1 120 x 60.....Button #2 88 x 31.......Micro button A few tips: Use attractive and attention grabbing images. Keep your text short and simple. Use proven key words like "free" and "now". "Free" is a very powerful incentive for the viewer to click on the button. Even the words "Click Here" can increase your click-through rate. Use a large font size for your message text. Create different versions of the banner. Test different banners to improve your click-through rate. Animate your banner, but use as few frames as possible to keep the file size to a quick loading minimum. Test new banners with a Pay Per Click network, before you use them in Pay Per Impression campaigns. Many sites display two different banners on each page, while others display the same banner at the top "top fold" and bottom "bottom fold" of each page. When given a choice, it's usually best to choose the top fold of page because the viewer is more likely to see your banner. You can expect to pay a lot less for "bottom fold" of page banner spaces. Brian Hawkins - Entrepreneur, Internet Marketer, Online business consultant, Author. Site owner and administrator of several sites including: http://www.extremesitepromotions.com/ and http://www.csc4u.com/ Seven Ways to Generate Income From Your Website If you own your own website, there are a variety of things you can do to generate extra income for yourself. To enjoy the most success for your efforts, you must take into consideration your existing website content, as well as your particular target audience. You will also want to know the approximate number of visitors you regularly receive to your website. Why Real Estate Agents Need Their Own Website It is difficult to for a real estate agent to be successful today without a Website. First, your customers and prospective clients expect you to have a Website, simply as a matter of credibility. Second, a Website is where you have an opportunity to promote yourself, your listings and your services to your local marketplace. The 3 Big Points to Selling Successfully on the Web Building a home internet business on the web can seem at times like an impossible goal for most people getting started because they are either not sure of what products they should sell, or how to build their internet business website so its effective enough to get the right targeted traffic to sell their products. If It Sounds Too Good To Be True You've heard that cliché over and over I'm sure, but it has never been more true than it is on the Internet. Repetition: The Secret to Visibility and Attention! Have you ever felt disappointment and dismay when trying a new marketing approach because it didn't generate the response you expected? If so, you are certainly not alone. Perhaps in our impatience and high hopes to succeed we've forgotten the old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." In fact repetition is the secret to visibility and attention. Whether it's a sales letter, press release or copy in your direct mailings, the strategies you choose often take trial and error efforts to find the one that works best. How to Make Money from Your Website Using Advertising You have managed to get your website to that magical point where you have established popularity, traffic, loyalty and a community of fans. Your site contains a wealth of information, resources and services that you provide free because that's just the kind of person you are. You may not have intended to make money from your site but now that you have an audience you realise that it's possible, or perhaps you have to start thinking about generating income because your costs to manage the site have increased and it's starting to hurt. Experience the Benefits of an Internet Business The Internet industry is booming and offers opportunities galore for internet businesses. Internet businesses are not just for computer whizzes anymore, not just for people with multiple college degrees or a rich background in business. Internet businesses are a viable economic solution to anyone owning a computer and willing to research their options. There are many benefits to owning an Internet business, and the list below contains only the very few to scratch the surface. How To Cheaply and Powerfully Reposition Yourself On the Web It goes without saying that all of us would like better response and conversion numbers from our websites. This is an ongoing dilemma which, unfortunately for many of us, remains a dilemma. Ten Tips for Getting More Sales From Your Website (1) Create a Direct Response Website, with the minimum number of pages possible (e.g. an Index Page, a Contact Page, and an Order Page). Internet Marketing Strategies The right strategies to win a share of the Internet pie The Voice of Viral Marketing Generating buzz through word of mouth will help drive greater sales and from your most important customers. What is EMarketing? A New Discipline is Evolving Before trying to define the term of eMarketing (or electronic marketing, so to speak), we should first take a look at the premises of its apparition and development. The Center of Your Internet Business, You As an Internet entrepreneur your ultimate goal is most certainly the success of your Internet business but statistics show that real money are made by a small percentage of the online businesses. An Internet business takes a great deal of time and effort, it's not easy to build and maintain it and you need total commitment to succeed. Lack of complete passion for your business and of the desire to succeed will most likely result in failure. ![]() |
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