7 Ways to Become an Obvious Expert in Your Field

Obvious Experts enjoy a compelling advantage over their competition; they're the first ones thought of when there's a challenge to be addressed. Obvious Experts are resources whose advice and expertise are welcomed, trusted, and enthusiastically recommended. When you become an Obvious Expert, prospects come to you pre-sold on your competence. This speeds sales and avoids pricing issues based on unfamiliarity and a resulting lack of trust.

Here are seven ways to use technology to promote your professional services on a limited budget:

Technology makes it practical to promote Obvious Expert status. You can:

  • Maintain constant contact. You can keep in constant contact with clients and prospects without the costs of printing and mailing.

  • Educate your market. Show prospects what to look for when buying and how quality pays off in the long run.

  • Synergy. You can create a powerful synergy between online and offline marketing. Use print to drive website traffic!

Here are some ways to put technology to work promoting your expertise:

1. Keep in touch for free

Adobe Acrobat's PDF file format lets you distribute attractive, easy to read, One-Page Newsletters for free via e-mail and the Internet. Monthly, educational, One-Page Newsletters prove your expertise without bragging or boasting. A monthly One-Page Newsletter is far more effective than a four-page newsletter every other month, or a quarterly eight-page issue. Acrobat permits you to use type and layout to visually "voice" your One-Page Newsletter. This establishes an image and sets it apart from your competitors.

2. Drive web site traffic

Flash Paper, a file format you create with Macromedia Contribute, permits you to display formatted newsletters on your website. Visitors can immediately read and print your One-Page Newsletters without having to download them. Contribute also lets you update your website without knowledge of HTML.

3. Add a personal touch

Web audio adds another level of persuasion and personalization. You can record "welcomes" and "invitations"-furthering your relationship. Audio also permits visitors to hear testimonials delivered in your client's own words. You can host teleconferences on low-cost rented bridge lines. You can expand upon topics introduced in One-Page Newsletters, engaging your market and deepening relationships. Calls can be recorded and offered as free MP-3 website downloads.

4. Automate your marketing

Use autoresponders to automatically fulfill prospect information requests. Each request can trigger a timed sequence of e-mails-like a "mini-course"-greatly increasing your chances of making a sale. Post-purchase autoresponders help you cross-sell, up-sell, and re-sell buyers.

5. Write better in less time

Mind Mapping software helps you plan your marketing and write more persuasive copy. Mind Mapping helps you harvest and organize your ideas. You can easily plan your marketing and create each issue of your One-Page Newsletter. You can also use online technology to dictate your newsletters, greatly reducing the time it takes to create each issue.

6. Publish your expertise

Print-on demand helps you publish a book that promotes your expertise without undue financial risk. Books are only printed when they are sold.

7. Learn from your market

Online surveys help you identify your market's information needs, test offers and messages, and find out why visitors leave your website without buying.

Keys to success

  • Use multiple technologies. Use autoresponders to distribute your surveys, for example.

  • Commit to consistency. One-Page Newsletters keep you constantly in front of clients and prospects.

  • Always look your best. Use design to reinforce your image and your message.

  • Educate, don't advertise. Let your ideas speak for themselves. Sales will follow.

About The Author

Roger C. Parker is the $32,000,000 author with over 1.6 million copies in print. For content ideas and more, contact Roger at 603-742-9673, or e-mail Roger@onepagenewsletters.com and find out how you can become an Obvious Expert.

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