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If you Sell a Product, Use Online Marketing, Part 2
When you offer your products via an email campaign to get people to visit your Web site, or sell direct through email, you reap many rewards--you create more profit, spend a lot less time promoting and marketing, and get to be known as the leader in your field. 1. Offer improved customer service and support. All new subscribers to my ezine get 2 free special bonus reports. I receive their email address. I keep these in a file and follow up every few months with an email "thank you" gifting them with a free special report or free email answer to one question. Customers love a freebie, and they will connect my name with any future purchase they need to make. For coaching services, I send out a note periodically that includes all the extras I offer. My clients give me the testimonials that remind me of those extras, making it easy to relate. 2. Reduce support costs. Your online home office costs a fraction of what a brick and mortar storefront would. Think of the rent, the gas you save! Online services cost just a little: Web hosting, Web maintenance, and an email server are a few. Since online marketing is far easier, you'll need only a part time computer or virtual assistant. Reduced costs = less business expenses. And, you will spend less time and money to reap bigger profits because your target market is all online business people. 3. Reduce your time in the office. It's far easier and faster to use email than phones or faxes. You don't have to have expensive and time-costing lunches with associates, because you can email at your convenience. And, it's all in writing. My promotion time is now only 6-9 hours a week after one year of foundation set up. 4. Reduce the cost of doing business. In your home-based virtual office, you will have much less overhead. When you self-publish eBooks or other information products you won't have to spend time or money on postage, packaging, or mailing. You don't spend money on printing yielding much more profit as well as reduced expenses. When you apply online promotion such as submitting free articles to ePublishers who are crying for them, you spend around an hour or so on each article that can be recycled many times. The actual time of sending it out is a few minutes. Even if you need to mail your product, you still will have to spend less time and money. Using email to offer and sell your products reduces your dependence on other sales channels such as the brick and mortar stores, traveling to give talks, and writing "round file" press releases. When you market Online, you eliminate the middleman who can take a hefty percentage of your profit--up to 90%. My motto is: If someone else who takes a commission can't sell at least 10 times as many products as I can, I don't need them." 5. Reduce your marketing time because email communication is short, fast, and gets to the point quickly. You don't have to spend time buying stamps, logos, special envelopes and stationery. You do need to keep track of every customer, subscriber and Web visitor. Be alert to collect every person's email address when you meet and greet. Place each one in a categorized file, so you can laser target messages to one audience at a time. If you sell books on your Web site, you can look like Barnes and Noble reaching thousands, even tens of thousands each day. Your visitor will have an easier time to find your product because you offer only a few on your site. If you are like me, you will enjoy keeping track of your increasing sales each month. You will enjoy staying in touch with your potential buyers. People Online are hungry for your information and product. Put your effort into online marketing and win! Judy Cullins, 20-year book and Internet Marketing Coach, Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," and "How to Market your Business on the Internet," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says...and Business Tip of the Month at http://www.bookcoaching.com/opt-in.shtml and over 140 free articles. Email her at mailto:Judy@bookcoaching.com
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Highly Recommended Pre-Fab Marketing Business Unfortunately most 'ready-made' business sites don't seem to be very user or customer friendly and are extremely expensive for what is being offered. Most of these programmes have only one way to make you money, you send the traffic and they close the sale!? ![]() |
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