Why You Need To And How To Follow Up Your Visitor Or Customer

The person who comes to your web site seeking products or information is a visitor. A person who bought a product or service of yours is a customer or client.

***Why should you follow up Your VISITORS?


People tend to forget easily.

After he gone from your web site, he may not remember that he came to your web site. He/She could have some reasons not to buy a product right now. Or he still searching for a product similar to yours. This person is a potential prospect to you. So try to get their email adddress and permission from them to receive emails from you.

How to get their email:

  • Offer free product with basic feature, later they can upgrade

  • Offer fully functional demo product that expires after a time

  • Offer coupons that give discounts on your products

  • Offer a free ecourse

  • Offer an ezine

  • Offer a free ebook

  • Offer free membership for a certain period

***Why should you follow up Your CUSTOMER?

You can ask me... Why should I follow up my customer? He already my customer, isn't it?

Don't forget the simple 'psychology of comfort'. Once your customer is using your product means, he will have more confidence in you and your service. So he/she will be easily influenced to buy your other products.

***How to follow up Your visitors and customer?

The main aim of the following is to do opt-in email marketing.

1. Put email addresses in an follow up autoresponder: You can buy a mailing list software or an autoresponder to send follow up emails. Schedule them every 15 days or so. Or you can send broadcast promotional emails to your customers.

2. Start forums for your products or service: People will join in the forums to ask you presale questions or someother product inquiries. During registration process tell them that they will receive promotional emails once in a while and they can unsubscribe anytime.

3. Offer a free product in exchange for an email address.

4. Offer discount to your present customers. Once they signed up for your membership area means you should have their contact emails. So you can send them coupons, discounts etc.

Radhika Venkata (c).

About The Author

Radhika Venkata

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