An Internet Marketing Solutions Company Confesses

a) An internet marketing solutions company tells you that they're going to have Google index your website in 2 days?

b) An Internet Marketing solutions company tells you that he can teach you to develop the best product and make millions in only 1 month in only one day?

c) If you buy an expensive search engine marketing software, it will make you have high rankings on the search engines in matter of days?

*Answers at bottom of page.

Are you faced with these questions everyday? How do you decide what to do next? What can be the perfect internet marketing solutions for you?

Any serious internet marketing solutions company will tell you that the miracle of instant richness through internet marketing just does not happen even if you have spent a fortune on them and the fault is not in these resources. The fault is not in the writer or author of these eBooks and softwares.

The main possibility of it not making you rich is the absolute fact that you've spent too much time buying and looking for miracle solutions and too little time analyzing your purchased pots of gold.

Assuming that 90% of books bought were never been read, how can the reader gain his knowledge on internet marketing?

It took me six month to learn how to build my first website. It took me another 18 to make a substantial living from the net. Lucky? No I don't think so.

Lets compare that to any internet marketing solutions company. I bet that they can sell possibly anything and everything online. Give them a thought and off they go looking for the perfect internet niche or targeted minority groups who's providing the demand, with the least amount of supply or solutions. He then contacts his Joint Venture Marketing experts builds a win-win solution and there they go, he'smaking another cool pipeline of cash by providing solutions to wide internet market.

So how can you achieve this, you may ask?

Simple. Read that internet marketing, book, software or article and absorb its essence of internet marketing solutions. Don't stop just there, because a simple paragraph with a little innovation can bring you profits. The secret is in your backyard. Turn and look around for that particular item that is lacking with supply or marketing solutions and create or build relations with other successful internet marketing enthusiast to build solutions and to help leverage on your existence and make real money online.

Answers to questions above;

a) Please realize that despite what other internet marketing solutions company claim, no one can guarantee top search engine placement because there is a 3rd party who has all of the control: the search engines. What we can guarantee is that we will assist you with keyword selection, keyword placement, and optimal HTML coding to help make your site more search-engine friendly for the current search engine algorithms.

But what you can do is Search Engine Optimized an article and post them on high ranking article submission directory or forum, to give you an indirect indexing by the Search Engines.

This will give you an opportunity to get targetted traffic to your website in a matter of days. This is what the "internet marketing solutions companies" call "The Google's Backdoor".

b) True! you can make millions in a short time, provided that you know what what are the neccessary internet marketing strategies to take. In order to achieve that level of wisdom of making lots of money online in a month or less, it may take years.

c) Refer to answer (a). There is no software that can guarantee you high rankings. It takes actual knowledge and experience to make money online and a "hard shell" of course.

© Jahn A. All rights reserved.

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"...NEW 2005 Released software creates, uploads and markets full keyword rich content sales websites in 60 mins or less?"

Jahn A. is the CIO/Director for I-SURF-ASIA.COM (Internet Marketing Solutions Company). He has trained hundreds of ordinary people online and off-line, inspiring and turning them into netrepreneurs overnight through his e-marketing Seminars in Singapore. Jahn has the rare ability to present complex information at a level that is easy to understand.

He will help you understand web design and web usability. Jahn is a Marketer by profession and he has an MBA Degree in Marketing and Strategic Mgt and also a GDip in I.T.

An Asian Internet Marketing Solutions Company.

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