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Nobody Knows You Yet!
It is really a small wonder why most people fail in the first 90 days on the Internet (which might explain why most products on the Internet come with 90 day money-back guarantee!). After putting up your web pages in cyber space, to expect people to know of your presence without promotion and marketing effort on your part is a fool's dream. In extreme cases, it is actually a fool's plan. Let's face it ? nobody knows you yet! Finish creating pages for your web site is not the end. In fact, it is only the beginning. Just as completing your schooling is not the end but the beginning of your journey in the world beyond the walls of your classroom. Unfortunately, a big number of us seem to think that our main battle has to do with the difficulties to understand HTML and creating the web pages. And yet we rejoice too early as soon as we got our pages up on cyber space. Why, that's a big W-R-O-N-G! Trust me, the best time you should rejoice is when you make your first sale! I certainly did. I was not making any money for the first two months and it was agony simply because I did what most people do ? sit and wait! If you are just starting out, then do not do the mistake most of the people, myself included, did. Since you have the chance to read this article, I can only beg that you be wiser. Since you are operating an Internet Business, like any other business, you need to communicate. You need to interact. You need to talk. Why? It is because we are social creatures. I cannot imagine a business where there is no need for you to communicate. I am sure you got my point by now. If you have not been making much progress in your early stages of your Internet Business, this may very well be the reason. To get yourself started quickly and let people know you are in business, you can do the following easily for no fee down. While you do not necessarily need money to make money on the Internet, the life and death of your business depends heavily on your sweat equity and wisdom. 1. Submit your site to major search engines (Yahoo!, Google, MSN, AltaVista, etc.)
2. Submit your link to web sites with high Page Rank
3. Participate in discussion boards
4. Submit your articles to other websites
With four easy ways to start, you can promote your website for no fee down. You will need to contribute your sweat equity, no doubt, but the results beat not doing anything productive at all. Copyright © Edmund Loh About the Author: Edmund Loh is the author of the E-Biz Wiz Blog and Starting An Internet Business Special Report. Visit E-Biz Wiz Blog for proven ideas, tips and information on starting your own Internet Business and subscribe to the 12 Day Internet Marketing Success Course. http://ebizmodelsyoucancopy.blogspot.com
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Internet Marketing ? Long Term Strategy Once your site is up and running, the best method for getting immediate traffic is pay-per-click search engine marketing. Although you have to be patient, you should also be focusing on search engine optimization as a long term strategy. Successful Internet Marketing Without A Budget The following excerpts were taken from an interview held with successful web marketer Darren Cronian in June 2005. Be A Hot Guest Want to make an impact with your online business in front of thousands of people just by talking? Stop dreaming about Oprah... and start doing radio. 6 Proven Steps To Internet Marketing Success There is a misconception that you can come online set up a web business and be making $1000s within days. Let be put that myth to rest right away. This has not been my experience nor the experience of anyone I have come in contact with through my online endeavours. Targeted Traffic is More Important than Ever! In the early days of web development, business owners had learned the very expensive lesson that a Web site with no visitors is of little value. Once the business owner learned that methods could be utilized to increase their visibility through search engine optimization, it then became apparent that the traffic that really benefited them, was "targeted traffic." It only made sense that if you were selling a solution, the person who will buy the solution are the ones experiencing a problem or challenge. It also became obvious that the best products and services to sell online were niche or specialized markets. Large volumes of "general visitors" (general volume traffic) may have looked nice on a statistics report but only the truly "targeted visitors" (target traffic) were usually the visitors making purchases or doing business at the Web site. Internet Marketing for Dummies! There are many people every day jumping into the online world. With more and more people using the internet the floodgates of internet users are opening wider everyday. But how, as a home business owner, can you expect to compete with the "big dogs" of the internet and dip your cup into the profits as well? Website Sales: 10 Magical Awesome Tactics To Multiply Your Orders Do you want to open the floodgate of orders at your website? Local Search by Internet Search Engines is as Essential to Your Business Survival as Your Telephone Your Enterprise Won't Survive Unless People Find It Use Landing Pages to Boost Sales and Capture Metrics If you are sending out a periodic email newsletter, no doubt it contains links back to your Website. These links probably take the responder to a product promotion, a featured offering, a contest sign-up location, or essentially any offer which is a means of gaining new clients or increasing your sales. What happens all too often, however, is that the person responding to your link wanders off somewhere else on your Website or else quickly leaves your site for other Internet destinations. Once you entice a newsletter recipient to visit your site, it is critical that you carefully guide him or her to take the actions you wish. 8 Things I Have Learned As An Internet Marketer I started as an internet marketer, like I am sure a few of you have with various mlm programs. After little success with these types of programs I finally decided it was time I make my own website and get serious about marketing on the internet. Although I have not been doing this as long as some, there have been a few things that I have learned along the way that have helped me achieve much more success than my previous ventures in mlm. I would like to share with you 8 things I have learned since becoming an internet marketer. How To Be An Internet Marketing Champion How bad do you want to make money on the internet? You know thousands of people are doing it and maybe you've had a little success. But do you really want your own business operating 24 hours a day making money for you? How to Get $250,000 Worth of Free Advertising for Your Business You and I know that whenever you have a business, whether it's On-line or Off-line you would have to take some time and money to market that business right? Develop Enormous Recurring Income Online Starting Today If you're like me, you'd rather work smarter than harder. We all want more time to do the things we love, and to be with the people we love. On that note, why not take the steps to make this desire a reality? Here are ten ways to do just that. If It Sounds Too Good To Be True You've heard that cliché over and over I'm sure, but it has never been more true than it is on the Internet. Catapult Your Marketing Success With Joint Ventures There are many ways to make money on the internet. All methods however, come with a price-tag. For starters, you will probably need to purchase basic business software and relevant learning materials. Planning and developing your ideas will definitely require dedication and perseverance all along the way. Interactive Content ? Blogs, Forums, and Feedback ? What Does Your Web Site Need? The business principle of continued contact and online relationship building has given rise to the popularity of online business blogs, forums and feedback opportunities. Interactive online communication define the web site owners as experts in the eyes of visitors, and serve as a promotional vehicle for other products and services that the business seeks to sell. Continued, interactive contact can bring many benefits, such as: Product Marketing for Internet Based Home Businesses All small business owners, especially those internet based, are concerned about product marketing and how to increase traffic to their web pages in order to increase sales. In addition, most want to not only market their products and increase traffic, but they want to do it affordable or free if at all possible. Fortunately, this is an option for home businesses, and all it takes is a little creativity combined with dedication. Also, for those businesses with advertising budgets, there are even more advertising options available. The following suggestions should help your product marketing plan significantly. Basic Rules For Effective Email Marketing If you want an email campaign to succeed, you don`t want to offend anyone when sending your messages. Turn off a consumer with your email and you can be sure they`ll tune out your message. Don`t let that happen to you Don Quixotes Post Humous Virtual Expedition - Filling The Black Holes In Cyber Space Perhaps the online community today is not so different from Don Quixote chasing after windmills, mistaking them for giants. Excessive web browsing might yield more or less similar symptoms of lunacy as those displayed in Quixote's mad adventures. The Niche Website Naming Secret Today I was optimizing a couple new websites for search engines. I went through my list of optimization techniques. Keywords in page title? Check. Keywords in page headings? Check. Keywords in page file name? Check. Keywords in offsite link anchor text? How could I accomplish that? ![]() |
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