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Writing An Effective, Profit Producing Ad
One of the biggest challenges for most Internet Marketers is writing effective ad copy. This is hardly surprising. Most marketers are not professional writers and writing ad copy is a difficult skill for beginning marketers to master. Here are some tips that might assist you in writing an effective, profit-producind ad. 1. Benefit from the experience of other writers. You can get ad copy ideas by studying similar product's advertising material. Collect their sales letters, classified ads, web ads, e-mail ads, etc. You can model your ad on these-- but don't copy them word-for-word. That's a no-no. 2. Set a goal for your ad. Know exactly what you want your ad copy to accomplish. It could be to qualify prospects, make sales, generate leads, attract web t.raffic, etc. 3. Build your selling points. Make a complete l.ist of your product's benefitsand features. Begin your ad with the most important benefit either in your headline or first sentence. 4. Make your ad benefits as specific as possible. Include exact numbers, percentages, times, colors, smells, sounds, descriptive adjectives, and so forth. 5. Set yourself apart from your competitors. L.ist all the ways your product is different from your competition's. Include all the differences in your ad copy that are better than their product. 6. Emphasize the benefit(s) of your product. Use graphics, pictures and drawings of people actually using your product to solve their problem. Include a picture that also shows the results. Your goal should to produce the "buying emotion" in your potential customers. 7. You must determine who the target audience is for your product. What age, sex, or background are they? Once you determine that, you should write down what reasons would attract them to purchase your product. Include those reasons in your ad copy. 8. Include any proven facts in your ad copy. Theycould be customer surveys, scientific tests, product reviews, etc. 9. Don't forget about "after the sale". Tell your audience what kind of support they'll get after they buy. It could be f.ree consulting, tech support, f.ree servicing, etc. Product support can be a huge factor in making the sale. 10. Try to get feedback from those who chose not to buy your product. Ask them why they decided not to buy. This will give you new ideas on how to produce a more profitable ad copy. Writing ad copy can be a formidable task for any beginning Internet Marketer. Using these tips may hopefully set you on your way to becoming an effective copywriter. Copyright 2005 Ronald Gibson Ronald Gibson is a Web Designer and Web Marketer. He is the Webmaster of AffiliateUtopia.com, which offers information about some of the best money making opportunities on the Web. For more information, visit: http://www.affiliateutopia.com/
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Top 5 tips for Marketing Your Real Products in Our Virtual World It can be a challenge to market real/tangible products in the virtual world. And, it's certainly much different than marketing services or virtual products. We have put together a quick tip list that every tangible product based business needs to consider when selling in a virtual market. Marketing Trends from the Digital Frontlines The web and ways to market on the web continue to evolve at warp speed - we see some positive and negative changes occurring - our observations du jour: The 3 Rules To Maximizing Profits From Banner Ads Placing those ads on your site are designed to do just one thing, make you and the advertiser money. No it's not rocket science but there is a science to doing it right. Getting noticed on the Internet - Digital Marketing for Small Business The Internet has grown from a small network of academics needing a way to trade research into a world-spanning, ubiquitous marketplace and repository for nearly every possible kind of information and knowledge. How does a small business avoid being washed away in the constant tide of buying, selling and marketers hawking every conceivable item (and some difficult to conceive...)? The Power of Viral Marketing When I first heard of the term Viral Marketing I thought immediately of a virus. No, not the flu, a computer virus. I avoided viral marketing like the plaque. I'm sure many of you are doing the same thing. Every email labeled viral marketing got trashed and I immediately run an anti virus check on my computer. Holiday / Vacation Time But What About Your Online Business? For many of us, it is time to start thinking about packing our suitcases and jetting off on our summer holidays/vacation. When I had a 'normal' job, this was a time to get out of the office and completely forget about work for a couple of weeks. Things are somewhat different now though as an Internet business never sleeps or takes time off so how do you handle your online business when you are supposed to be soaking up the sun on a far away beach? Product Not Selling? This Could Be Your Lucky Day! So you've created a digital product ready for sale on the Web. You've created your sales page on a three page mini- site. If you're really on the ball, you've created your own opt-in newsletter as well. You've followed step-by-step guidelines for selling your product, and even added some bells and whistles. It's a cakewalk from this point on, right? What Are Really The Best Strategies or Ideas for Internet Marketing? There are many ways for you to do effective Internet Marketing campaigns. The first thing you need to do is build a targeted database of customers. Then you can make offers to these people over and over again. Sell Your Product Online In today's business world, if you're not selling your product online, you're losing sales. If you have a product, make money online by selling online. There are simple ways to make money online. Growing Your Business In CyberSpace A synopsis of Philippa Gamse's Presentation to the National Speakers Association, Washington DC chapter on Saturday, January 10, 2004 What is RSS - For Marketers RSS is a technology that has the potential of overcoming many of the internet marketing challenges we are facing today and becoming a preferred tool to get 100% of your content delivered to your subscribers, as well as a tool to help you achieve top position search engine rankings. Truth and Lies How low can one get? The number of encounters I have had in the few months as a network marketer with liars is astounding. Why do people need to stoop to lying in their attempt to succeed? Do they really believe that they will attract customers by using deceptive means. Hey friends, I've got news for you! You are the ones who have been deceived! Free Web Advertising: Chat Room Marketing Secrets Of Internet Marketing Gurus Exposed Have you ever been to a chat room? Harness the Power of the Internet Whether you're a service business working to obtain clients, a manufacturer selling products, or a non-profit organization selling your good works, you must spread the word. You must speak up to be heard. Getting a response requires consistent and persistent self-promotion. It is a simple formula: Commit to marketing your services, and business will grow. Why Online Business - The Harsh Reminder Why Online Business Is For You Many people want to achieve financial freedom and they know very well that running their own business has always and will always be the best road to financial freedom. Here are some reasons to remind these people why online business is the best way toward financial freedom. Internet Marketing: Are You Penny Wise And Dollar Foolish? It never ceases to amaze me how many people set-up a web site, without any type of plan or clue about how to promote it--how to write a sales letter--how to write an ad--nothing! Fact is, nowadays, anyone can have a web site. But once you get one, then what? How are you going to make money with it? Strategic Internet Marketing Using Joint Ventures The goal of most webmasters is driving more traffic to their website in order to increase revenue. As a result, finding creative ways to market on the internet is critical. One such option is using joint ventures to assist in strategic internet marketing. The way this works, however, requires two or more businesses working together for the good of both. You cannot have a joint venture if you don't have another website or business working with you, so you must accomplish this first and make sure the goal is to benefit both websites involved. Read the following suggestions for strategic Internet marketing with joint ventures. Future for Internet Marketers Have you ever attended a class where the instructor followed the Socratic method of teaching? You remember, only questions, no direct answers. Some discussions lend themselves best to that format, and this look at some possible future trends in Internet marketing is one of them. Mainly because there are no answers at this point, only the questions we pose! What is Article Marketing? Simply put article marketing is advertising your web site through the use of articles. This choose of advertising is preferable over others for the simple fact that it's free. There are many article directories that allow you to submit your articles for free. They allow you to have a resource box at the end of your article that you can plug your site and products with. Not only that but if you're into building links this is a great way of doing it. If your article is chosen by publishers they will republish your article on there websites giving you even more publicity and exposure. A well written article can give you massive exposure. Do You Really BELIEVE You Have What It Takes To Make Your Website A Success? Last week, on a cold, dark Friday night I stood barefoot outside a large exhibition centre in the heart of London preparing to walk the 3 most difficult metres of my life. Why were they going to be the most difficult? In between me and my destination was a bed of red hot, burning coals. ![]() |
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