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Scam And Scheme Free Advertising For Your Business Web Site
Since I own my own business web site and have looked for many ways to advertise cheap and for free, I have noticed how many sites there are out there that will try to get you to either join or buy advertising in one form or another. There are sites out there that will promise you the moon if you either join their "viral marketing" scheme or site that will cause your email box to become inundated with email ads from others who have fell for this. But there are plenty of offline and online ways to get free or cheap advertising without joining these things and risking a backed up inbox or having your email address splattered all over the net for any desperate advertiser to get hold of. And here are a few. Magnetic signs: How many times have you seen a car that obviously belongs to a real estate agent or a plumber with his or her ad on the side of it? This is a good and inexpensive way to be a rolling billboard for your own web business, wherever you go. Flyers: How many times have you visited a shopping center or mall and came out to your car to find something on the windshield? This is a good idea, but in some cities and parking lots it may be illegal to do this, so check it out with the business and you local city office first. Free enterprise: Many convenient stores, drug stores and grocery stores, etc. have bulletin boards you can place flyers on. And if not, some may even let you place a flyer ad in their window. Just be sure and ask first. Free online classifieds: There are lots of free classified ad sites on the web, some you have to sign up for, others you don't. Just write your ad and keep it on your computer then simply join, copy and paste your ad every where you can find a free classified site on the web. Link exchanges: I know many people already know about this, but some newbies to the internet actually don't, and I have visited lots of new sites who aren't doing this yet. So if you're new to the web and have a site, join a link exchange site and open a links page and go to town trading links with other business web sites! (This is also good for the search engines for link popularity) Business cards: I know most already do this, but sometimes it slips our minds to hand a card to the convenient store clerk or the person behind the counter at the dry cleaners. Also put them on the bulletin board in the break rooms of manufacturing companies. You can also place them on counters (after asking) in stores or businesses that may be pertinent to your business (for example if you sell home decor or furniture, place them on the counter of an insurance company or a real estate agency). But don't expect a clothing store to put them on their counter if you sell jeans and shirts, they are your competitors (sacrilege!). T-shirts: Have a t-shirt printed up that has a small ad and web address for your business on the back of it, because it will be seen better than on the front. People are always looking at others as they walk away or if they're standing in line behind you at a checkout counter or at the bank. You could even have some printed up for friends and family. But make it a cool color that will go with a good pair of jeans or shorts so people won't hate to put it on. Pens: I have heard (and seen) that lots of businesses have their name printed on pens. Personally, I'm not real crazy about this, because I myself hardly ever actually read the pen I'm writing with. But that doesn't mean nobody does. So I leave this one up to you. Bumper stickers: Have a bumper sticker with a smart quip or saying printed up and pass them around to your friends. The car behind you or them at the stoplight will no doubt read it. (Examples: STOP HONKING AND START SHOPPING AT http://www.yoursite.com - or - IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE WAY I DRIVE, THEN STAY AT HOME & SHOP! http://www.yoursite.com) If you think about it long enough, you can come up with all sorts of other ideas like this. Just make sure that if it involves other businesses or their property, always ask! Because the last thing you want is to be professionally embarrassed or humiliated! Good luck! R.L. Young is the owner of National Wholesalers, a wholesale website to businesses and the public and to help those who would like to have their own home business. Mr. Young began web marketing in the fall of 2002 with many experimentations and much research in web marketing, advertising and sales; including studies with affiliate web sites, and always learning more Visit his site at http://www.natlwholesalers.com
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How To Increase Your Web Profits by Cutting the Hype 'Hype' is now an often used slang word which is short for 'Hyperbole', pronounced 'Hy ? per ? bul ? ee', with the accent on the 'per' (not 'hyperbole' as in 'super- bowl'). How to Earn at Least One Dollar for Every Website Visitor The path toward success in Internet marketing can be a lonely road. It may feel at times like it's you against the world. Sometimes all you need to right the ship is the right knowledge. Let me share a few ideas with you that should help you to maximize your profits online, and to avoid some of the common pitfalls that stop many marketers in their tracks. Ways That You Can Make Money From Your Online Business Model If you are convinced by now that you wish to do an online business and would like to find out which business models are available, this article is written specially for you. 10 Sure-Fire Viral Marketing Strategies To Increase Traffic To Your Website "Viral Marketing" is giving something away for free and allowing people to pass it on to others. The main purpose of viral marketing is to spread your message to as many people as possible without having to spend any money for advertising. Holiday / Vacation Time But What About Your Online Business? For many of us, it is time to start thinking about packing our suitcases and jetting off on our summer holidays/vacation. When I had a 'normal' job, this was a time to get out of the office and completely forget about work for a couple of weeks. Things are somewhat different now though as an Internet business never sleeps or takes time off so how do you handle your online business when you are supposed to be soaking up the sun on a far away beach? How To Increase Your Online Sales Anytime Hold a discount sale on your web site. Use the sale to get rid of excess inventory, gain new or repeat customers, and increase your sales. Most businesses pick a theme for their sale, like a Halloween Sale. Below are six unique sales themes you could use: Online Business Mistakes Everybody makes mistakes, but nobody likes to talk about them. We feel silly and foolish, even though we could not possibly have known. I know I have made many mistakes during my online business career and it's embarassing! While my rational brain knows it is not really true, my irrational brain thinks that the whole world has seen my mistake and is pointing and laughing at me. 7 Incredibly Simple Ways To Profit Wildly From Public Domain Material If you're in the business of marketing online, a major portion of your income will come from your ability to deliver quality content and products to your market. Online Sales: Easy Way To Turn Freebies Into Sales Freebies. Freebies. Everyone loves getting things for free. Developing Your Export Import Business Using Internet - Part I Since most of the businesses throughout the world have access to the Internet, many astute entrepreneurs and trading companies are using the Internet as one of the primary means for developing their import and export businesses. Do This - and Destroy Your Resale Rights Business! There's one thing that's sure-fire guaranteed to ruin your profits on resale rights products more than anything else - price cutting. It has become the scourge of information product sellers everywhere and it seems there's not much that can be done to stop it. How to Use Tracking to Keep Income Incoming The use of tracking links in the following scenario puts you in complete control when someone else makes a change that affects your webpages, your links on other peoples' sites, or your links in ebooks or ecourses already in circulation. Additionally, the potential time savings in editing the pages that are within your control can add up to hours and hours saved for you. Increasing The Perceived Value of Your Product or Service Whether online or offline, small businesses often show little faith in the quality of their service or product. Instead, they tend to focus on the limitations and lower their prices. This natural insecurity can lead to disastrous financial results because lower prices cripple your return on investment. Learning the Value of an e-Business Website Starting a business is a huge, but rewarding, task to undertake. An internet-based business is no exception and the same dedication and hard work is required to make it take off and be successful. You will soon learn the immense value of a e-business website. Think of this tool as a virtual storefront. Instead of a physical store you can stock your goods or tout your services, you will utilize this website in a similar fashion. Just as you would maintain a store and ensure it is appropriately decorated for your particular business. You would not expect your customers and clients to shop in a store with cluttered shelves, dusty counters, and dirty floors. For that same reason, you should not expect your customers to shop in a virtual space that is littered with text or links that do not work. What is So Exciting about Money and the Internet? I believe it is a principle of human nature that has always been there. You see it in kids digging in the woods for that 'hidden treasure'. You see it in people walking on the beach looking for that 'message in a bottle'. You see it in cues of people in the local newsagent, hoping to buy that 'winning lotto ticket'. Dont Tell Me What I Cant Do! Have you ever watched ABC's hit TV show Lost? My favorite episode was titled "Walkabout". In it, we learn that the mysterious outdoorsman Locke was actually paralyzed from the waist down before getting on the doomed 815 flight which crashed and, somehow, gave him the use of his legs back. Harness the Power of the Internet Whether you're a service business working to obtain clients, a manufacturer selling products, or a non-profit organization selling your good works, you must spread the word. You must speak up to be heard. Getting a response requires consistent and persistent self-promotion. It is a simple formula: Commit to marketing your services, and business will grow. 6 Ways to Guarantee Your Website Will Fail (and how to fix them) 1. Your website is an electronic brochure 2. Can't be found in Google 3. Was last updated when it was created 4. Is organised how you want it organised 5. Is missing what your audience wants 6. Is home grown, and looks like it! The 13 Key Success Factors Of A Well-Executed Joint Venture 1. Product or Service That Sells Well Why Your Talents Alone Arent Getting You Anywhere Online The bottom line is that there are plenty of really talented people out there who will never be heard from because they don't understand even the most basic principles of marketing. Marketing isn't often taught in Fine Arts courses because the instructors, by nature, are better at teaching the craft than they are at marketing themselves in the craft. Most marketing experts haven't fine tuned their artistic talents enough to have a product worth marketing. ![]() |
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