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Six Techniques to Triple Your Website Hits
Welcome, Over the past five years I have learnt many tricks to gain visitors. Many are great and some are negative, even getting me excluded from major search engines. For your benefit I have comprised a list of six free, easy and simple ways that may double or even triple your visitor count within Three Months. 1: Get listed in free directories: Dmoz.com (Open Directory Project) is one of the top places to get listed, if you get your site listed. Up to 20 other websites copy their directory, you now have the opportunity to have your link on many more websites. 2: Find out your competitors link popularity: Do a simple search on google and find out who your competitors are. Then go to linkpopularity.com and try to get your website included on many of the sites you find. 3: Find quality and reliable links: I have found that less than 1/10th of my visitors come from search engines. Quality links are the key; websites with a large volume of customers are often your best ally. Related websites to your own site is generally best, this is often said for a better search engine ranking, but I advise related sites purely for a targeted audience. 4: Find out where your competitors visitors go: Alexa.com is a brilliant website, when you find your major competitors you can search their domain on Alexa.com. You can find out a lot of information about their visitors, where they come from, how many visit and best of all what other sites they visit that are related to your competitors. 5: Get yourself a signature: Many people ignore the idea of a signature in their email, this can often be a great idea. People will see this link can often visit, you may not agree but one more visitor is better than none. 6: Setup an affiliate program: Currently I am in the process of getting my own affiliate program custom built. There are many major reasons for getting your own affiliate program. The most important reason is, allowing other websites advertise your products for you. This has to be a brilliant idea, even though you are paying them you are only paying them from sales that they have helped generate, otherwise you would not have had these sales. I do not recommend working too hard at trying to impress google, my main website only has a medium PR of 5. I have not optimised this site for google nor do I intend to. I have had many issues with google and they will find any excuse to exclude anyone from their index. Google make their own rules, you cannot defend yourself. Even so I still recommend submitting your website to the major search engines, do be careful to do so only once. Good luck with improving your visitor base, I cannot guarantee these techniques will improve your traffic. Although I have tripled my visitor count in three months, I am very happy with my results. Even within the past week my site is receiving an average of 10 customers more per day, without any extra work. Copyright 2005 Private Mail Services Steve is the owner and operator for Private Mail Services. http://www.private-services.com We endeavour to keep your personal life totally safe and private. © Private Mail Services 2005 - http://www.private-services.com
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Rocket Your Online Business into the Stratosphere with Captured Leads! NO matter what business you are trying to build online, you will need sales leads if you are ever going to make sales, and sales leads are what you are trying to generate if you are marketing on the internet. In order to survive, any web site needs a steady flow of qualified leads. Profiting From Your Online Business Creating a lucrative online business is not an easy task. Ask any successful web entrepreneur, and chances are you will receive the same response. While some only intend to use the profits from their Internet ventures to supplement a current income, others aspire to eventually produce a full-time cash flow. Although those striving for a full income through an online business do have quite a tedious road ahead, it can be accomplished. With research, time, and patience, your business can prosper and produce the returns you are aiming for. How To Hold On To Your Customers Like Hell And Make Them Pay You Again And Again! With the years competition online, has become fierce. Studies shows already that there are more web pages in cyberspace today than there are humans on the face of the earth. All these jostling for the same customers. And if you remember that the primary purpose of every business is to acquire customers, then you will understand how serious this is. Is FREE Killing Your Sales? "FREE" what a great word. When Is An Ad Not An Ad? One marketing technique used by advertisers old and new is to conceal sales pages as something else. A Frugal Internet Marketing Strategy That Works! So you finally created the website that your business or brand needs to market globally, but nobody is clicking on your site and the phone never rings. It seems that you have immediately become fodder for those other marketers to sell you their manuals about web marketing, but you might as well have spent your website development money on a gym membership. Ask Questions? To Help Find The GOLD Here's another great idea that the gurus are using to create high profit online products. Using An Autoresponder To Manage Your Email Campaigns Automatic Responders Sneak Up On Your Competition Dear Internet marketers: After going through a couple of months of frustration, I finally came up with ways to "sneak up" on my competition. I thought I would save you a lot of time, money and hard work and share, my experiance with you. First allow me to state a fact: Success = Commitment = Time + Money. Think about it. If money is an issue then time increases to have success increase. Or, if Time is an issue, then money needs to be spent to maintain a path to success. The ideal commitment would be to have an equal mix of both Time and Money. Here is another fact. Something for nothing = nothing. Please allow me explain. If you receive a no cost offer, and make no attempt to investigate, and learn more about how it will benefit you, you have no commitment and nothing for joining. In other words, read training tips. Set up your account so it is functioning properly. You just made a commitment. You have at least invested something valuable, your time. Now you have something. Now build on that. Make a commitment to promote your opportunity. Start your traffic flowing and begin recruiting to have an income. If money is the issue, invest more time with email campaigns that are designed well and SPAM free. Now the sneak attack! Drive traffic to your alfiliate URL or website. Use the following: Traffic Exchanges, Banner Exchanges, Link Exchanges, (if you have our own site and control its contents). Write articles, (make sure they have your opportunity link in them.) then, publish them to the internet. Now you really did something and your commitment increased considerably, without spending a dime, but by investing a considerable amount of time. Your investment just became substantially more valuable. Finally, establish a "Brand" name. Mine is Opportunities Now Internet Marketing Services. I registered my brand with the U. S. Patent Office and Arizona Secretary of State as a TRADE NAME. Cost? About $35.00 doing it myself. That was a whileback, I don't know if those fees have changed. I use my "Brand" on everything. Letters, Newsletters, email, site submissions. This is powerful advertising! Now my personal KEYWORD is: "opportunities now internet marketing services" Online Sales: 10 Incredible Online Sales Tactics To Make Your Sales Soar Are you interested in making your online sales soar like an eagle? Is The Internet the Ideal Marketing Medium? The internet has grown explosively in the ten or so years that it has been in widespread use,and internet marketing has grown along with it. Many factors contribute to making the internet the ideal business medium. 10 Mind Blowing Ways To Increase Your Sales 1. Show your prospects how much enthusiasm you have for your product and business. If you're convincing enough, they will be enthusiastic too. Converting Visitors into Subscribers Copyright 2005 Javier Salces Hype! Has The Internet Gone Too Far? I remember back in the 1980s (history for many of you reading this), I had a friend working at the University of California who had access to the Internet through the University system. It was new, it was esoteric, it was for academicians, nerds, and professional scientists. Do Your Words Need Protection? Recently, attending a local event, I found myself chatting with a young woman I'll call Pearl. When she learned I was a writer she asked, "I wrote some poems when I was younger and I would like to copyright them. What should I do?" How to Use Tracking to Keep Income Incoming The use of tracking links in the following scenario puts you in complete control when someone else makes a change that affects your webpages, your links on other peoples' sites, or your links in ebooks or ecourses already in circulation. Additionally, the potential time savings in editing the pages that are within your control can add up to hours and hours saved for you. How to Tap the Profits Hidden in Your Internet Business! I'd like to show you five secret strategies to extract profits hidden in your Internet business. Pay particular attention because any of these can boost bottom line revenue fast. Look Smart Not Small Business Friendly There is a firestorm of negative press regarding LookSmart's recent marketing stumbles via numerous discussion groups, including two of the oldest and most influential, I-Search and I-Advertising Digests. Most of the critiques center on LookSmart's inability to develop viable programs for SMB/SME ("small to medium business or enterprise"), the difficulty in managing their new pay per click "Small Business Listings" advertising program, and their overall lack of customer service responsiveness. The Website Marketing Strategy that Never Fails Developing a successful web site takes more than simply building a web site with an active URL. Instead, it takes a marketing strategy that takes into account every avenue and angle so as to handle everything and make the site as lucrative as possible. Unfortunately, many web businesses fail because they fail to take into account many of the following topics. If you want your web business to succeed, which I'm sure you do, then consider the following marketing strategy in order to capture more visitors and have a successful online business. Advertising Sucks! Long Live The Web! How much does an advert in Yellow Pages cost? How many enquiries would you expect to get back for that investment each day? 1? 10? 100? ![]() |
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