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I Finally Figured It Out - The Largest Stumbling-Block To Online Success
We're going to talk about one of those issues that I think is the most serious stumbling blocks to Internet success: fear of losing money. Now, I'm sure that you're reading that statement and probably thinking, "Oh God, here we go..." But, you know, I honestly believe that our fear of spending money has proven to be one of the most cancerous issues we have. There's an old adage that "it takes money to make money." We've all heard it. It's really become a bit of a cliche, and as such, it's widely ignored or just said in passing. But, it's actually just as true today as it was decades ago. The most cunning Internet marketers, however, won't tell you that. And I don't really blame them. It's much easier to get money out of people by telling them what they want to hear than by telling them the truth, and if all you want is people's money, you'll tell them anything to get it. While I don't "blame" them, I certainly don't agree with them. Listen, we're a fast-paced society. Most people would agree with that. But, what they're not so readily willing to agree with is that we're also a frugal society, a society that loves to get instant results for the least investment of time or of money. Look around the Internet in the marketing circles. One thing you'll see emphasized over and over again is the word "only" as it relates to price, and "just 15 minutes a day" as it relates to time. They tell you, "All 150 software packages are yours for only $19.95." They tell you, "Spend just 15 minutes per day at your computer and you'll be a millionaire with this system." Why do they say such things? Because they're trying to get you to make the one time purchase of their miracle solution. And we keep buying into it with the hopes that this time it'll work. Are they lying to us? Are they flat our fibbing about what can be done with their system? Absolutely not. I'm sure that they probably only spend 15 minutes at their computer, and most of that time is spent checking their Clickbank or Paypal earnings from the day before. And I don't pretend to believe that the people who submit their testimonials are lying about their success. I have no reason to think such a thing. You see, the question you should be asking is NOT: Can the average Joe make lots of money with your system? The question you should be asking is: WILL the average Joe make lots of money with your system? In other words, are the successes more numerable than the failures? If someone follows the steps, do they have a pretty solid chance of having their own success story? Most marketers, if honest, would answer, "Heck no!" But, they weren't selling us on the reality. They were selling us on the possibility. And we kept buying into it. Notice that I said "we". I can't tell you how much money I've spent buying e-books that were supposed to change my life. Did they work? NO! I've even bought e-books that were advertised as marketing software. To find out it was just an e-book was upsetting to say the least. Could I get a refund? Well, technically, e-books ARE a form of software, so I wasn't necessarily lied to. The moral of this article is simply this: As hopeful Internet successes, we have to stop looking for free lunches, cheap resources, and miracle solutions. We need solid, yet affordable MARKETING TOOLS. Think about that for a minute. We've bought e-book after e-book. Why? Because it promised us information that would change our lives. Come on people! This is the INFORMATION AGE. Information is all around us, especially on the Internet. I can find the information most people are selling for free! Now, at this point, it probably sounds like I'm very anti-marketing or anti-spending. Actually, I'm neither of those things. Spending money is absolutely necessary. I said before that I think that our fear of losing money is our biggest problem. I'm just pointing out how it is that we've gotten so afraid to spend money. You see, we've bought into the wrong things. What I think is that spending money is necessary, but we should stop spending money on information. If it's just $10 or $20, no big deal. But some of these worthless e-books and reports are going for $99.95! You know why they're priced that way, don't you? Because making you pay that much for it is a means of manipulating you to use the programs their e-book is advertising. In other words, if I spend a hundred bucks on a system, you'd better believe that even if I don't like the system, I'm going to at least try it so that I can feel like I got my money's worth. It's the smartest game marketers play, and it works over and over again! Information is definitely something you will need. But, it is NOT something you should pay lots of money for because in this age, it's likely you can get it for free with a little research. What you SHOULD be dishing out money for are the TOOLS you'll need to put that information to use, and this is exactly where we have went wrong. We've invested more into promises made by the sharing of information, while we were hesitant to invest in the tools necessary to bring those promises to pass. Actually, there's a pretty good reason why we are hesitant. With information products, we expect for one $30 purchase to change our lives. However, with marketing tools/resources, we have to purchase from 3 or 4 different sites (possibly more) in order to get all the various tools we'll need. For instance, every serious Internet marketer needs a feature-rich autoresponder service, and there are many to choose from. So, let's say that you find a good autoresponder service for $19.95/mo. Next, you need a nice ad tracker system, one provided by a site with GREAT uptime and server stability. Keep in mind that if their server goes down, so do ALL the links into your site through that server. So, you finally decide on a nice ad tracker service for $19.95/mo. Now, we all need leads, so you decide to purchase monthly recurring leads since it's cheaper that way than if you made one-time purchases. So, you enter into an agreement to purchase 5,000 leads per month for $19.95/mo. Altogether, you wind up spending $59.85/mo for these three absolutely necessary marketing tools. But, the collective price bothers you, and so instead, you wind up buying an e-book for $19.95 that promises to change your life tomorrow with only 15 minutes of time and absolutely no investment of money, except for the $19.95 you paid for the e-book, of course. ;-) Are you getting my drift? Are you seeing how we're kept down by this cycle of frugality. Take some time and do some research. Find a system that can provide you with multiple marketing tools, the tools you'll need to take your business to the next level. Once you find it, don't be afraid to invest in it. Marketing tools work a lot better than marketing promises. Wishing you great success! Romell Weekly is an Internet marketer who has combined his programming skills and marketing experience to produce a winning combination -> http://www.TrafficLane.net. Visit today for all the marketing tools you'll need to grow your business. He lives in Saint Louis, MO with his wife, Monique.
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Don Quixotes Post Humous Virtual Expedition - Filling The Black Holes In Cyber Space Perhaps the online community today is not so different from Don Quixote chasing after windmills, mistaking them for giants. Excessive web browsing might yield more or less similar symptoms of lunacy as those displayed in Quixote's mad adventures. X-Ray Specs, Turning 30 and Achieving Website Success I was writing the final chapter of my book on website marketing a few weeks ago and was wondering how far I'd progressed with it so I ran a word count. 44559 words. How To Actually Make Money In Network Marketing Most people that I know who are, or have been in network marketing, never seem to make a dime! Others (myself included) make a small fortune. If you're not doing VERY well with your business, and you're honestly putting in the effort, let me explain to you how to turn things around! Online Sales: Sneaky Technique To Increase Your Online Sales Anytime There are some smart and sneaky techniques that can help you increase your sales when executed properly. Things I Learned from Corey Rudl On Wednesday, the first day of June, I received the following email from Corey; The Fun and Ease of Online Shopping vs. The Brick and Mortar Option When my sister and discussed our shopping plans this year we found to our surprise that our attitudes were much different. She was the hip New Yorker, living in a trendy section of Brooklyn and commuting in to her publishing job in Manhattan. I'm a down home Midwestern type of girl who prefers to drive everywhere and I love my suburb. We were chatting together on my mother's couch after we had stuffed ourselves with cake from our parent's anniversary party, and when we got onto the topic of shopping (my favorite pastime), my sister gave me quite a shock. While I was dreading the upcoming birthdays and Christmas, but my sister had a very positive outlook. She was looking forward to the experience, and I was flabbergasted.As it turned out, she was a devote of shopping online, and so she was looking forward to surfing around, researching options and deals, and getting all her shopping done early. I argued with her, saying that the personalization of actually finding a gift by oneself in person was something that couldn't be duplicated by a machine. Also, many of the really great items I would like to get were not the kind of items that were technologically oriented, and what little vendors would have their stores online?The debate got pretty heated, and soon we decided to bet on it. We bet each other a new iPod player (pretty technologically oriented there, but I figured that I could sort it out once I won) that the other person would have much better shopping runs if each of us used the other's techniques. I was positive that if she could discover how nice it was to go into the brick and mortar shops, she'd forget all about online shopping ? and I definitely knew that I would like shopping online. Since we were basically buying gifts for the same people, we'd have a fair contest. We'd be fair in our evaluations, as well, and insist on telling each other how we'd done. Each of us would rate the shopping system on ease, quality, price, and getting gifts that was appropriate and appreciated by the recipients. Here's our results:For our brother's present, I hopped onto the internet and typed in bird watching into the search engine. After searching through a couple options, to my surprise I quickly found a birding book that was specific to our state, plus a CD of bird calls. The site not only offered free shipping, but would wrap the package and mail it to the my brother. "Well", I thought. "That was easy ? but I knew books and CDs were easy to get via the internet. How about something tough?"I thought I'd cheat a little bit by trying to find something that could only be bought locally. That failure would take my sister's idea out the utility of online shopping and blow it completely out of the water. For this specialized task I picked one of my favorite foods ? the organic, wild blueberry pancake syrup sold in our local farmer's market. While it's always a pain to wake up early on Saturday mornings to drive all the way down to the market, it's worth it to get this locally-made, yet exotic product. Unfortunately for me, it was easy to find. I entered the phrase Blueberry Syrup into Froogle and it was the first product sold there. I had no idea they sold this stuff on the internet! The new franchising and marketing opportunities have enabled the local growers to market and ship their product all over the states.One last shot ? I'd look for something for my sister, to get something so personal and unique that you'd definitely have to go there to get it. It was an item that we had seen on a friend's wall, and for years now my sister had wanted one of her own. As it turns out, Thai elephant painting (the elephants grab paintbrushes with their trunks and then paint a canvas) is now online, and yes, they will take custom orders. I hadn't really been willing to fly to Thailand to get a painting, anyway, but I certainly hadn't thought that would have been online.I called up my sister in defeat. After two hours online, I had bought all my major presents. Sis answered her cell phone and said that she was still stuck in rush-hour traffic on the way to the store. Niche Marketing Nuggets: Picking the Gold from the Internet Mine Building an Internet business based on a specific niche is not only good sound business it's smart. Internet Profits Revealed: The Simple Philosophy that Works Why is profiting on the Internet so hard for most people? If there is so much money to made, why do so many continue to struggle? There are secrets to profiting wildly online, and I assume you're as deserving as the next person, so what rationale could you possibly use for justifying missing out? HOLY TRINITY: The Three Focal Points Of A Successful Online Venture "For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to complete it?" - Luke 14:28 Make Internet Marketing Work for You Via RSS RSS marketing is a tool used by many on the Internet to deliver advertisements, emails, customer support responses, ezines to clients and potential clients without the concern of Spam filters hindering the receipt of the email. Spam filters have created serious problems for companies marketing through email and almost 65% of the emails you send are not even opened by the recipient. This really will hurt your business if you do not find a way to get your information to clients and potential clients. That is what RSS marketing is all about, getting your information directly to the client and potential client. How To Win The Marketing War, Capture Your Prospects Mind As a marketer you are engaged in a "War" with competitors where the ultimate prize is capturing the mind of prospects and claiming their purchase dollars. Using This One Simple Word Helped Triple My Sites Profits This article is very important. Seven Steps to Starting Your Internet Business There is no reason to be afraid of creating an online business. It is a very easy process if you take it one step at a time. Let's make the assumption you aren't going to quit your day job (not yet, anyway). So how do you get started working part-time only? Seven Reasons Why New Products Fail The most optimistic success rate I have run across for new product ideas is about 3%. In other words, 97% of product ideas never successfully enter the market. There are lots of reasons for this low level of performance, but there is a consistency around a few common mistakes that routinely present themselves with inventors and new product marketers. These are not the only reasons, but if you can avoid these mistakes, you can greatly improve your chances for success. Three Key Steps to Invention Marketing Ever see a new product and say to yourself, "Why didn't I think of that?" Well, if you stop to think about it, probably everyone one of us has either had an idea for a new product, believe we are capable of a new product idea or knows of someone else who has had a new product idea. Using Ad Boards in Your Marketing Campaigns Are free advertising boards a waste of time? The Right Mindset : Key To Success In Online Business Today we are going to discuss a very important requirement to succeed in online business. In fact it is the important and essential ingredient of any successful venture. It becomes more relevant in running an online business because of the nature of the business involved. It is the most talked about and discussed element yet poorly understood and often neglected. 4 Simple Secrets for Net Marketing Success Starting an internet based business when you have zero marketing experience is, to say the least, bewildering. I speak from personal experience as I started out with no specialized knowledge. I gradually weaved my way through what seemed like hundreds of sites selling just about everything and tried to resist buying every white elephant that was offered. Automatic Internet Marketing and Business Success On A $25.00 Budget There are plenty of free tools online for marketing. And many will get you sign ups and sales. This report is not a commentary on the quality of all free marketing programs. We agree some do work. This report provides an alternative to the "long term" usage requirement necessary in order to find the free "working" programs. It's purpose also is to help eliminate the "seeming" reluctance of free signups to upgrade. It is a way to virally market and to help eliminate long waiting periods when trying to get sales while using free marketing tools found online. Build Your Marketing Muscle During a saxophone lesson the other day I realized how much regular practice can help a part time internet marketer. My teacher taught me a long time ago to just play for 15 minutes a day to progress. I was shocked when I first started doing it, but it works. And it works fast. ![]() |
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