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Some Practical Guidlines for Getting Involved with Internet Marketing
This article addresses the 'how' and 'when' of getting involved with internet marketing. In this country we have been saturated with myths of instant wealth and fortunes made overnight. Everyone has heard stories of someone who has gone to Las Vegas and 'bet it all' and won. People are encouraged to act impulsively with their business investments on the chance that 'Lady Luck will smile on them.' I personally believe that most people who gamble impulsively with their money lose it. I believe the same thing is true of people who act impulsively when they get involved with internet marketing. When is the best time to get involved with internet marketing? When you are still employed and already have a steady income, not when you are out of work or up against the stops financially. I believe succeeding as an internet marketer takes time, persistence and investment. I believe there is a science to internet marketing and it involves a learning curve. When I started getting interested in internet marketing, I decided I would spend up to a year learning about it before I invested much money. I was glad I did this. I still made mistakes, you will always make mistakes, that is part of the learning curve, but I believe I avoided losing a lot of money by being well informed. How can you learn about internet marketing? Start surfing the surf exchanges a little. It's free, so all you might lose is a little time, but sign-up for some free e-courses. You'll see plenty of these! Realize that most of these e-books and courses have a commercial angle to them, so don't start signing-up for everything they are promoting right away, but read a lot of different ones. In getting involved with internet marketing one should, as I've said, already have an income. Crunch the numbers, and figure out how much extra income you can easily afford, after you pay all your bills, to invest in on-line marketing and then stick to that. One good guideline is that a newbie should not spend more than about a hundred dollars on advertising,and not more until you see some trackable results from the ad. I believe that, in general, millionaires are created in one of two ways; they either inherit the money or they carefully shepherd the income they have and leverage it into more. What I mean by leverage is that they cut back on expenses so they have a little extra to invest and then they do this wisely. They repeat this process over and over. Brian Beshore has been involved with Internet Marketing for several years. He publishes his own Home Business Guide. http://www.surfinsafari.net
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Taking E-mail Marketing To The Next Level Many types of Internet advertising don't work as well as they once did. People have gotten used to banners and don't click on them. Some ezines have failed to keep their readers' interest and ads sometimes get less response. What The Internet Owes Me What does the internet owe me for all my hard work? What am I entitled to in return for the money I spend advertising my business every month? What, in the grand scheme of things, do I rightly deserve for giving 100% of myself to the success of my networking ventures? Not a single thing. Creating Multiple Streams Of Income Part 1 One day I was talking to a friend who had made his money in real estate. He had bought apartment buildings, paid them off, and now lives off of the income his building bring in month after month. I said that sounds easy enough. He told me that if he had to do that today he wouldn't even try. At the time he bought his buildings real estate doubled in price about every 6 to 8 years. He told me that you would have to wait at least double the years to see any real increase in value. Heres A Quick and Simple Way To Find Hot Niche Markets "Here's A Quick and Simple Way To Find Hot Niche Markets" Time is Money in Online Marketing We all do it. New Product Launch Checklist Launching a new product or service is an exciting time and it is possible to overlook something in the rush to get that product or service to market. I developed the following checklist to make certain that I didn't make the same mistake twice. Hopefully it will keep you from making a mistake the first time. Writing a Website That Sings! If your online sales have taken a dip lately, your product or service isn't necessarily to blame. Even the best products and services can be hidden in obscurity when covered by a blanket of bad website copy. So what can you do to make sure your copy sings the praises of not only your product, but your business smarts and credibility as well? To Survey Or Not To Survey I have learned over the years that when it comes to online marketing as I know it, it's not about what I want in my business. It's really about what people who visit my website want. For awhile I didn't understand that philosophy. How do I find out what people want? Constant Change Is The Only Certainty In Online Marketing This old saying which addresses the variability of the weather in Montana is also applicable to the volatile market dynamics for an online business. If there is one thing that is certain about the future of online marketing, it is that it will continue to constantly change. 10 Resourceful Ways to Recycle Digital or Small-ticket Products Have your product sales slowed down? Do you want to give a new lease of life to one of your digital or small-ticket products? 10 Ways To Get Your Ads Or Messages Noticed Do you post to message boards, e-mail discussion lists, classified ads sites, FFA sites or newsgroups? People will usually read the subject line before they read your ad or message, so it's important they get noticed. Below are ten simple, but powerful tips to get your ads or messages noticed. The New Marketing Landscape Many of us in the marketing services and/or agency business are starting to see some real tangible marketing patterns emerging that businesses need to be aware of if they want to leverage their marketing dollars in this "post .com implosion economy." How You Can Use Free Public Domain Content to Drive Hoards of Targeted Traffic to Your Websites There is an interesting phenomenon on the Internet and that is free public domain content. This is content whose copyrights have long since run out, or other information like dates, figures, government forms, and tons of other information. The problem with public domain content is that it is frequently difficult to find and it is not just organized and available on one website for people's needs. You can use this to your advantage however. All you have to do is seek out free public domain information and include it on your website in order to attract the traffic that is looking for this type of information. Harness the Power of the Internet Whether you're a service business working to obtain clients, a manufacturer selling products, or a non-profit organization selling your good works, you must spread the word. You must speak up to be heard. Getting a response requires consistent and persistent self-promotion. It is a simple formula: Commit to marketing your services, and business will grow. Wealth Is Around The Corner There are so many simple and achievable ways to make money and yet to see most people just sit on the sidelines, it makes me sad. There are many people around the world already rich just by using a little imaginative thought to fuel their success. I guess the main reason why people don't even bother to attempt a wealth building strategy is because they don't have the clear enough vision toward the future they would like to live. Become a Star: 10 Do-It-Yourself Publicity Techniques to Build Buzz for Your Online Business Public relations is popular because it is very cost-effective and it works. If you send out one press release, for example, and it gets into print, it could generate more interest in your product or service. A Better Mousetrap Conventional wisdom says find a niche. Don't go where the market is saturated. And that makes a lot of sense. But for every rule there are exceptions. Learn Judo and Beat the Summer Traffic Blues Did it seem like as the Fourth of July fireworks went up, your traffic went down? Or perhaps you are dreading your visitors taking a vacation and leaving your site home alone this summer? If this is you, then I advise taking some time out to learn a bit of Judo. Judo and the art of website management Judo? What on earth is the connection between seasonal traffic problems and Judo? Well let me explain a little about Judo and it might start to make more sense. Judo is an interesting form of combat, because Judo techniques don't rely on outright strength or size. Instead, the participants use suppleness and flexibility of response (ju means "flexible" in Japanese) to turn their opponent's apparent advantages against them. In Judo, you don't actively resist an opponent's move. Instead, a Judo player uses the momentum generated by his opponent's attack to bring him down. Are you beginning to see the connection? If your visitor numbers or conversions nosedive at certain times of the year, don't fight it ? use it to your advantage. This is how you can manage your online business Judo-style. But how does this work in practice? Well, when fewer visitors and customers mean you have more time available, you can? 1. Overhaul your site Have you been too busy dealing with orders and enquiries to give your site that much-needed makeover? Take advantage of the extra time to implement all those great content, navigation and conversion-improving ideas you are too busy to even think about during the rest of the year. 2. Add to your product line-up This is a great opportunity to add both new tangible products, and extra downloadable ones as well. If you have nothing else to do, a few relatively undisturbed days will give you more than enough time to put together a new ebook on your area of expertise. 3. Build links and credibility Articles (like this one) are a great way to generate both links and credibility. Any extra time a traffic lull gives you can be used very effectively in writing and posting informative articles. As they are picked up and start appearing across the Internet, your both your inbound links and credibility shoot up. 4. Create new partnerships Your busy schedule may not allow you much time to do your own browsing, so take advantage of this slow traffic days to get out and look around a bit yourself. Are there any potential partners out there who you could work with to your mutual benefit? A new joint venture can potentially be worth hundreds of additional customers, so this time of browsing and exploring new possibilities has a huge potential payback. 5. Save your advertising bucks You're keeping track of your conversions as well as your visitor stats, right? Well, if you notice a drop-off around weekends, holidays or other vacation times then, whatever you do, don't use paid advertising to make up the shortfall. If your search engine-generated free visitors aren't in the mood to buy, visitors coming through paid advertising probably won't either. Instead, save your money and use it at those times your historical data tell you give the best bang for your buck. 6. Have a summer sale and get rid of old stock Kill two birds with one stone: Clear out old inventory while simultaneously encouraging those visitors you do have to spend money with you. Make sure you email all your previous customers about the summer deals too, and you may find you get a stampede of repeat visitors cleaning out your store. 7. Christmas is coming You may not be able to hear those sleigh-bells just quite yet, but in retail terms, Christmas is just round the corner. Have you thought about how you will get the most out of this year's holiday season? Set your strategy now and ensure this year will see bumper sales. 8. Take a break yourself! Come on, even following half of my suggestions is going to keep you very busy - even if you do have fewer visitors than usual. So, the final thing to remember is that you are your site's biggest asset and, since you need a break sometime too, why not take it now? If your visitors are packing up and going to the beach this summer, don't panic: Learn a bit of Judo, and let "The Way of Flexibility" (the literal meaning of "Judo") help you turn your summer blues into a bonanza of new opportunities. Is that Niche Really Going to Make You Money? Find a niche; pick a niche, niche markets will make you rich Interactive Content ? Blogs, Forums, and Feedback ? What Does Your Web Site Need? The business principle of continued contact and online relationship building has given rise to the popularity of online business blogs, forums and feedback opportunities. Interactive online communication define the web site owners as experts in the eyes of visitors, and serve as a promotional vehicle for other products and services that the business seeks to sell. Continued, interactive contact can bring many benefits, such as: ![]() |
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