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How To Create Wealth In The Stock Market
First and foremost, an opportunistic strategy for creating wealth in the stock market is needed. And the opportunistic strategy for creating wealth in the stock market must have two ingredients, a plan and a goal. The plan must be a definite, concrete plan of investing that would profit you and your family for the rest of your lives. This opportunistic investment plan you begin should not profit anyone else ? not a stockbroker, a mutual fund or a financial advisor. This means you have to have confidence in yourself and in your own judgment as to whether the investment plan you begin has merit. And this means that the investment plan would and should have already been proven to you! This definite, concrete plan you begin for creating wealth through opportunities in the stock market must also have a goal. The goal should be clear and specific, and once your have made up your mind to achieve that goal, then go forward and make that goal a reality. What are the opportunistic traits of a strategic investment plan built on concrete that would actually allow the shareholder to profit through all the turmoil of an up and down stock market? The secret for creating wealth in the stock market; no matter what direction the market is heading? As in what appears to be the most difficult investment question of all to answer, the answer lies in simplicity itself? investing in those companies that have a historical record of raising their dividend every year. Whether or not you can take this statement of fact to heart is your own judgment call. But it is this opportunistic trait that can and will create wealth for you and your family for the rest of your lives. A company's ability to raise its dividend every year, coupled with stock appreciation is a very powerful wealth creating formula! I'm going to provide you with two examples, though there are many more, some with even better results. The two examples are from my book, soon to be published by American Book Publishing ? The Stockopoly Plan (where an investment plan and a goal are written in stone). The first example would be a stock purchased in 1990, Comerica (CMA). What led to the purchase of CMA? ? In 1990 CMA had a 21 year history of raising their dividend every year. Today's CMA has a 35 year history of raising their dividend every year. This opportunistic trait in CMA stock has garnished a little better than a15 percent return a year, compounded annually (just by having the dividends reinvested back into the stock each quarter through those years ? I prove this to you in The Stockopoly Plan), for the past 14 plus years. Today's CMA stock just recently touched a new high at $60 dollars a share, with a dividend yield of around 3½ percent. In April of 2003 the stock was selling around $37.50 a share, paying a dividend yield of around 5% a year. Am I tempted to sell my position in CMA? Do I care if the stock drops from this lofty price back to $37 a share? Why should I? If the stock drops back to $37 a share, my dividends being reinvested back into the stock each quarter purchases more shares, and my dividend income from CMA simply and dramatically accelerates. I am also already prepared that if a buy-out offer is ever made for the company to reap the profits of owning the stock (as well as the possibility of another stock split). The second example is (unfortunately) in my book, also. I say unfortunately because my book is in the final copy edit stage, so no one has had a chance to read and benefit from it, and since a buy-out offer was made for the stock last week or so, the stock will no longer exist (this means a rewrite for me, before publication). The company in question is the Rouse Co. (RSE), which was just purchased by General Growth Properties (GGP). Oddly enough, you'll find GGP in my book, also ? if you bother to pick it up. Anyway, that's neither here nor there - RSE, on the takeover bid jumped over $16.00 a share in one day! Whew! Why couldn't they have waited a couple of months until my book was released? RSE had the opportunistic trait of raising their dividend every year since 1993 and I was quite content with its performance through the years. Well, that last paragraph blew my train of thought on this article. All I can think about at the moment is my rewrite. I would like to take this time to explain something to you. I have never considered myself a writer nor am I a stock market professional. I am simply a man with 39 years of experience and a passion for the stock market, trying to share what wisdom those years have given me. When I sit down to write an article, I seldom have an idea on what I'm going to say. It was the same way when I sat down to write my book. I just meant to put down a few words on paper for my 18-year old son so he would have a sound, concrete plan for investing in those companies that make up the stock market (quite frankly ? I didn't want him to blow his inheritance). Whether you find merit in what I say, I have no idea. What I do know is that life is just too short to learn everything you need to learn by yourself, without the help of others. There, now I'm satisfied with that ending! For more excerpts from the book 'The Stockopoly Plan' visit http://www.thestockopolyplan.com Charles M. O'Melia is an individual investor with almost 40 years of experience and passion for the stock market. Author of the book - The Stockopoly Plan-soon to be published by American Book Publishing
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Art investing, however, can be a big money business, and can create incredible financial gains and losses for those who choose to speculate in the art market. The Cost of Green Eggs and Ham Young readers know that March 4th is the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Many parents trip their tongues over Seuss stories like "Green Eggs and Ham". "Do you like green eggs and ham?/I do not like them, Sam-I-am./I do not like green eggs and ham". Planning Starts with the Basics When developing a plan for your finances, the toughest question often is: "Where do I begin?" Before investing in stocks and bonds or buying life insurance, before implementing any change or making any decisions, you first need to analyze and understand your entire financial picture. Two documents allow you to do just that. A Balance Sheet and a Cash Flow Statement enable you to take an in-depth look at your current financial situation and make better decisions about the future. With a little work, you can develop these two tools and be on your way to a solid plan for your finances. Are You An Investment Dummy Like Me? I am good at a few things. I can certainly market well and I consult with others about how to bring more attention to their products and services on the internet for a living. The Differences Betweeen the Wealthy and Everyone Else I recently received an e-mail from a young lady who had doubts about the principles of wealth found in "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". She mentioned a couple of past failed investments, and wanted to know what I thought about investing and financial freedom - whether it was just a myth, or whether it could be acquired. I thought I'd share it here for the benefit of those who have struggled with investing, or perhaps from ventures that didn't quite pan out. Here's what I wrote back to her: It?s Never too Early to Start Investing! Remember the old saying, "never too late to start"? Well, try this on for size: when it comes to investing, it's never too early to start. Time really is of the essence here. Those of us who find ourselves between the ages of twenty and forty should make investing for retirement a key priority on our list of things to do. My Way Or The Highway: Give Your Financial Professionals A Good Talking To! All this talk about Investing is encouraging lately. Over the last few years, more people have become interested in the duty to invest there money, then ever before. However, when you follow most investment offers to their logical conclusion, they are disgustingly futile. Evaluating A Money Manager Scams and frauds are designed to take your money through false promises and phony claims. Money management is supposedly designed to increase your net worth. Sometimes these two worlds meet and the results are not in your favor, i.e., you have a considerable decrease in net worth. HYIPs Investments or Scams? High Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs) appear at first to be the secret to unlimited wealth and fortune, but as you can guess that quickly changes. However, I have found myself still using them in a very limited fashion as a generator for my digital currency exchange. I will discuss that in a later article. First, you need to understand the concept of e-currency. It is a digital currency that is traded and used for purchases on-line. In fact, it has no national boundaries, is handled in many different currencies and is very liquidible. While all of these factors make it a very versatile tool for the investor, it also makes it anonymous and therefore very attractive to the scammers and thieves. Be warned it is almost impossible to know whom you are dealing with or what they are actually going to do with your money. There are many types of e-currencies but I prefer e-gold for many other endeavors than Help. Short Selling for Investors Shorts. Let's see. If there are shorts there must be longs. Which is best? Longs or shorts? Getting Started Investing is Often the Hardest Part There are several reasons people give for not investing their money in things like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. One reason is that they feel that they don't have enough money to make a serious investment, but a more common reason that many people have absolutely no idea how to go about getting started investing. In fact, if more people understood the basics of investing and had a cohesive plan for getting started investing, more people would do it. Beginning Investor - Investment Terms Over the course of the past two months, readers have brought to my attention that there is a steep learning curve for investment terminology. That's why the focus of this month's Beginning Investor column will be investment terminology. The world of finance can be complex. This article doesn't intend to provide an all-encompassing set of definitions, but rather, as a general guide to help you understand the most frequently used financial terms. There's no way we could cover everything - and I'm sure that we wont - but this should clarify some things for those new to investing. This month, we'll be looking at stock-related words in particular. The Economys Greatest Depression Downturn Ever Is Now Just A Few Years Away What really controls the economy? Forget interest rates, forget deficits, forget the Fed, forget IRAQ, forget which party is in office. In fact, forget just about everything that permeates the news. The greatest force that has controlled the long-term trend of the economy for at least the last century doesn't give a fig about any of these side-shows. And just what is this "greatest force" now telling us in 2005? The same thing that it has been telling us for at least the last twenty years - that the onset of a catastrophic depression, unprecedented in history, has been marching silently and steadily towards us, and that it is now just a few years away. Building The Foundation For Wealth You wouldn't build your home on anything less than a solid foundation. Similarly, you can't build wealth and financial independence without first having sound foundational principles to build upon. Economic Survival in the 21st Century - the Three Key Questions to Ask In this "special report", I want to pose a few important "philosophical questions" to my readers. Firstly -- our Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, addressed the effects and implications of our aging population on things such as Social Security again in a speech that he made last Friday. Readers may remember that I also briefly mentioned this issue in my June 24th commentary. I urge you to keep this worldwide phenomenon of the aging population firmly on the back of your minds. If you are like most people, then you earn you living by producing a certain thing ? such as a consumer good, or a service that the masses want. Let's face it ? how many people really "struck it rich" by being pure traders or investment managers? The stock market and other financial markets are definitely very important to us investors/traders but this "super secular trend" of the aging of the worldwide population will impact every aspect of our lives, whether it is losing our relative competitiveness on the world arena, increasing pension and healthcare costs, or even a potential fundamental change of our political system. ![]() |
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