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Realistic Investing Expectations
Over the long term stocks have provided us with great average return results. But this average return masks a great deal of volatility, because returns have fluctuated within a very wide band. This extreme volatility is the chief risk of investing in stocks, but it is a risk that tends to recede from investors' memories after a lengthy period of generally rising stock prices. Those investors new to investing in stocks may underestimate the volatility of stocks because volatility has been muted in recent years. Time greatly reduces, but certainly does not eliminate the volatility in returns from stocks. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that you will earn above average returns even if you hold stocks for two decades or more. Investors who are relatively new to investing in stocks may benefit from some perspective about bear markets. During the bear markets, Indexes declined an average of 25-35%. Although the average bear market lasted a little longer than 12 months, it took an average of almost 20 months for the Indexes to return to the levels achieved before the market downturns. Although no one can reliably predict the timing of bear markets (or bull markets, for that matter), a prudent investor should understand the extent to which stock prices can decline and should be prepared to "ride out" these periods when they occur. The big danger from bear markets is that investors will sell at or near the bottom of the downturn. Those who got out of stocks missed an extraordinary rebound in stock market performance. Since risk is inescapable when investing in stocks, perhaps the greatest risk is that you will never invest in stocks because you can never be sure when is "the right time" to invest. Uncertainty is a permanent feature of the investing landscape, and trying to discern the ideal time to invest is almost always a futile exercise. Don't be swayed by market fluctuations or the opinions and predictions from market analysts and forecasters! Your investment strategy and expectations should all be based on your personal objectives, time horizon, risk tolerance and financial situation. It should not be determined by the direction of the financial markets or the opinions of "The Experts!" Copyright © 2005 I.E.C. Haramis haramis@greekshares.com http://www.greekshares.com Ioannis - Evangelos C. Haramis was born in Greece in 1951 and he studied in Greece, USA and in Belgium. He has been active in the stock markets since 1972. Since 2002 he is New Business Development Managing Director at an Investment Bank and editor of http://www.greekshares.com
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Out-Of-State Investors Check List of Questions The following lists of questions are suggested questions to ask before you plan to purchase residential real estate outside of your neighborhood. Press Release Scams and Successes: Reading Between the Lines Press releases are a means through which companies can keep the public up to date regarding their recent affairs. It is the duty of every public company to keep its investors and indirectly potential investors aware of what is going on in the company. It should not be forgotten, however, that it is in the ultimate interest of the company for the price of the stock to increase. Consequently, companies are increasingly selective about what and how information is presented in such releases. Your mother always told you, "If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is." That popular adage holds particularly true with regard to penny stock companies' press releases. Certainly all press releases are optimistic; companies would not release them otherwise. But when looking to invest in a company, be aware of overly ambitious, optimistic, and unsubstantiated press releases. A company that has had annual revenues of 10 and 11 million for the past two years and that claims that the coming year will bring revenues of 40 to 50 million, better have a darn good reason. Examining press releases by breaking down the argument into its underlying logic is an excellent way of uncovering reasoning that has been intentionally muddled to appear better than it is. For example, if a company says that its software sales increased 300% over the past year but do not indicate what percentage of their total revenue was composed of software sales, be suspicious. If a company does not lay out a detailed plan explaining how they will make money and increase earnings, it is likely that their only source of revenue is selling valueless shares to sucker investors. A Safe Port For Mutual Funds But Not You! Soft dollars, a form of legal kickback, is a sly way you can get ripped off by mutual fund managers. Full service brokers give these kickbacks to non-indexed mutual funds in the form of a "rebate" to purchase research, software, and even computer equipment. How to Invest Overseas - Intelligently! In recent months, many advisors have talked a lot about the wisdom of investing overseas, but most have failed to really address the way to do that. For new investors, investing in the U.S. is challenging enough, but investing across borders is often even more daunting. Success Trading: Some Basic Terminology for New Traders The world of trading can get very complex because the financial markets are complex. There thousands and thousands of successful traders out there today. The amazing thing is that they all have carved their own niches and approach the markets in a unique way. This should be wonderful news for beginning traders because it demonstrates that there are thousands and thousands of different ways to proper in the markets. It's just a matter of discipline and finding the approach that suits your style and personality. With all that being said, new traders must begin somewhere, so let examine some basic terms and approaches to the markets. Margin Benefits are Marginal at Best Margin is one of those things that novices find puzzling about the stock market, but the concept is really quite simple. Still, with understanding the basics of using margin accounts, determining the wisdom of using margin can be quite a conundrum. Delist My Corporation Please It use to be said that once a company was de-listed from the NASDAQ it was the kiss of death, not so any more. With Sarbanes Oxley and all the insane reporting requirements it might save your company from incessant lawsuits from investors and the government regulators who are out to destroy free enterprise. Many small NASQAQ companies have spent over $100,000 initially to set up the controls for accounting compliance of Sarbanes Oxley and now the ongoing scrutiny for transparency runs a good 1-3% of gross sales. But that is not the kicker; the real problem is when company executives make decisions for the regulator over sight compliance and what is best to keep the company out of trouble or from receiving a letter from Elliot Spitzer or the SEC. Once that happens the stock price tumbles and once in the sites of a regulator they are going to have to find something to prove self worth, even if they have to lie a little or fudge their investigation to make something up. Which is all to common as any insider will tell you. Beta Factors: How They Can Be Used In The Current Situation Ever since the turn of the century, world stock markets have been very volatile. In other words there have been significant movements (up or down) in share prices. This phenomenon has been evidenced by the collapse in recent years of the share prices of the dot com companies (e.g. Yahoo, Amazon etc.) and the sharp falls in the share prices of telecommunication stocks (e.g. British Telecom, Marconi etc.). Yet despite these events there is very little emphasis placed on measuring the volatility of stocks. Art Investing for a Financial Future When we think of investing we probably conjure images in our minds of the New York Stock Exchange, suited stock brokers making deals, bonds and treasury bills, and all manner of financial matters. The last thing we probably think about is art. Art investing, however, can be a big money business, and can create incredible financial gains and losses for those who choose to speculate in the art market. The American Age of Inflation is Over "The American Age of Inflation is finished." So says economist Robert Samuelson in his December 2nd Washington Post column. Easily Finding A Good Stock There is a tremendous amount of software, complicated high priced newsletters, radio and TV stock pickers and Internet web sites that will help you find a stock that is going to make you rich. Discipline in Investing and Trading Discipline can be simply defined as your ability to follow your investing and trading plan. Keep Stock Market Investment Profits Have you had one of those huge investment winners ? a stock that went from $2.00 to $80.00? Or any other numbers you want that gave you a gigantic percent profit? The Power of Small Numbers: Trading Success is Based on Consistency, Not Home Runs Online trading is so seductive - just sit, click, and rake in the profits! But as anyone who has ever seriously attempted online trading will probably tell you, it's just not as easy as it sounds. Property Investment Just Got Exciting There is an area in Brazil that has lower crime & lower property prices than where your are probably sitting right now! Asset Allocation: Critical to Your Investment Success Asset allocation is a critical component of investing success. Both research and academic studies show asset allocation to be single most significant factor in determining your financial goals. Allocation influences both the total long-term return and risk of your investment portfolio. Other factors such as security selection and market timing account for a very small percentage of your investment returns. Unfortunately, the most important decision to achieving financial success is also the least understood. What Is A Fair Market Value, Really? If Youre Going To Trade, Be Sure Its Worth It! I've been involved in online trading, specifically with stock and index options, for several years. In this time, I've spent a great deal of time thinking about value and the fact that anything, be it a stock or currency or even a house, is worth exactly whatever someone else will pay for it. Sure, there are a million and one pricing models (especially in financial markets) that will tell you precisely what something should be worth. But in the final analysis, if nobody will pay that much, then it's not actually worth that price. Guru Focused: Robert Olstein?s Short Sells While it is rather rare that value gurus sell stocks short, Robert Olstein has been selling short in his Financial Alert Fund. The accountant-turned fund manager spots values by looking behind the numbers. In the second quarter of 2004, Robert Olstein sold short American Italian Pasta Co. (PLB) at $31. After about 6 months he covered at $20, easily made more than $1 million for his fund. Currently he is shorting two stocks: Computer Sciences Corp (CSC) and Fleetwood Enterprises Inc (FLE), although things do not always go that smoothly. The Myth of the Earnings Yield Abstract Evaluating A Money Manager Scams and frauds are designed to take your money through false promises and phony claims. Money management is supposedly designed to increase your net worth. Sometimes these two worlds meet and the results are not in your favor, i.e., you have a considerable decrease in net worth. ![]() |
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