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When It Comes To Investing, Asking The Right Questions Can Help You Make The Right Decisions
Are you ready to open your pathway to financial independence? Well you should be. The sooner the better. But, how do you get started? There is so much to know about investing and the truth is it will take a lot of training and guidance in order to get the hang of it. With our fast paced and ever changing economy, it will be hard to fit into the market with no experience. So the sooner you get started the better. You can start anywhere, read books, websites, financial publications, magazines, attend courses, seminars etc. but no matter what you do, make sure you start right now! Investing Basics Investing refers to the accumulation of some kind of asset in hopes of getting a future return from it. There are several different ways you can invest your money. You can invest in a bond, which is exchanging money for a promise of more money in the future. You could also invest in an capital investment, which is the exchange of money by a business for an addition to their ability to produce. No matter what you decide to invest in, the fundamentals are the same. You are basically buying risk. the more risk you take on, the higher price you can sell it for. That's basically what all investing boils down to. As an investor you are really becoming a risk manger. Investing Tips The number one tip is to invest wisely, do some research to figure out what kinds of questions you should be asking. A few common sense questions would be those that evaluate the background of the brokerage firm or individual banker with whom you intend to do business with, before you hand over your money. It is also important to evaluate the firms history, how stable it is, etc. because if the firm goes out of business chances are you might not be able to recover your money. A good place to start figuring out what questions to ask of your broker is the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission homepage, they have a detailed page that outlines very good questions to ask. You could also check the library for other investing resources. Make sure to take notes when you ask your questions and write down the answers that you received, this shows the broker that you are a serious investor. It's important to consider that, as a beginner in the investment world, you are sure to make mistakes. Everyone does, but its your ability to learn from these mistakes that will give you the experience necessary to carry on and improve your results. The only logical way to learn from your mistakes is to write down everything you do, and evaluate it thoroughly. This way you will be able to acknowledge what mistakes you make, and help you avoid repeating them. Read More Free Investment, Wealth Creation & Personal Finance Articles & Tutorials at: http://www.global-investment-institute.com The Global Investment Institute has been setup to aid people in the pursuit of a better lifestyle through managing their money effectively, investing wisely and wealth planning for their future.
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It is mostly an older crowd with the youngsters about 40 years of age. I have been saying for years that until you have lost enough money trying to make a fortune you will not become serious about investing. The under 40's are shooting for the moon and it has finally dawned on the over 40's (maybe it's the over 50's) that they must find a better way to get rich. Trading Tips No 7: Developing a Casino Mentality for the Day Trader I submit that the successful day trader would profit well to adopt a casino mentality. At first glance, this sounds reckless and nothing more than a gambling attitude - but it's not. Why? Because everyone knows that it's the casinos that profit and take in all the money on a consistent basis. And, of course, the patrons end up losing even after brief winning streaks. College Savings Plans ? Are They The Best Choice For My Child? College Savings Plans ? are they the best choice for my child? Mutual Fund Selection Made Simple By Indexing! Non-indexed mutual funds try to keep it secret that actively managed mutual very funds rarely do better stock market indexes. The higher fees of the managed funds really make it hard for these funds to out compete indexed funds. Smart financial journalists occasionally rat out fund managers for not educating the public in this regard. When this happens the mutual fund managers make a feeble attempt at self defense by pointing to something called the 5% rule. Retire Dollar Smart Jim Miller is a registered investment advisor. This means that he is not beholden to a particular brokerage or financial institution. As such, he does not charge monthly fees for "money-managing"; instead, through a consultation fee he is free to give whatever advice will best benefit his clients; he doesn't have to serve them whatever "flavor of the month" the brokerage or financial institution happens to like at that point in time. His investment advice in his book, "Retire Dollar Smart," is clear and filled with common sense. ![]() |
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