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Chile Leads the Latin Pack
Everyone's talking about China. Don't miss the opportunities in the other CHI.. Yes. Chile with an "LE" not "NA" While the whole region is back in favor with investors, it seems appropriate to highlight Chile which is the economic star of Latin America. Chile is about two times the size of Montana and has an incredible coastline of 2,650 miles. While only 3% of its land is arable, it has an amazing variety of climates and rich agricultural production. It gained its independence from Spain in 1810 and has 16 million citizens of which 90% are Catholic. The Chile story is somewhat similar to Ireland before its economic takeoff. From 1978 to 1988, per capita income increased only $100 to reach $1,510. Next, both a military government followed by democratically elected governments initiated market reforms and opened up the economy. Exports and foreign investment took off and debt levels came down. Foreign investors in Chile are treated the same as Chilean investors. Chile's Take Off and Steady Growth From 1991-1998 economic growth increased an average of 8% and per capita income on a purchasing power basis has grown to $10,700. Since then growth has moderated to a 4-5% range but a total Chilean public and foreign debt at 50% of GDP is very low relative to other Latin countries. Trade is very important to Chile with exports accounting for 25% of GDP. It is rich in natural resources (copper, timber, fruit and fish) and has been busy signing free trade agreements. A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the US took effect in January 2004 and now 90% of Chile's exports to the US enter duty free. After a similar trade pact with South Korea last year, exports rose 50%. Current President Ricardo Lagos Escobar is under pressure to improve economic growth rates and bring down the stubbornly high 8% unemployment rate. On the positive side, inflation and interest rates are low at 2-3%. Chile has demonstrated fiscal discipline and enjoys both a trade surplus and a budget surplus. How to Take Advantage There are no country- specific ETF's for Chile but there is the Chile Fund (CH) which is a closed-end fund managed by Credit Suisse Asset Management. It is up 53% over the past year, trades at a 7.7% discount to its net asset value and sports a 4.6% yield. Keep in mind that 19% of the fund is invested in just one copper company Empresas Copec S.A. and the annual fee is high at 1.80%. Another alternative would be the iShares Latin America 40 (ILF) which invests in Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Argentina. It is up an eye opening 67% over the past twelve months with an annual fee of only 0.55%. Currently, 49% of this exchange-traded fund is invested in Brazil, 38% in Mexico, 10% in Chile and 3% in Argentina. Interested investors might also consider the ADR for Banco Santander (SAN) which is an excellent bank and a good proxy for the overall economy. It is up 42% over the past year and up 11% so far this year. Banco Santander is one of the 30 companies in the Chartwell Global 30 Index which is an alternative to the Dow Jones Industrial Average. About: Carl Delfeld is head of the global advisory firm Chartwell Partners and is editor of the "Chartwell Advisor" and the "Asia Investor Intelligence" newsletters. He served on the Executive Board of Directors of the Asian Development Bank in Manila and is the author of The New Global Investor (iUniverse: 2005). For more information go to http://www.chartwelladvisor.com or call 877-221-1496.
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The Light Crude Continuous Contract (of oil futures) hit an all-time high at $67.80 a barrel Friday, and closed the week at $67.40 a barrel. Persistently high oil prices will eventually slow economic growth, which in turn will cause oil prices to fall, ceritus paribus. Using Divergences to Keep Out of Bad Trades The American Football season just came to an end with my team getting close to the championship but falling short again. I am a big fan of the Indianapolis Colts and we keep having a groundhog day season year after year but it is still fun to watch. We have one of the better quarterbacks in the league named Peyton Manning who is renowned for his hard work ethic as well as his mental and physical ability on the field. Inflation Proof Your Investment Portfolio with ETF?s Even though inflation has been relatively quiet in the U.S. since the late 1980's, there now appears to be some strong evidence that it may be starting to heat up again with an expanding economy, combined with skyrocketing oil and housing prices in certain key regions of the country. While the Federal Reserve has been raising key interest rates citing the threat of rising inflation, the cautious message coming out from the Feds are that, inflation is still benign and not yet a threat. Inflation is benign? Excuse me, but the cheapest gas I can find anywhere in this area is $2.23 a gallon, which is up almost 50% from last year and housing prices in my Howard County, MD neighborhood have more than doubled in the past five years. Online Trading Options Strategies - Rolling Rolling is defined in options online trading as moving a position from one strike to another either vertically in the same month, horizontally to another month or some combination thereof. Volatile Oil The Light Crude Continuous Contract fell from $67.70 a barrel on Monday to $62.75 on Thursday, and closed at $65.79 on Friday. Consequently, oil stocks followed the sharp move in oil prices last week. Why You Need To Buy and Sell Gold Coins (Part 2) How to Collect Rare Coins For Fun and Profit Trading Is Not Rocket Science! Despite what some people may lead you to believe; day trading, swing trading and trend trading is not anywhere as difficult as they would like you to think. It really boils down to two key components. Seven Investment Terms Everyone Should Know For those who have never given their financial future a second thought, the term "Financial Planning" could be a scary one. Investments can be a smart way to invest money for your future, but it can be confusing for those who have no experience in the financial business. Before you consult a financial planner it is wise to become familiar with some of the terminology that you are likely to hear from him or her. Easily Finding A Good Stock There is a tremendous amount of software, complicated high priced newsletters, radio and TV stock pickers and Internet web sites that will help you find a stock that is going to make you rich. Love The Thrill of Risk? Invest in an Annuity! With the stock market in steep decline, people are looking for safe places to invest their savings. Many banks and investment companies are pushing annuities. Annuities offer a higher interest rate than CD's, but are they safe? Is Offshore Banking for You? You've probably heard about people who keep their money offshore. 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But that is not the kicker; the real problem is when company executives make decisions for the regulator over sight compliance and what is best to keep the company out of trouble or from receiving a letter from Elliot Spitzer or the SEC. Once that happens the stock price tumbles and once in the sites of a regulator they are going to have to find something to prove self worth, even if they have to lie a little or fudge their investigation to make something up. Which is all to common as any insider will tell you. My Way Or The Highway: Give Your Financial Professionals A Good Talking To! All this talk about Investing is encouraging lately. Over the last few years, more people have become interested in the duty to invest there money, then ever before. However, when you follow most investment offers to their logical conclusion, they are disgustingly futile. Why You Need To Buy and Sell Gold Coins (Part 6) Pre-1933 Gold Outperforms Today's Gold Bullion... Diversify! The best way to avoid being hit hard by a stock market crash or another Enron/Worldcom fiasco is to make sure you don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversification helps ensure steady growth of your net worth as you accumulate more assets. Making It Second Nature Not long ago I was laying on my son's floor throwing one of his toy balls back and forth in the air to myself and I had a strange revelation. I noticed that as I threw the ball up in the air my left arm automatically started to move to where the ball was going to come down. At the time I was pretty amazed at the fact and decided to experiment a little. Success Trading: Some Basic Terminology for New Traders The world of trading can get very complex because the financial markets are complex. There thousands and thousands of successful traders out there today. The amazing thing is that they all have carved their own niches and approach the markets in a unique way. This should be wonderful news for beginning traders because it demonstrates that there are thousands and thousands of different ways to proper in the markets. It's just a matter of discipline and finding the approach that suits your style and personality. With all that being said, new traders must begin somewhere, so let examine some basic terms and approaches to the markets. Tyranosaurus Rex Everyone knows T Rex was the most fearsome of all dinosaurs. He could and did kill everything in his path for food or maybe stupid meanness. His brain was very small and he did not survive. ![]() |
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