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Home for a Gnome?
Kitsch is defined by several dictionaries as relating to poor quality or gaudy art objects that appeal to "low-brow" taste. But in the garden, kitsch categorizes folksy or commercial art that's viewed condescendingly by some, and with irony by others. It's this irony (this stuff is so bad it's good) that has made items such as pink flamingos and garden gnomes more widely popular in recent years. Garden gnomes have long been popular in Europe, especially in the middle European countries of Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia. In fact, the city of Usti nad Labem in the Czech Republic has declared 2004 to be the Year of the Gnome. Worldwide popularity of these dwarvish creatures was given a boost after the release of the French film Amelie in 2001. The title character in that movie, frustrated by her father's refusal to travel in his retirement, abducts his garden gnome and sends it around the world with a flight attendant friend. But from where did these garden creatures spring? The word "gnome" comes from the same root word as the verb "to know." It is thought that gnomes were named by Paracelsus, a 16th century physician and alchemist. Paracelsus authored a theory of the elements that included the belief that gnomes had occult knowledge of the earth. From that theory sprang folklore tales that established a mythical society for gnomes. People said that gnomes expressed greetings, farewells and goodnights by rubbing noses. They developed stories that the creatures lived to 400 years, with the male gnomes greying very early in life and indulging in pipe-smoking. Gnomes were divided by folklore into different types, with the house gnome and the garden gnome being the most represented. People believed that gnomes were a good luck charm, a symbol that the forces of nature were on their side. In parts of Europe, statues of garden gnomes have been, and still are, considered status symbols of success. So much have gnomes captured the popular imagination, that in July 2003 Australia saw "Take your garden gnome to work" day, and recently the BBC urged listeners to hunt out "gnome-infested" gardens in central England. Although tongue-in-cheek, the BBC's disclaimer to take no risks because they "believe (gnomes) are still a potential source of harm" carries on the folklore legends. In addition, several gnome "liberation" groups profess to free the statues from enslavement in gardens across America and Europe. According to legend, house and garden gnomes help with chores around the home, like sweeping the floor or planting. This is the reason many statues of gnomes hold hammers, axes or shovels, or are pushing wheelbarrows. Many contemporary statues depict gnomes sunbathing, swinging and otherwise relaxing. Several modern artists have specialized in creating statues and painting of gnomes, and many people are avid collectors. Others have opted out of the gnome movement, based on the gnomes' legendary association to spirits and the occult. Will there be a gnome in your garden? About The Author Debbie Rodgers owns and operates Paradise Porch, and is dedicated to helping people create outdoor living spaces that nurture and enrich them. Visit her on the web at http://www.paradiseporch.com and get a free report on "Eight easy ways to create privacy in your outdoor space". Mail to debbie@paradiseporch.com
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To determine the appropriate liner size, it is recommended that you use a pond liner calculator (I.e. like the one on GardenSM.com's website). To follow are instructions and tips on how you can install your very own liner pond. A Garden Pond in Your Landscape - Want Water in Your Yard? A Garden Pond in your Landscape - Want Water in your Yard? Teak Furniture - The Proper Way to Care For & Clean It Teak furniture is tropical hardwood that has a rich, golden honey color when new. However, as teak begins to age and is exposed to the elements, the natural, beautiful color changes to a silvery gray patina. In fact, this is how you can distinguish finely aged outdoor teak furniture! The key with teak is that if you were to leave this silvery gray color on the teak furniture without being treated, you would never be able to get the lustrous honey, caramel back. How To Mow A Lawn Although push lawn mowers are wonderful machines that do a great job in keeping the lawn looking lush and well groomed, sometimes you need something with a bit more power to get the job done. Plant A Simple Tea Garden Materials Needed 1 decorative clay or metal planter 1 package of clay pellets (approx. 30 pellets) 3 packets of organic tea leaves seeds (YOUR CHOICE) Grow-rich or nutrient-rich potting soil (ASK YOUR NURSERY FOR THE BEST RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR AREA) Directions 1. Spread the clay pellets evenly along bottom of planter. These will absorb water and promote healthy root development of the tea plants. 2. Moisten potting soil in a large plastic bag and then spread mix over clay pellets in planter, leaving 1/2 inch at top of planter. 3. Sprinkle seeds on soil, leaving about 2 or so inches between different varieties. 4. Lightly cover the seeds with dry soil, and then moisten slightly with a spray bottle or a few drops of water. 5. Label the varieties of tea on the bottom or side of planter, or create popsicle-stick signs to place in the soil. 6. Move planter to a warm place in indirect sunlight until germination takes place. After germination, relocate planter to a warm area with natural sunlight. 7. When tea leaves reach a height of about two inches, thin out seedlings across the total planter surface to provide adequate space for future growth. 8. Water periodically, only when the soil is moderately dry.DO NOT OVERWATER!!) Earthworm Friends in the Garden Earthworms are a gardener's best friend. Landscape Wallpaper Landscape wallpaper can be a great addition to your computer's desktop. Since most of us always have our PCs running, it is refreshing to see a beautiful masterpiece on the display when the computer is not in use. You may even be able to download landscape screensavers as well. How to for Lawns ? Mowing How often you mow your lawn will depend on a number of factors. Firstly how much time you have to devote to your lawn's maintenance. How fast your lawn grows, and this in turn will depend on whether you fertilise it regularly and whether it receives adequate water and sunlight. Normally, lawns should be mowed at least one a fortnight to keep them in check, so to speak. Cat Repellent or How to Keep Cats Out of Your Garden Do cat repellents work? How to stop a cat from using garden as litterbox? Tell me how to keep cats out of my garden. These are common questions of concern to all gardeners but is there a real answer? Liner Ponds versus Folding Preformed Ponds Introduction Ten Considerations Before You Buy A Bird House When you decide to buy one bird house or more -- be aware that there are many designs being sold that are unsuitable for the birds. These houses may not attract any birds or the types of birds you wish, or they may actually be harmful. Many are very cute and look like little decorated houses. There is nothing wrong with these, but they are usually more appropriate as indoor decoration than as good safe homes for wild birds. Below is a checklist of the ten most important features of a good working bird house. Before you put a house out for wild birds, be sure it has these ten features. If it is decorative and still has these features, then it is fine to put it out. How to Care for Long Stem Roses Dill: Scandinavias Most Important Culinary Herb The ancient herb, Anethum graveolens or Fernleaf dill as it is commonly known, was mentioned some 5,000 years ago in early Egyptian writings. It is the most important culinary herb in Scandinavia, as popular as parsley is in other parts of the world. The word 'dill' stems from the Old Norse word dilla, meaning "to lull," and can be grown indoors and out. The feathery leaves make dill a pretty foliage plant, which is lovely as a green foil for the flowers in your garden. The fragrance of dill on fingers evokes a 'comfort smell' for many people as the leaves smell of homemade dill pickles. Old-fashioned dill water or gripe water as it is commonly known (made by infusing crushed dill seeds in hot water), is still used as a remedy for indigestion in adults as well as children. Hummingbird Nesting Facts Every spring the United States and Canada are blessed with the presence of humming birds migrating north to make a home for their coming young. They come from Mexico and South America in search of a cooler, more suitable climate to nest and have a family. Picking the right location for a nest is critical to the survival of the bird's young. Finding just the right spot is only half the battle, however. Next comes the actual construction, and for a pregnant humming bird it proves to be quite difficult a task. Grow the BEST Tasting Tomatoes Tired of tomatoes that are rock hard and taste like cardboard? Stupid question! Use these tips to grow your own tomatoes bursting with flavour. ![]() |
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