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Landscaping & Gardening Information |
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Professional Lawn Watering Techniques - Wireless Sensors for Lawns in Drought Areas
The technnology secrets will help home owners maintain lawns in drought areas using a fraction of the normal water use. Professional Landscapers know that by burying wirless sensors on a rod in several places on a golf course to measure the exact amount of water getting to the roots. A healthy lawn only needs to be watered done to the roots and approximately three quarters of an inch below that. Any more is a waste and counter productive for the lawns health. Professional lawn watering techniques have often been studied; http://www.ext.vt.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/D...at?cat=ir-ln-la . Over watering the laws or greens does no one any good, as a matter of fact invites International Terrorists with Disease Vectors, such as Mosquitoes with West Nile Virus. Municipal parks would also be advised to take notice. And if you consider the over watering of center medians in the middle of the night and the run off which flows into drinking water of local lakes and causes Algae Blooms from excessive fertilizer nitrates, this too could be fixed with small rods not more than .3 meters long with wireless sensors in it buried a few inches deep to avoid being cut off by lawn mowers (which we hope the waste is used as Bio-fuel and collecting the decay which makes methane gas). The remote control mechanism would be attached to sprinkler system controls and the cost could be as little as $80.00 for the controls and as little as $8 per rod for such uses and mass production of any of these ideas. If all ideas rendered relevant and BMP then perhaps the cost could go down to $35.00 per control and $5.00 per unit. These same devises are used in private wells, pipelines, tanks etc. for fluid level control. The Flow of water in this country and the degree of savings of un-needed water usage from a conservation stand point is clearly worthy of such expense, especially considering the South Western and North Midwestern drought riden areas. This is an inexpensive solution to a major problem. This also helps as underground aquifers are depleted long stakes up to 1 mile could be inserted to determine the possibility of Earthquakes from cave ins. Similar to the Coalinga Central Valley Earthquake as crude oil was removed it left empty areas which collapsed. Also what an incredible thing for Nurseries or home gardens and indoor plants: http://www.diynet.com/diy/pf_house_plants_...2277724,00.html and http://gardening.wsu.edu/library/lanb002/lanb002.htm For such an important issue we can really help the problems we face. It has been estimated that watering of Golf Courses in many cities takes up to 10% of the total usage, so if you could cut it down by half, you get 5% back for free. Agriculture could also be highly served by this. With the increased growth and increased frequency of the droughts and severity of each new drought it is time to study these technologies further for the future of mankind. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Planning Permission Tips UK - Landscaping Schemes - Do They Add Value-Is It The Chicken Or The Egg? Have you noticed how everything looks great at the moment - in the garden and parks I mean. Everything seems in bloom, full of colour and life. This is a great time of year for biking as well but that's another story. Building Liner Ponds Surprisingly enough, it is usually in mid-summer that many gardeners begin to think about installing a small pond or water garden. Ponds don't need to be weeded or watered, and they can supply exuberant color in the form of water lilies and bog plants. Patio Accessories ? Complete The Great Outdoors Patio accessories can range from small to large and of all types of materials and styles depending on your garden décor. Outdoor entertaining on the patio or backyard has skyrocketed in the last few years as people are treating their patios as outdoor rooms. Homeowners want to extend their homes, and adding accessories on the patio is one way to turn the indoors out. A patio accessory can be just about anything. Some ideas to enhance your garden and add decorative touches are: wind chimes, decorative flags, weathervanes, bird baths, houses, feeders, garden stakes, planters and more. These are only a few of the thousands of things you can choose to add some decoration to your patio. You could also splurge on thick plump pillows on a wrought iron love seat. What about decorative rag rugs with ticking stripes for patio seat cushions? Fabrics along with your accessories make for a wonderful splash of color. I choose to keep to the same color palette that I have in my house. It only makes decorating sense to me to just keep the palettes going outside. I don't like the look of having one distinct color inside and then a completely different color outside. Flow is the rule indoors, why not outdoors too? Keep the color flow going with your furniture, and then add a pop of an unusual color with your accessories. If you aren't sure about the lime green or the hot pink, just add a little of it until you see if you want more. Greenhouse Buying Guide - Choosing The Right Greenhouse When choosing a new greenhouse for your garden there are several things to bear in mind if you are going to get the most from your choice. A wrong decision can prove costly in the long run so be sure you know exactly what you need before you buy. Here are some of the most important things to consider: Overwintering Pond Fish The metabolism of koi and goldfish is controlled primarily by water temperature. As the water cools, pond fish require less protein in their diet. When koi and goldfish are fed high-protein food in cool water, the excess protein is excreted as ammonia from the gills. The microscopic organisms that make up the biological filter (and consume ammonia) also slow down in cooler water. Outdoor Living Cleanses The Mind, Body, and Spirit Through the use of various mediums pertaining to the outdoors, like hot tubs and patio furniture, one can relax and enjoy nature. Don't stay confined to four walls and a roof, breathe and inhale the free, fresh air only the beautiful outdoors can provide. Use your outdoor space as an extension of home, with all the added comforts. Suppose you do not have an outdoor space to relax on wicker and eat on a simple yet classy teak table. What do you do? Garden Makeover On A Budget There's been a huge increase in the popularity of garden makeovers. Teams of people come in and transform your garden in less than a day. But how can you save money by avoiding the experts and costly plants and perform a garden makeover miracle yourself? A Rose is a Rose? There are many varied definitions of what each color of rose symbolizes. Florists and floral experts alike will agree that flowers hold the meaning we give them and the feeling with which they are given. Manage Algae There are several different ways to manage algae in your backyard pond. The best way however is when you have several different things all working together in harmony that will best take care of any algae problems you may have. Why Patio Benches are a Great Place to Relax and Enjoy Having an outdoor patio offers the opportunity and place to sit outdoors where you can relax alone on a lazy Saturday morning or enjoy a barbecue with family and friends. To enhance a patio while providing additional seating, more and more people are turning to patio benches. Although traditional patio furniture is still nice, patio benches do not take up as much room, they can easily be moved from the patio to the lawn, and many designs on the market feature compartments underneath a padded seat for storage. Gift Ideas for Bird Lovers Some of the best gifts you can give to a bird lover are those that have to do with birds! :) The Advantages of Silk Flowers The silk flower is growing in popularity among young couples and families for many different reasons. Many event hosts or planners struggle over whether to choose fresh flowers or artificial flowers. Silk flowers are non-allergenic, will never wilt and can be maintained as keepsakes for years. There are many more positive effects in ordering or owning silk flowers. The Ivy League Parthenocissus tricuspidata is commonly known as Boston Ivy, Cottage Ivy, or Japanese Ivy. It covers the exterior walls of a number of prestigious northeastern universities and is probably responsible for the term "Ivy League." Boston Ivy is a deciduous, self-clinging vine with large (to 4-8 inches) glossy leaves. The color of the leaves changes with the season starting with light green in spring, dark green in summer, and peach to scarlet crimson in fall. Colour in the Garden Colour affects our emotions, moods, physical, and spiritual well-being. It has a significant effect on everything we eat, drink, and touch and influences our physical environment including our home, office, and garden. Colour reflects our personalities. The colours we prefer for home interiors carried out to the garden, provide continuity between our interior and exterior living spaces. Colours are a useful tool in creating different moods in the landscape. In order to effectively create with colour it is important to understand the meaning of the different colours. To Salt or Not to Salt Your Pond The important question of whether or not to add salt to your pond is often confusing for beginners and forgotten by experienced pond-keepers. To newbies and pro's alike we have this to say: Gardeners: Contain Yourselves! Whether you live in a tiny city apartment or on a large country estate, gardening in containers is a way to add colour and the beauty of nature to your surroundings. The three main elements of creating successful containers gardens are: Choosing Pond Plants A pond without plants is like cake without icing. Pond plants fight algae, give fish a hiding place against predators, and beautify our own little slice of paradise to plunk down in at the end of a tiring day. How to Install a Liner Pond Liner ponds are ideal for the experienced water gardener because they allow for very forgiving installations, which consequently promotes greater creativity. However, for the very same reasons, liner ponds also take require some pre-planning. Before you commence a liner pond project, you should purchase a pond liner that is of the appropriate size for your pond dimensions. To determine the appropriate liner size, it is recommended that you use a pond liner calculator (I.e. like the one on GardenSM.com's website). To follow are instructions and tips on how you can install your very own liner pond. Lawn Disease And What To Do About It Every lawn, whether new or established, is susceptible to a variety of lawn diseases. Most lawn disease starts with a fungus. Fungi are an oddity because they don't set seeds; instead, they propagate by distributing spores in their surrounding area. Some of the spores are picked up by wind or animals and distributed in new locations. Funky Garden Plants 2 What's a perennial garden plant that blooms in the winter? A hellebore! It is an outdoor plant that is shocking to see blooming sometimes in the snow. There are many varieties. They are perennial which means they come back year after year.These are best planted in shady areas, but where they will get sun in the winter, for instance under leafed trees or something of that nature. What is so unusual about hellebores is that they bloom somewhere between Dec. and March. There are very few plants that do that! One variety is called a Christmas Rose. These plants usually must be puchased at a nursery. Check out your local nursery for this wonderful family of plants. ![]() |
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