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Rose - The Flower of Love and Romance
What is the flower that everyone visualizes and associates with love or romance? ‘Rose’ is the instant answer by anyone. The rose is placed on a high pedestal by almost all the ancient civilizations which is indicated by the fact that the flower has been associated with numerous myths and legends. Numerous instances abound in the Greek, Roman, Hindu, Jew and Egyptian mythologies and legends. No wonder, the flower is a delight to the viewer and has made inroads into our everyday lives and true to its importance the rose has been acclaimed as the ‘queen of flowers’. No occasion is complete with out a rose! be it a happy occasion like wedding or a sorrow occasion like death ceremony, the rose is an inseparable part. The rose offers a wide variety in terms of color, size, shape, fragrance etc to choose from, thanks to the breeding efforts over the last century. There are roses suitable as standards, hedges, edges, borders etc and there are roses suitable for arches, pergolas, espaliers etc. Because of the sheer range rose is a challenge, delight and also an eternal fascination to a gardener. Though there are thousands of varieties of roses, majority of the present day garden roses owe their origin to ‘Tea roses’ and ‘Hybrid perpetuals’. In the later part of 18th century the combination of these two types gave rise to ‘Hybrid teas’. Again the combination of ‘Hybrid teas’ with another class called ‘polyanthas’ resulted in the ‘floribundas’. Thus the garden roses can be classified into major categories such as Tea roses, Hybrid perpetuals, Hybrid teas, Floribundas, Polyanthas, Miniatures etc. Though temperate and hilly climates offer the best climate for rose gardens, there are numerous varieties that are suitable to varying agro-climates. Modern technology has paved the way for large scale cultivation in controlled conditions such as a glass house. Nevertheless, the beauty of the sprawling rose gardens in United Kingdom, USA, Switzerland etc. offer the natural beauty of the rose, where it has been bred and nurtured over the decades. Ravikumar Uppaluri is from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh State in India.The author Holds a Masters degree in Agricultural Sciences and is cofounder of an organization involved in Nature conservation and sustainable development. The author can be reached at uravikumar@yahoo.com
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Bare Root Roses Bare Root Roses, what to look for when buying How to Choose the Right Bulbs for Your Spring Flower Garden Choosing the right bulbs involves more than just selecting colors and cultivars. Timing, bulb size, and most importantly, bulb health are equally significant factors in designing your spring garden. It?s Gardening Season! It's gardening season again! Are you ready? Whether you are a seasoned gardener, or are looking to start gardening, you will likely need supplies and plants. If you shop smart, and use the tips below, you can get that garden running with very little money. And you can save a lot of money on your grocery bill as well. Paving Stones Imagine a beautiful pattern of paving stones as the central focus of your new patio. Stone circle kits are one of the most popular new products offered by suppliers of flagstones and pavers for patios. Stone pavers, such as sandstone paving slabs offer a wide range of beautiful styles and colors and can be the basis of an inviting and classic patio that is one of the most-used areas of your home. Overwintering Pond Fish The metabolism of koi and goldfish is controlled primarily by water temperature. As the water cools, pond fish require less protein in their diet. When koi and goldfish are fed high-protein food in cool water, the excess protein is excreted as ammonia from the gills. The microscopic organisms that make up the biological filter (and consume ammonia) also slow down in cooler water. How To Find Cheap Flower Delivery In Your Area As humans, we are always on the lookout for a deal. Deals on flower delivery are no exception. We use flowers as gifts for so many occasion such as birthdays, anniversaries, deaths, births, graduations and many, many more. We could probably come up with an event or celebration that could constitute giving flowers at least once a month. Instead of paying retail (or more) each time we need to order flowers, we would all like a great deal. Many methods of finding cheap flower delivery exist, you just need to know how to find them. Planting Roses in Pots In years past, serious rosarians would never consider having a potted rose on their property unless it was just waiting for its home to be prepared in the garden. How To Brighten Up Your Home With These Flower Arrangement Ideas A beautiful flower arrangement piece can become the focal point of the room you choose to decorate. It's truly fascinating how we can combine different flowers to create a mesmerizing bouquet. With the vast selection of colors, fragrances and shapes, you can create or readily buy a flower arrangement piece that will speak to you and others walking in the room what you want to communicate. Hummingbird Nesting Facts Every spring the United States and Canada are blessed with the presence of humming birds migrating north to make a home for their coming young. They come from Mexico and South America in search of a cooler, more suitable climate to nest and have a family. Picking the right location for a nest is critical to the survival of the bird's young. Finding just the right spot is only half the battle, however. Next comes the actual construction, and for a pregnant humming bird it proves to be quite difficult a task. Feeding the Hummingbirds Early in May here in west central Wisconsin, I can count on seeing a Ruby Throated Hummingbird hovering in front of my kitchen window, flitting back and forth, as if to say, "there was a hummingbird feeder RIGHT HERE last year. Where is it?" Online Garden Seed Exchanges If you've been gardening for any length of time you have probably realized a couple of things. Trust Your Plants - They Know How To Grow! I've done a lot of container gardening over the years, and one thing is a given for potted plants: it's a life of constant change. Moving around from one part of the garden, patio or sunroom to another, moving indoors and back outdoors again, and of course the inevitable periodic re-potting. It's a wonder that plants do so well given this life of constant upheaval, but the key seems to be to just tend to their basic needs and let them do what comes naturally. Fertilizers - What you Need to Feed Your Lawn Just like humans need food, water and shelter to survive, lawns depend on certain elements to live, sixteen to be exact. Most of these elements are already found naturally in the environment, but several others need to be added to your lawn. Adding fertilizer with these three elements, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, does the job. Organic or Chemical Feeding of Plants - Whats Best A fundamental question in vegetable gardening is - what is the proper use of organic and/or chemical materials? Let's determine the truth of the matter, with four basic principles and a few brief examples from Dr. Jacob R. Mittleider's worldwide experience. Gardening Tips and Tricks for Late Autumn Preparing for the Winter Months: Gardening in October Vegetable Garden Layout The size of your yard will determine your final vegetable garden layout. What can be fun is the planning of the garden and the decisions surrounding the kind of garden you want. One of the very first decisions is whether it will be a ground level or raised bed garden. The Amazing Hummingbird Without a doubt, hummingbirds are beautiful and interesting creatures. Compost YES, Epsom Salts NO You'll often hear garden writers recommending the use of Epsom salts in the garden as a general rule. First off, I'm not one of those writers. Secondly, Epsom salts are essentially magnesium so if your garden soil is magnesium starved, adding the Epsom salts will seemingly work miracles. If your soil is not magnesium starved, adding Epsom salts is a waste of time, effort and money. Teak Outdoor Furniture - Where Function Meets Beauty The wonderful thing about choosing teak outdoor furniture is that you have such diversity. From chairs to benches to tables and more, teak is the perfect wood for outside entertaining. 8 Simple Tips to Keep Your Lawn Mower Running 1. If you have a non-electric mower which runs on petrol or gas have a look in the instruction manual to find out how to check and change the oil. Check the oil level often, add more oil when necessary and change it when it's dirty. ![]() |
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