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Orchid Care - What The Leaves Tell Us
Orchid Care Leaves Tell Us About Orchid Health Over the past 20 years the orchid supply has become almost limitless. All in all orchid care leaves is becoming more important to all the orchid lovers. The leaves can also give very important information about the orchid plant. Orchid care leaves can help you to diagnose what is wrong with your plant. I imagine this as one of the best ways to see the early signs of potentially fatal diseases. Leaves can be yellow, blackened or brown or they may become shriveled. Let's learn more about orchid care and what to do. Blackened leaves show their effects on the body or the tip of the leaf. If it is on the body of the plant it is usually due to the hot sun causing a leave to burn. Orchid care would tell us that if this may to the case put the plant away from direct sunlight. If sun burn is not the cause and the size of the spots continue to grow then it may be a bacterial or fungal disease. orchid care leaves suggest to cut off the affected part of the leave and treat it will a fungicide like natriphene. What about blackened or brown tips of the leave. This could be caused by excessive minerals in your water. This is fairly common in well water. With orchid care you should have your water tested. It also could be caused by excessive fertilizing, especially cymbidiums or once again a fungal infection. If it seems to become larger you need to cut off the affected and treat the plant with a fungicide. Leaves may also be mottled or streaked black or brown. They are telling us that this could be from a viral infection. Caring for orchids tells us to determine this special tests are needed and can be provided by your local agriculture experiment station. You will need to send in a leave. As in humans, there is really not much for treating this right now. Orchid care leaves also suggest that you isolate this plant right away. Yellow leaves are probably the most common ailment we see. Good orchid care would tell us that it just could be a natural phenomenon called old age. If it seems to e happening to the oldest leaves don't worry. On the other hand it could be from, too much light (most common), not enough nitrogen in the fertilizer or if the medium is primarily bark. Other causes include being subjected to low temps or loss of roots. Orchid care would suggest to first change the lighting and potential for low temps. Keep in mind that in the North being on a window sill during winter can be a cold spot. Another condition that you could see in orchids are small spots that turn from reddish brown to black. These are most likely caused by fungal infection. As orchid growers we need to remember that humidity is needed for proper orchid growth and the orchid supply. Too much humidity favors the growth of fungus. The last orchid care leaves tip I want to mention is the shriveling of the pseudopods. Pseudopods are very efficient water storage areas of the plants. If there is not enough water given to the plants or the humidity is too low the leaves will shrivel. Also, if the root system is dying you can get shriveled pseudopods. Leaves sure do tell us a great deal about orchids and help us to keep diseases at bay and not becoming fatal Visit our Orchid Store: http://www.orchid-store.orchids-plus-more.com ** This article can be used freely as long as the author and the Orchids-Plus-More.com are identified within the article This site http://www.orchids-plus-more.com is devoted to these wonderful orchid plants. Did you know they are the second in popularity only to the poinsettia plants? You will find a good deal of information on how easy orchid care really is. They are wonderful to have around your home or for that special gift. Orchid flowers are beautiful and can last for years. Your plant will be appreciated for years and years. The article may be reproduced in full with the name of the author and the web site, http://www.orchids-plus-more.com cited in the article.
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