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Fertilizing Your Water Lilies...
Unfortunately, sunlight is not enough. Your water lilies will grow, thrive, and bloom much better if you get in the habit of fertilizing them regularly. The good news is -- It's Easy! you can either remove your water lily from the pond to fertilize them, your sometimes you can even do it with the plants still in the pond... I prefer to remove them so I can inspect to see if they are becoming overgrown, and possibly need dividing. This is really the best way, and a good time to kill two birds with one stone. So, first - remove the pot from the pond. Then drain out any excess water, so you can see the surface of the soil and Rhiozome.. Next, here's a trick I use to fertilize my lilies quickly and easily... Have a fairly wide tipped flathead screwdriver nearby, and then use it to punch a clear path into the soil and through the existing roots. Then give it a good twisting to hollow our your hole. You'd be surprised how hard it can be to push a fertilizer tab down into a dense root pack - so try this next time and tell me if it isn't 100% easier. Now that you have your 'holes' dug - take 3-4 water lily fertilizer tabs out (we like the Tetra Pond fertilizer tabs), and push them down into the holes with your index finger.. That's it -- you're done! Then just cover up the holes and top off the plant with some fresh dirt, as we discussed in our last article - and you're ready to move onto the next one. Once you've fertilized all your lilies, just slowly lower them back into the pond.. Here's another trick I use - Don't just drop the pot back into the pond, as trapped air bubbles can sometimes uproot the lily or some soil.. This is espcecially true new pottings, as the soil has not been properly 'set'. Here's what I do: Lower the pot into the water, just enough to fill it with water, then raise back up out of the water until you see all the air bubbles disappear. Do this a few more times, until you think you're removed all the air bubbles from the pot - then slowly lower it down into the pond. There's nothing more frustrating than having a newly potted lily (or any plant) suddenly lift up out of the pot, dumping dirt all over the pond, and having to be repotted.. I'ts happened to me more than once.. So that's it for now, in our next article, we'll talk about trimming and pruning water lilies... **************************************************
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Garden Makeover On A Budget There's been a huge increase in the popularity of garden makeovers. Teams of people come in and transform your garden in less than a day. But how can you save money by avoiding the experts and costly plants and perform a garden makeover miracle yourself? February in the Garden Often in February there is a surprisingly warm day. Everybody sheds their coats and puts a bounce in their step. The next day they hear a snow plow at 4 AM. But the brief warmup gets you thinking "what is there to do in the landscape?" Fall Garden Chores for Spring Flowering Bulbs As the school busses begin to rumble down the road again we are reminded that the gardening season is drawing to a close. For the gardener with an eye toward next spring, however, the season still promises plenty to be done in preparation of a showy spring to come. Early fall is the time when we should be planting our bulbs. Iris Flowers Remind Me Of Mom! Iris flowers always bring memories of mom to mind. Let me share with you three reasons why... It?s Gardening Season! It's gardening season again! Are you ready? Whether you are a seasoned gardener, or are looking to start gardening, you will likely need supplies and plants. If you shop smart, and use the tips below, you can get that garden running with very little money. And you can save a lot of money on your grocery bill as well. Sunflowers Hi there, Teak Garden Furniture: A Natural Extension of the Home In the past, the garden has traditionally been a separate entity, with wrought iron or plastic furniture dotting the landscape in no particular design pattern. Seen as simply a place to have a picnic or, perhaps, read a book on a nice day, attention wasn't given to the fact that the garden is a natural extension of the home. Outdoor Furniture: Exploring the Benefits of Teak Of the many types of materials that are available for the construction of outdoor furniture, teak is often overlooked. This beautiful wood ? of tropical origin ? adds character and elegance to your outdoor design through a blending of nature and man-made elements which provide an outstanding aesthetic presentation to any yard. Tranquility in Your Own Back Yard A garden fountain can add beauty and serenity to you yard or garden. It's long been known that running water can aid in relaxation. The addition of a water fountain can not only add a stunning center piece to you landscape design but also improve your overall experience of relaxation. Feeding the Hummingbirds Early in May here in west central Wisconsin, I can count on seeing a Ruby Throated Hummingbird hovering in front of my kitchen window, flitting back and forth, as if to say, "there was a hummingbird feeder RIGHT HERE last year. Where is it?" Canopy Swings - Escape the Weather with One Do you love to sit outdoors and swing for hours but have to cut your relaxing excursions short due to the intense sun or brief summer showers? Do you get tired of having to wipe down your outdoor furniture before you can actually sit in it and enjoy it without fear of soiling your clothes? If so, maybe you should think about getting a canopy swing or purchasing canopies for your existing swings. How to Grow Snow Peas Snow peas may have been named because in bright sunlight their light green pods look as if they might be tinged with frost. One of the oldest vegetables, the earliest recorded pea was grown in 9750 BC on the Thai-Burma border. Since snow peas are a favorite addition to Asian dishes, this pea might very well have been a snow pea ancestor. Cyclamen Think of cyclamen and the chances are that Mothers Day immediately comes to mind, which is something of a pity. Now don't misinterpret me, there's nothing wrong with mothers or with having a day for them, but it does seem a little unfortunate when such beautiful, adaptable and useful plants become so commercialised that there's difficulty escaping that association. Water Conservation in the Garden - Use a Rain Barrel to Harvest Rainwater If you are a gardener you probably already do a bit composting to recycle yard and kitchen waste. This homemade "Black Gold" does wonders for your plants and soil. But, have you discovered the gardening benefits of harvesting and recycling rainwater to use in the garden? The Ivy League Parthenocissus tricuspidata is commonly known as Boston Ivy, Cottage Ivy, or Japanese Ivy. It covers the exterior walls of a number of prestigious northeastern universities and is probably responsible for the term "Ivy League." Boston Ivy is a deciduous, self-clinging vine with large (to 4-8 inches) glossy leaves. The color of the leaves changes with the season starting with light green in spring, dark green in summer, and peach to scarlet crimson in fall. Riding Lawn Mowers Most riding lawn mowers are machines fun ride and extremely cool to look at. However, they are just a dream for many gardeners who can not afford one of these powerful gardening equipment. A riding mower can be a practical time saving machine for professionals as well as for beginner or amateur landscapers. If you are on of those homeowners, lucky to maintain a large yard, it can be a good idea to invest in a riding mower. We will explain first the type of mowers on the market and then which one would fit better with your current needs. Basic riding mowers are actually those featuring rear engines. They use to come with small horsepower engines, usually mounted under the operator's seat. These mowers have reasonable power sized cutting blades and fit perfectly into small lawns with less than 1 acre. The next level up is for medium horsepower riding lawn mowers; these mowers use to include their engines at the front; there can fit larger engines due to the space. They have a stronger and faster cutting capacity. Medium riding mowers provide better performance on hilly gardens and are the perfect complement for yards between 1 and 3 acres. Commercial riding lawn mowers are designed for really large yards, including sport fields, they can be extremely expensive for homeowners and won't really provide their best performance in yards no bigger than 3 yards. Riding Lawn Mowers Types Here you can find some important points to have in mind before you decide on the most suitable model that would better fit with your necessities. The final choose will depend basically on: ? The type of terrain of your mowing area as well as the size of it. And what other tasks would you like to do with your new lawnmower?. It is also very important to know whether or not the area includes slopes or hilly areas. The most flat is your mowing area the better performance you will get from the machine. ? It is always extremely important to select a comfortable seat, especially when you will be sitting for a long time. You will save a lot on back injuries and other common diseases related with sat jobs. There is no choice with that, it's preferable that the mower's seat be comfortable enough, don't make the mistake that most do, it worth. ? Does the garden include trees or rocks that require permanent change of direction during the mowing process? It's very important to find all the finishing touch to choose amongst steering wheels and tires. ? There are different bagging or recycling grass options; here you have mainly to mulching or to bagging. While mulching will cut the grass into fine clippings and then give it back to your lawn, providing nutrients to it, the second will just fill up a rear bag, being easier for the rider to empty and replace it with new ones. ? There are many attachments on the market to choose from. You probably just need a riding lawnmower including normal features. In addition, you can usually attach other features, like the ones to remove snow during winter time. Frame Your Garden With Edging You've planted the flowers, put in the shrubs and even added a bird bath and a few garden decorations, but what's missing? Could it be the edging? Patio Design and Patio Furniture - The Use of Focal Points A focal point is an important design element; it is a place where the eye naturally comes to rest. In a well-designed patio there is always a planned focal point, such as a large dining set, perhaps with a well-selected umbrella. But a patio's focal point could also be another interesting object or landscape feature. Choosing the Proper Pond Pump Whether you have a preformed or a liner pond, a pond pump is a paramount component of any water feature. Stagnant bodies of water attract mosquito infestations, which are a nuisance, and also undesirable, due to the recent outbreaks of the West Nile virus. Therefore, it is paramount that you utilize a pond pump that circulates your body of water. Tips for Backyard Fish Ponds Care Installing a backyard fish pond is an aesthetic addition to your landscaping and offers a bit of tranquility as well. However, taking care of backyard fish ponds is not as easy as one might think. And, you have to do more than simply install the fish pond and then let it go. Backyard fish ponds care is constant and consistent. Although, if you follow these tips you will be able to enjoy your backyard fish pond with as little effort possible in its maintenance. ![]() |
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