Landscaping & Gardening Information

Introducting KOI-Cam!

This is a project I've had on the back burner for many months now, but now it's finally ready!

The Difference Between Large and Small Ponds

If you think that a large pond is simply a small pond that "grew up", you're in for some pond maintenance problems. Let's start off my defining the terms that we'll be using here. A large pond is anything over 1,000 gallons (5,000 liters). A pond that holds over 4,000 gallons (20,000 liters) is a very large pond.

Funniest Pond Stories-Part 1, May 2004

Get ready for some gut-wrenching, laugh out loud hilarious pond stories from all over the world...

Overwintering Pond Fish

The metabolism of koi and goldfish is controlled primarily by water temperature. As the water cools, pond fish require less protein in their diet. When koi and goldfish are fed high-protein food in cool water, the excess protein is excreted as ammonia from the gills. The microscopic organisms that make up the biological filter (and consume ammonia) also slow down in cooler water.

Lazy Fish Worries

If your fish hang out at the bottom of the pond, or act restless and lazy, then it's likely that your pond is suffering from poor aeration.

Aluminium And Wooden Greenhouses

An important addition to any British back garden, greenhouses are firmly established in the British way of life. It's probably the inclement weather that drives the british gardener 'inside'. If you are visiting this site then you are probably thinking about obtaining a new greenhouse. It is possible you don't know the type of greenhouse you need or even how to decide on the type of greenhouse. Greenhouse design was revolutionised with the arrival of aluminium frames and the scarcity of pine. This article takes a brief look at the differences between metal and wooden greenhouses.

A Rose is a Rose?

There are many varied definitions of what each color of rose symbolizes. Florists and floral experts alike will agree that flowers hold the meaning we give them and the feeling with which they are given.

Indoor Gardening Tips for Jerry Seinfeld

"I have no plants in my house. They won't live for me. Some of them don't even wait to die, they commit suicide" ~Jerry Seinfeld Come on, admit your thumb not as green as you want it to be? Are you having trouble keeping your house plants alive and healthy? Can you relate to Jerry on this one? Relax?.you?re not alone! Many of us (myself included at times) have felt that fake plants were our only option because we seemed to have the ?touch of death? when caring for plants. Read on to find out how 10 simple changes will make you feel like a ?natural born gardener?!

Storm Damage and Mature Tree Pruning

One winter evening I was working on the computer when the power went out. The freezing rain that had been forecast must have been the culprit. It was getting late so I went to bed figuring we would have power again by morning.

The Advantages of Both a Liner Pond and a Preformed Pond, Rolled Up Into One Box!


Enjoy Creating and Growing a Sustainable Garden While Feeding Your Family

A sustainable garden means one that can be sustained over time, and would necessarily involve I) growing food you want to eat, so you are motivated to continue growing, II) growing economically, so that it is worthwhile doing, as well as III) taking care of environmental issues, so that the ground will continue to support growing.

Organic or Chemical Feeding of Plants - Whats Best

A fundamental question in vegetable gardening is - what is the proper use of organic and/or chemical materials? Let?s determine the truth of the matter, with four basic principles and a few brief examples from Dr. Jacob R. Mittleider?s worldwide experience.

Gardening During Hard Times or Emergencies - You Can Feed Yourself!

Do you ever worry about always having to rely on getting seeds and fertilizer from the store? What would you do in a survival situation, if you could not go to a store to purchase these things?

The Zoo-Doo Man - Or How to Make the Best Compost in the World!

Is your garden soil great? Does it produce an abundant crop for you without any great effort on your part? We were once told ?By the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread . . ?, and with several thousand years? rain, snow, wind, and crops removing the minerals from the land, we very rarely see fertile ground anymore.

Winter Gardening Looking Towards Spring

Ok, the title "winter gardening" might be a tad bit misleading. I am not suggesting that you actually garden during the winter but you should be using this time to plan your upcoming garden. As you look out at your yard and garden area during the cold months of winter, let your thoughts run wild and you will be amazed at what images you can conjure up. You might even want to try some of your new found ideas this spring!

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