Anniversary Gifts that Say I Love You

Exchanging anniversary gifts is a long standing tradition. Many couples seek out traditional gifts for each year of marriage, but others prefer "modern" gifts. Below you'll find a few ideas to say "I love you" on your special day.

Some of the symbols are the same whether the gift is traditional or modern. Through time, the symbols representing each year of anniversary has changed slightly, allowing greater flexibility when it comes to selecting anniversary gifts.

The first five years are generally considered most important, followed by the 10 year, 20 year and 50 year anniversaries. When most people think of giving an anniversary gift, they often want to remind the love of their life how important they are to them. No matter what the symbol however, you can certainly find some way to romanticize the gift.

Take the first year traditional symbol for example: paper. Many unique anniversary gifts can be crafted from paper that are romantic or sentimental. This might include a set of stationary, where you write a poem to your loved one on the first piece. Perhaps you might consider something that reflects your partner's hobbies, such as a cookbook with an inscription to the love of your life on the front cover.

Any gift can be romanticized if a little though is put into the process. Even a travel clock for example, can be considered a personalized gift. If for example, your partner travels frequently, you might consider a travel clock engraved with a sentimental expression, such as "thinking of you". Your partner will remember your thoughtfulness every time he or she refers to the clock for a check on the time. Or perhaps you might write a quick note accompanying a chiming clock, "as each moment ticks by, my love for you grows stronger". Not a bad way to keep track of time.

Wedding Anniversary Gifts are traditionally given on the date that individuals are married, though certainly this does not have to be the case. Some anniversaries commemorate the date a couple first met, or kissed or perhaps some other special and memorable date.

Adriana Copaceanu provides people with creative gift ideas that don't blow the bank. You can find Wedding Shower Favors and other great ideas for your Bridal Shower at her site. Want regular reminders on gift-giving? Sign up for her free monthly newsletter.

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