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What Can We Learn From the ?Runaway Bride? Story?
Have you heard enough about the "Runaway Bride" yet? Well, stay tuned. This story is not going to wind down for a while. It has the capacity to make celebrities (notorious or not) of at least two people ? the runaway bride and the jilted groom, depending upon how much they each value what's left of their privacy. I truly feel sorry for Jennifer, because she must be going through absolute torture right now, even if she did bring it all on herself. Everyone makes mistakes in life. However, this unique case deserves some scrutiny ? and it's getting plenty. I worry that Jennifer could despair at the nationwide censure she is now receiving. But her mistakes hurt the people who are most near and dear to her ? and trivialized the time, emotions, and energy of hundreds of others. There is no question that weddings are highly stressful events ? so stressful that maybe they're not worth all the distress they can cause. It wasn't the running away that was the biggest problem, as bad as that was for her family and fiancé - it was the concocting of the kidnapping hoax, all because she did not want to admit that she had actually just run off, stressed out with only days to go before her huge wedding. I'm sure she now wishes she'd had the courage to tell it like it was. When the Truth Came Out on Live TV The night the truth of the story broke, I was pulling an "all-nighter" for my Saturday morning graduate class, studying for an exam. I had CNN on in the background, so I heard that the missing bride-to-be had been found. There was live coverage on this. Everyone, even the reporters, was gushing and exulting with joy, interviewing the bride's best friends and bridesmaids. But it REALLY got interesting about two hours before dawn when the police chief in Albuquerque, New Mexico, came out to make a statement. CNN had audio problems at that crucial moment, so I switched over to Fox News, who was broadcasting the same thing live. Lo and behold, what the police chief said changed everything - dramatically. That was when it was revealed that the kidnapping story had all been a lie. When I switched back to CNN, it was somewhat funny to see the shock and consternation on the faces of the flabbergasted reporters. It's certainly rare to see national news reporters forced to drastically switch gears live on national television that way. One minute they were deeply concerned about a missing woman whose wedding was supposed to be held that very day ? and the next, they were stunned, indignant, embarrassed, distanced now, and ready to cast a completely different light on the story. Who can blame them? For indeed, what the Runaway Bride did humiliated a LOT of people. She not only humiliated them ? she greatly inconvenienced hundreds of people, misled millions, but worst of all by far, she knowingly brought untold anguish to her own parents and to the man who was committed to marry her ? both by running away without contacting them, and then by telling such a ridiculous and embarrassing lie. In some cultures, a stunt like that would bring irreparable disgrace to her family. Trying to Lie to the FBI What makes this story most confounding is that the runaway bride did something very, very stupid by lying about her disappearance. Don't most people know better than to try to lie to the police and the FBI? Don't most people know that it's pretty hard to hold up a tale like a fake abduction under hours of endless questioning by law enforcement officials who are just doing their jobs? Don't most people know that you could get some innocent people sent to prison if your story was actually believed? This is not a kid we're talking about ? this is not even someone as young as Monica Lewinsky was (and for me, Monica's age did excuse her to a great extent) - this is a 32-year-old woman. The only explanation for such a stupid move is that the girl was absolutely desperate. She had been caught running away from her wedding, but she still couldn't bear to tell her family and fiancé that she just couldn't face the wedding music. Getting cold feet before a wedding can mess up a lot of things ? but it's not a crime. We all know it's better to be honest than to get married when you have doubts. But lots of people do exactly that ? get married with doubts, then spend years and years regretting it, with their children paying the price. Why are people are so involved emotionally in this story? That's because it hits home on many levels. Many of us would like to run away from the pressures of life. But that isn't the main reason ? it's all about honesty, the foundation on which we base our lives each day. How many of us are truly honest all day long? We may think we're honest, but a closer look reveals many lies woven into our daily lives. Perhaps we think we're honest, but we've never been put to the test yet ? and the test may prove that other things ? like what people think - are more important to us than honesty. Trust is Everything The greatest lesson of all in the story of the runaway bride is how much we all need to be able to believe in what others tell us. We rely on the word of others and base our actions on our trust in their truthfulness. Many actions were taken and much agony was experienced based on the trust people had in this woman ? the woman they all thought they knew so well. Because this turned out to be a fabrication, it will affect how people react the next time something like this happens. People will be cynical and much more cautious ? something most people were not this time. There were a few voices who wondered if Jennifer's case could be one of "cold feet" ?but very few, because everyone insisted that she would never do something like run off without telling anyone. Jennifer's distress should remind us all that we don't have to be perfect, and we don't have to live up to other people's expectations of us. If we try to do that, the cost can be too great ? it costs us our true selves. Trying to live up to the expectations of others was too much for Jennifer twice ? first when she ran away, and second when she was unable, day after day, to admit to her family that she had felt the need to run away. This young woman ? and all of us ? needs to accept who she really is and know that it's all right to be who you are. Even if it ruins a large and lavish wedding, that's much better than what she may be facing now. We all make mistakes. Lots of us make huge mistakes. We're just lucky that most of us never have to deal with the publicity of our mistakes that Jennifer now has to face. The picture of her with the towel covering her face spoke volumes. We all need to stop and think before we ever do anything for which we'd want to cover our face later. As for Jennifer, she should hire a writer and start working on a book. She's probably going to need the money. If she isn't charged and fined, she'll certainly want to make a big donation to her town's police force ? the one that missed a slain colleague's funeral to look for a runaway bride. Sarah Tanner is a writer about relationships and charm. Visit her website, http://www.howtohavecharm.com, and sign up there for her unique emails about charm and relationships. You will receive free ebooks on relationships and self-improvement with each email! You are welcome to reprint this article if you include this resource box with all links unchanged.
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Choosing a Wedding Date ?- When You?re Feeling Indecisive He ? or she ? asked, and you answered in the affirmative! Now's the time to bask in the romance, and enjoy the first phase of your new life together. But soon, you'll need a response for that timeless question: "when's the wedding?" Have a Garden Theme Dream Wedding You've found the perfect venue: old oaks, a stone wall, a gazebo, acres of fragrant jasmine and honeysuckle, and even a small, clear pond. Now it's time to take the garden wedding of your dreams a little further. Let's start with invitations. What Has Worked For Us (Brief Reflections On Enjoying 36 Years Of Marriage) WHAT HAS WORKED FOR US How to Have a Sizzler of a Honeymoon! Article No. 8 To paraphrase a song, "Are you doing it more, but enjoying it less?" Honeymoon Registries: A Guide to Asking for Your Honeymoon as a Wedding Gift Is the cost of your wedding putting the honeymoon of your dreams out of reach? Not to worry; if you already have all the kitchenware and bedding you need, and if you have generous friends and family, your problem might be solved by setting up a honeymoon registry. Write An Apology To Your Spouse: How to Apologize In a Way That Really Works For You Being apologetic doesn't come easily for me. Unfortunately, being inconsiderate and self-centered does. So I realized long ago that my marital survival would depend on two things: 1) learning to apologize and 2) becoming less selfish and more considerate. Marriage A Menace Apparently for a person to get married is like burning the candle at both ends. No one can say that what particularly is the meticulous age to get married but people in our society have set age limits for a person to get married and it has now become a common tendency that if a person crosses a certain limit he or she has to die in harness. The milieu are society has erected is bringing about such a sense of escape among our youth from getting married. Though I am not a married person but I ask any married couple that who is happy to get wed. All my acquaintances recall the time before they were married as they had more time and more opportunities. This is not a contradiction about marriage but nowadays when the world has become a global village, a single woman or a man is always targeted. Why is that so? June Weddings From the book Spider's Big Catch Belize Honeymoon Resorts The enchanting Belize honeymoon resorts captivate every visitor through the appealing secluded jungle atmosphere as well as the beautiful hideaway crystal-clear beaches. One of these resorts would be the Turtle Inn Resort Located in Placencia in Belize, which promises a stay within the natural wonders of the tropical coast. This resorts promises fine luxury amenities, spa activities, fine dining and plenty of land and sea adventures. Another destination would be the Cahal Pech Village Resort, which offers customized packages for a most memorable honeymoon in Belize. The Maruba resort Jungle Spa is a boutique hotel that offers a mix of Mayan, African and Creole design within their jungle decorations, thus creating a romantic, dreamy and relaxing atmosphere. Budget Tips For Your Wedding Reception Wedding receptions are expensive affairs and can set you back a pretty penny. However, most brides have their heart set on an all out wedding reception. Here are some ways to cut back the costs, without compromising on the quality of the wedding reception. Alcohol is probably the largest expense at any wedding reception. There are several ways you can cut short the liquor budget at your wedding reception. Offer punch ? virgin and spiked - instead of having a bar. This works really well if you are having a summer luncheon wedding reception. Offer only wine and beer along with soft drinks, coffee and tea at the bar. Ask the staff to pass around glasses of champagne especially for the wedding toast. Close the bar an hour before the wedding reception ends. Serve only cold drinks, tea and coffee afterwards. If possible, choose a venue that allows you to bring your own liquor. Once you are bringing your own liquor the rates go down considerably and you can consider having an open bar at the wedding reception. The venue is another large expense for the wedding reception. Think about having your wedding during off-season. Most wedding venues will be available for discounted prices during the off-season. The Second Time - Another White Wedding? That first wedding was a dream, a gorgeous long white wedding dress, a beautiful church, luscious bridesmaids and the groom in tails. Plus all the trimmings and a heavenly reception and a great honeymoon. How to Keep Hope Alive During a Marriage Crisis During a marriage crisis, you can feel like your whole world is falling apart and all of your dreams are being shattered. Hearing the words "I don't love you anymore," "I want a divorce," or "I don't know if I want to stay married" can leave you reeling from the shock. Saving Money on Wedding Music When it comes to wedding music, there are some choices that stand apart from others. During the ceremony, it is getting more popular to avoid the traditional bridal music and use a chosen song of love instead. Rose Petals Add The Perfect Touch For A Wedding Rose petals will add luxury to a wedding day or any other special occasion. Why settle for throwing ordinary rice when instead you can make the wedding so much more romantic by tossing rose petals? The Charm of Homemade Wedding Favors Homemade wedding favors come from a centuries old tradition of brides and grooms providing small gifts to wedding guests. Every culture across time has treated marriage as a wonderful event with the nuptials celebrated throughout the community. In many cultures the bride and groom are associated with good luck. A common thought among these cultures was, that every thing the couple touched would be charmed. By gifting members of the community, the couple would pass blessings to others for the rest of the year. Nevada Wedding Laws While you may be headed to Las Vegas for a quickie wedding or a prolonged celebration, take time to find out what the law requires before you buy that plane ticket. Each state's laws differ, and many couples get married in Las Vegas because the law allows them to marry quickly. But don't start planning your nuptials until you check out this all-important piece of the wedding cake. Considering Success in Marriage Your success in marriage depends largely upon having sound and constructive attitudes toward love. For Americans, this can be difficult. Especially because of the fictions we've been taught since childhood, which are supported by movies and other cultural influences. In fact, the love upon which so many base their marriages is one or a combination of the following: Is Eloping For You? Believe it or not, there is etiquette on how to elope, and how to handle all the important people in your life who may feel spurned by your not including them. In addition, there are also some important questions you need to ask yourself before you run off and get hitched without including those most important to you. Here's a rundown of things to consider when planning to run off like some of the kids are doing nowadays. Marriage Counseling Tips: What to Do When Your Spouse Wont Talk How to get a spouse's attention so that he or she will communicate with you is an issue that mystifies many couples. Spouses report trying many techniques, such as trying to talk rationally and logically, watching to see when a spouse is in a good mood, and waiting for a time when the television is off. They also share stories of begging, pleading, threatening, and finally, yelling and screaming. Marriage Advice: Ten Ways to Add Romance to Your Marriage Every marriage needs a healthy dose of on-going romance to add spice, delight, and fun to the relationship. It's not enough to just start out with a sizzling romance. You have to find a way to keep the romance alive as the months and years accumulate. ![]() |
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