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Building Up Your Marriage with Healthy Communication
Would you like to have a stronger, healthier, more enjoyable marriage? I am sure that you would. And yet we live in a culture where about half of all marriages will shatter and end in a divorce, leaving behind the wreckage of broken adults and broken children. If we are to build healthy marriages, we much do so "on purpose." We cannot just hope that it will happen by accident. "Hope," say the generals, "is not a good strategy." Planning, work, and the investment of time, are much better strategies for any important endeavor of life. The first characteristic of a healthy marriage for us to consider is the way that we talk to our spouse, and the way that we talk about our spouse.. Healthy marriages are characterized by supportive, encouraging, and honest communication. We want to build each other up in our marriages, never tear our spouse down (especially under the guise of being "honest"). Two thousand years ago St. Paul wrote this verse that is worthy of every refrigerator door in America, "Don't let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up, according to what they need, so that you can benefit those who listen." (Paul's letter to the Ephesians, Chapter 4). There are three important parts to Paul's verse. First, that if we don't have something good to say, don't say anything at all. I think my mother told me that as well. Second, that we should consider our listener's needs. My wife has a different set of needs than does my daughter, or my sons. We should consider how best to encourage and support that particular person. Finally, the purpose of our talking in the first place should be to benefit the listener. When I first began to seriously apply Paul's principle, and I began to really look at what I was saying, and why I was saying it, my vocabulary and my time talking were cut by about one-third. I had become sarcastic, but funny. But my funny sarcasm was always at the expense of another. When I determined to build others up and benefit them with my speech, I talked a lot less. But I became a much better person, both inside and out. Check your motives. If you just want to make yourself look good, you will tend to be sarcastic, and you will tend to "tease" other people by degrading them in front of others. The consequences of this will be that your friends will see your "teasing" as shameful, and your spouse and your children will grow distant from you. It may cost you your marriage. If , on the other hand, your motives are to build up and encourage your spouse and children, then speak words of support, love, and praise to them. Your friends will view you as a loving person, and your spouse and children will always want to be near you. They will love to hear you talk, as your words will be "like honey" to them. So choose well how you will use your words. You have the power to build up, or to tear down, just by the choices that you make. Douglas Cowan, Psy.D., is a family therapist who has been working with ADHD children and their families since 1986. He is the clinical director of the ADHD Information Library's family of seven web sites, including http://www.newideas.net, helping over 350,000 parents and teachers learn more about ADHD each year. Dr. Cowan also serves on the Medical Advisory Board of VAXA International of Tampa, FL., is President of the Board of Directors for KAXL 88.3 FM in central California, and is President of NewIdeas.net Incorporated.
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Unique Mens Wedding Bands; For When Common Won?t Do Wedding rings are a symbol of union. A union between a man and a woman. Loose Moissanite Stones, A Great Way to Buy Your Moissanite Jewelry Moissanite is fast becoming the new diamonds. The newest jewelry stone on the market, moissanite is fashionable. Moissanite stones are manufactured to exacting standards, and so produce fine quality jewelry. And loose moissanite stones, being cheaper, can offer a choice of much larger stone sizes than diamonds. Weddings Abroad ? Does Paradise Come At A Price? For some couples, jetting off to their dream location would be the most romantic way to tie the knot. And with weddings abroad being generally much cheaper than having the big day at home, it would seem that this would be the ideal solution for every bride and groom. Well, not quite. The main problem with pledging your vows abroad is that you are giving up much of the control of the wedding preparations, simply because you can't go along and check out things beforehand. Therefore it's crucial that you choose your travel company carefully. Marriage Advice: Eight Steps to Marital Harmony The formula for marital harmony and success is not a mysterious secret. It's actually very straightforward. Wedding Lingerie ? Honeymoon in Paradise There are many things to remember in preparation for your wedding day. Of the many items you can't forget, your wedding lingerie is very important. Getting the most out of your big day is all about taking advantage of every experience. This includes the honeymoon. But there is more to your lingerie than the honeymoon. Women and Marital Issues According to Internet Following is a list of question that, I believe, can lead to an in-depth discussion on this most vital issue. I hope you can take advantage of this opportunity to avail yourself of these questions in any appropriate situation. Wedding Planning Tips and Tricks Planning a wedding is an exciting thing, and can be very scary. With some basic tips and tricks, you will be sure to make you day special. Do We Still Need Wedding Traditions? Traditionally at weddings the speechs are made after the wedding dinner but do the speech makers really enjoy their meal? I have been to weddings where the best man could not eat his dinner because of nerves!! Diamond Engagement Ring, on Two Months Salary - Maybe Not! Diamond spending - well, that is up to you. What to spend on a diamond is a tough and personal question. Two months' salary is a guideline. Wedding Flowers and Arrangements?Best Advice from the Experts Now that you are planning your wedding, you've got to choose bouquets, boutonnieres, centerpieces, church arrangements, and a stunning corsage for one of the most important people who will attend the ceremony-your mother. Somehow, you'll have to make the arrangements for all this, and at a cost that will likely be between 10 and 15 percent of your overall wedding budget. Are You Fully Present in Your Marriage? "Presence is more than just being there," states Malcolm S.Forbes. How true! Wedding Planning Depending on your personal preferences and the preferences of your husband or wife-to-be, a wedding can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 years to plan. If one step in the planning process is missed, the whole wedding could be ruined. To prevent this from happening, we have created a wedding checklist in order to ensure everything goes according to plan on your big day. Family Cycle (I) - Euphoric and Dysphoric Cycles in Marriage Despite all the fashionable theories of marriage, the narratives and the feminists, the reasons to engage in marriage largely remain the same. True, there have been role reversals and new stereotypes have cropped up. But the biological, physiological and biochemical facts were less amenable to modern criticisms of culture. Men are still men and women are still women in more than one respect. Balance - Wedding Budget Blues Let's think about what goes into your wedding budget. Your caterer/banquet facility will get the lion's share of it. If you are having 150 guests (an average number) and the banquet facility charges $100 pp. (typical high-end facility in New England area - including gratuity, tax, hidden fees) - that works out to $15,000 right off the top. If you have it and want to spend it - great. If you are trying to stretch your wedding dollars, then you really need to step back. Many couples get so caught up in the facility that they spend all their budget on it and don't have enough left over for quality entertainment or wedding photos. Wedding Planning: Tips for Choosing Online Wedding Vendors If you're looking to the internet for help with your wedding plans, you're sure to benefit from the wealth of organizational and comprehensive wedding tips, ideas, tools and resources available right at your fingertips! The internet is packed with useful websites, as well as online stores offering every wedding product and service imaginable. You'll find everything from wedding invitations, wedding keepsakes and wedding favors to online bridal gift registries, travel agencies for destination weddings and honeymoons, wedding consulting services and much more. To ensure that you can recognize and hire or purchase from qualified wedding vendors, the key is to be aware of a few general guidelines. Cheap Las Vegas Weddings Imagine the cheapest wedding you'd like. You have to pay the $55.00 fee for the marriage license and you have to pay someone to perform the service. Then there's the witness who must be present at the ceremony. And you have to perform the service somewhere, although it doesn't have to be lavish. There are many places in and around Las Vegas that will perform the service and provide the witness for as little as $40.00. And they'll even throw in a CD in the background featuring traditional wedding music. Choosing the Wedding Disc Jockey Your wedding day is the day when all the details that you've always thought about will come together and planing that day may take more than a year to plan. Having the right disc jockey playing the perfect music and creating the atmosphere can get you surprised bringing family and friend closer than ever before. A Call for International Marriage Laws I recently watched a CNN programme which centred on "kidnapped daughters" (from multicultural marriages) who were unwillingly given away in marriages in Islamic states by their fathers. Usually, the fathers were from these Islamic states. While pondering over why some states still refuse women their rights to choose whom to marry, the key question I am also trying to answer is "Which international law governs inter-country and inter-religious marriages?" Selecting Your Wedding Centerpieces Wedding centerpieces help tie together the look of your entire table setting. The wedding centerpieces will affect the linens you choose, the size of the tables and even the number of guests you seat on each table. It is important to discuss beforehand with your decorator and caterer the wedding centerpiece options available to you. Should You Wear White? White is traditionally a symbol of purity and as it was, traditionally, every mans wish to marry a pure woman to be married in white was a sign that you were indeed pure and a "good catch". ![]() |
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