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6 Ways to Save Money on Wedding Invitations
Inviting your possible guests on your wedding day can be costly. You have to give them traditional wedding cards to inform them of the date and venue, and possibly those cards are made of elegant or high quality papers and other materials that might cost a lot. If your goal is to save money, then you should think of cost ? effective alternatives to send out cards to your guests. Here are some tips. 1. Make a list of possible guests first. Invite only your closest friends and relatives so you'll know the number of cards to make. Sometimes cards are made in excess and are thrown away. 2. No RSVP, please. Who cares about RSVP cards? Chances are they'll just tell you in person that they will attend, so don't include RSVP cards. This is especially true when they are your closest friends and co ? workers whom you see everyday. 3. Have a friend, relative or hobbyist make DIY cards. If you know someone talented in making cards, then have her come up with a design instead of hiring a company doing that for you. 4. Print them yourself. Just use a cheap ink and your own printer. No one will notice anyway, or they won't care too much. 5. Send them ecards. Send your relatives living far away an ecard and add an audio to it. You will save on postage stamps and won't take too long, too. Tell them to reply early. 6. Shop on cheap materials. Go to local bookstores and see those cheap papers and laces. Compare prices of these materials before making a decision. Think of more ways to save more money on wedding invitations by being creative and delegating tasks to the people you know. Save on other things, too, like wedding cakes, music, photography and attire. You don't have to spend a lot to make your special day a success Dulce Azogue is a work-at-home mom with two kids. Learn the best tips and tactics like these to cut your wedding costs and still have a beautiful wedding. To get your FREE information, visit http://www.the-oriental-home.com/weddingtips/index.html where you and download the ebook, "101 Money Saving Tips" at no cost.
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