Lingerie Party Ideas: Tips to Help Break the Ice

Are you in the process of planning that last special party for the soon to be bride?

Before you go strait to the "good stuff", you may want to break the ice with some fun and games. Not only will people feel more comfortable but the event itself will be much more memorable.

The first decision that you need to make is if you are going to host a "nice girl" party or a "naughty girl" party? Once that you have made that decision, you can pick a theme for your party. Some people choose to go with a party based on one's favorite movie or actor. Some even choose to do the party based on one's favorite time period. The options are endless and can be picked based on the bachelorette's likings. However, whichever theme that you choose to go with, whether naughty or nice, some form of game should be utilized to help loosen the crowd.

One idea could be to hold a scavenger hunt. Make a list of items for the Bride to be to acquire while you all are out on the town for the evening. If you choose to do a nice party for the soon to be bride, you could do such tasks as finding a man with the same shoe size as the groom, a man with a business card, or even a man willing to serenade her. If you choose to do a naughty party for the soon to be bride, you could do such tasks as finding a man who would give her a chest hair, find a man who would kiss her, or even a man who would give her his phone number. Another game that you could consider playing is Bag Ladies. Once the guests arrive, the hostess will pass out a brown grocery bag to the guests. You will explain to your guests that they are to put them over their head and not remove them until told to do so. You will then tell everyone to remove an item that she doesn't need. The guests who catch on quickly will remove the bag and watch as the other guests begin removing other items such as watches, jewelry or perhaps even more. The last person to realize that it's the bag that she doesn't need wins a prize.

And of course the whole point of breaking the ice is to bring out everybody's true personality so there is nothing keeping you and your friends from enjoying each other's company. I hope the above tips helps you to plan a spectacular special event for the soon to be bride.

While you are at it, take a look at some of our Sexy Lingerie. At, we carry items such as Shelf Bras and Corsets in addition to thongs and bikini's. We also carry sexy costumes which are also a fun way to spice up the evening.

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