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Wedding Planning: Involve your Fiancé in 10 Easy Steps
He's popped the question. You've chosen a date. And now, you're swimming in a sea of euphoria with no horizons. Good thing, too, because there are literally a thousand things to arrange before the big day. You do the research, buckle under and dive in. But you find your fiancé's ardor for the event itself seems to have cooled. It's not that he isn't mad about marrying you; after all, he is a great guy, even if he can't tell a Vera Wang from a Gunny Sack. It's that his preparation style is hands-off, to say the least. And planning a wedding isn't a job built for one. So what to do? Here are ten ways to involve him without increasing both of your stress loads: 1) Delegate areas that have a prayer of interesting him. The worst thing you can do is expect him to match your ten to twenty years of feminine wisdom on the relative merits of buttercream vs. fondant. Here are some probable no areas when roping in a reluctant wedding planner: - Selecting the cake frosting Then there are the potential maybes, fraught with fewer hazards: - Choosing the photographer These are probable yeses, well worth running by your guy: - Selecting the DJ or the band 2) If you ask him to help you choose vendors and styles, narrow down the choices first. It's a jungle of options out there, enough to give the most natural-born party planner pause. So if you want his opinion on photographers, invites, flowers or cakes, narrow down the options to three or four. He's less likely to feel overwhelmed, and more likely to feel like an important part of the process. At times, it'll feel so good to share the load that you'll be tempted to drag him into the buttercream debate despite your better instincts. At these times, take a deep breath, count to ten, and call your mother or your maid of honor. 3) Ask him directly for help. Let him know how important his input is to you, and that you can't do it without him. Guys like to be needed. Your frank request for help may be enough to pull him out of his comfort zone and onto your team. 4) Try the Art Director/Production Staff approach. If you think your guy wants to help, but feels uncomfortable playing "art director," give him "production staff" tasks. Have him make the payments, pick up the food or decor, handle the rentals, do online comparison shopping, or reserve the hotels and reception halls. These are all jobs that will take a load off your shoulders, while freeing up time for the aesthetic stuff you probably enjoy and he doesn't. 5) Get a calendar and put all the planning in black and white. Your fiancé probably doesn't have the first clue in what goes into a wedding. Get your wedding planner, write it all down, and show him. Once he gets over the shock, you'll both probably be able to identify areas that interest him. Make lists of the things you've each agreed to do, and cross them off as they get done. At the very least, he'll be far more supportive when he sees what you're going through. 6) Weave his family heritage/ethnicity/traditions into the ceremony. What did his parents do? He might be surprised at the question, but it could lead somewhere valuable. He might ask his parents about their wedding, and find your wedding consequently enriched. Look through their wedding album together. Are his ancestors German, Polish, Italian, Croatian, Asian? Incorporate some old-world traditions into your ceremony. 7) Don't bring him in too early. Treat your fiance as a bit of a pinch hitter. Sure, you may be fully aware that you can shave 5K off your costs by starting your favor crafts and reservations 18 months ahead of time. But if he's like most guys, the wedding won't become real to him until it draws closer. Expect him to jump in about six months before the actual ceremony, and break into a (relative) frenzy of activity about one month in advance. 8) Talk about something besides the wedding. Guys aren't the only ones who complain about brides-to-be talking of nothing but upcoming nuptials. Sometimes, even girlfriends get overwhelmed by all the wedding chatter. Spend some time alone chatting about anything but the wedding. See a silly movie, split a hot fudge sundae, or watch a basketball game. Do something spontaneous that reminds you both of why you decided to marry in the first place. 9) Check your subtext for hidden meanings. Tempting as it might be, make sure you're not using your fiance as a coin-toss tool (ever noticed how people flip coins to find out what they really want?). When you ask for his opinion, take it seriously. And when you give him ownership of a task, don't second-guess every step. Imagine that your fiancé has told you he's going to draft a dream team in his fantasy football league, and it's going to cost him $20K to participate. Now imagine that he's told you your help is supremely important to him. You'd be a little hesitant to give opinions, right? Some of your ideas might sound feeble, even to your own ears. Hopefully he'd welcome your thoughts, however odd it felt for you to venture them. Now imagine your fiancé feels kind of like that when it comes to the wedding. 10) Remember that men become wedding experts by having one. Chances are, your sweetheart will open his eyes to the wonder of a wedding by the time the rose petals are tossed. Forever after, he'll be examining friend's receptions with a practiced eye, and anticipating the next excuse for a Really Big Shindig. So keep him around, and count on throwing a first-rate anniversary celebration ten years down the road. In a way, that'll be the party that really matters, won't it? Blake Kritzberg is editor at "FavorIdeas.com." Stop by for wedding favor ideas, Save-the-Date eCards, free wedding screensaver, free wedding templates and Bridezilla's weekly adventures at: http://www.favorideas.com
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Bridal Shower Themes It is the maid of honor's duty to organize the bridal shower and to ensure that the party is everything the bride expected. The best way to ensure that everyone will have fun is to create a theme around the bridal shower in which everyone can participate in. The following is a list of fun and exciting themes for bridal showers. Choose the one that suits the bride the best: Wonderful White Gold Wedding Rings The elegant and sophisticated look of glittering, gleaming gold. There's nothing quite like it. What Has Worked For Us (Brief Reflections On Enjoying 36 Years Of Marriage) WHAT HAS WORKED FOR US Mens Wedding Bands ? A Whole World Of Choice Mens wedding bands are an emerging phenomenon. Whilst women have worn engagement and wedding rings for years, men are just starting to catch up. All that Glitters?Something Old, Something New... 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White dresses never did signify purity until the Christian churches put that label on them. So feel free to add a little color to your wedding outfit. Marriage Counseling: What Do Husbands Really Want in a Wife? Because many men do not discuss feelings as easily as most women do, wives are often shocked when their husband actually voices his desire to separate or divorce. They might have suspected that their spouse wasn't entirely happy, but they didn't think he'd ever be the one to end the marriage. Bridal Hair Stylist Goes Above and Beyond the Call of Duty You are locked in your seat on the most famous roller coaster in the world, the Cyclone in Brooklyn, New York. Your fiancé is right next to you, both of you dressed in wedding attire. As you go up the steep climb the preacher, who is seated behind you, begins reading your vows. At the pinnacle of the climb, you are pronounced Mr. and Mrs., only to let out a loud scream as you plummet almost 60 miles per hour at a 60 degree incline. On the second time around, your hair stylist, who is seated next to the preacher, reaches over and fixes a few hairs that have fallen out of place in your fancy bridal updo? Writing Your Wedding Vows the Way Poets Do Let's face it, not many of us have the kind of skills or experience to write truly poetic wedding vows. Or do we? Here's the truth: Even if you don't know Dylan Thomas from Bob Dylan, and you're pretty sure T.S. Elliot was that guy who wrote the words to Andrew Lloyd Weber's "Cats," all is not lost! In fact, there are ways to learn to write the words you want. With four simple steps, you can take what you feel in your heart and make it come out as sweetly as any Shakespearian sonnet. Catering to Your Wedding Wedding catering has always been one of the most crucial aspects of planning a wedding. Besides choosing the food menu items for the palette, you also need to think of other factors ? could there be potential allergies to certain types of wedding food, will the food arrive on time, and will it taste great? For all these reasons and more, it is very important that you take the time to review the details of providing great cuisine through a responsible and reliable wedding caterer. Ideally, you will find someone who has experience in catering wedding receptions, rehearsal dinners, theme weddings and bridal showers. If the caterer is a custom designer, baker or Chef, they might also help you plan your stunning wedding cake or cake tops. Here are some tips we have found that might help make planning your wedding catering easier than you might think: A Tale of Two Weddings In the next six months, my son, daughter, andgrandson are all getting married. Our family isspread across Ontario and the United States, so I'm thankful to be living in the computergeneration. Wedding plans without theadvantage of the Internet and email wouldbe a long, difficult process. To get my point across, let's visit the homesof Miss Modern and Miss Pre-Computer asthey prepare for their special days: Miss Modern has an idea of the venue shewould like for her wedding and spends anevening researching on the Internet. Shelooks at pictures of different halls, alongwith prices, menus, and featuresincluded. After deciding on threepossibilities, she emails to ask if they would be available on the wedding date.One hall is booked, so Miss M. and herfiance will go to see both halls and makea final decision. Communication and menu changes are done by email. Miss M. designs a database for her guestlist. Additions and changes are easily made.Invitations are created using specialwedding software and elegant blank cards.Easy, attractive and inexpensive. Again using the database and a signaturefont, Miss M. creates mailing labels (usingtransparent labels) for 200 people in lessthan an hour. To create personalized reply cards, she uses mail merge and the computerinserts names on each card. A relative in another country would likephotos of the couple for a special weddinggift. Using a digital camera, the photosare taken and emailed in plenty of timefor the gift to be made. There are constant questions from theguests about accommodation nearby, whatis everyone wearing, what do the young couple need? Emails answer many of the questions and guests are given a website for the bridal registry. Items still needed are listed here, can be purchased without leaving home and will be delivered to thereception. This is a big help to peoplecoming from a distance. Miss Modern relaxes while she and herfuture husband look at honeymoon spots- on the Internet of course! Miss Pre- Computer, on the other hand,has had a headache for days. Too manythings to do and not enough time.After weekends spent looking atvarious halls, she and her fiance can'ttake it any longer and book the nextone they visit. The guest list has been typed out, butsome important people were missed andthere are duplicates on the list. MissPre-C is not a fast typist when she'sstressed, so has to re-do the 200 guestlist a number of times before it's right. Her days are constantly interrupted byphone calls from guests with questionsabout the wedding. The long distancebill is growing every day. A friend recommends a good printerfor invitations, but he is out of town,and another search begins. The invitations are beautiful, soMiss Pre-C begins addressing the200 envelopes. Never praised forher handwriting, the last of theenvelopes is barely readable. Shedecides to try again tomorrow. Relatives need pictures of the couplefor a special gift. The photos aremailed and after frantic calls to thepost office, are finally delivered, toolate to use. More long distance calls so gifts aren'tduplicated. A frantic call from Gramma at the border.Customs officials are questioning her andare taking apart the gifts. Through her tears, Gramma explains that the 50 itemshad been individually wrapped. Miss Pre-C takes a deep breath andconsiders eloping. P.S. If you still need convincing, my sonmet his future bride on the Internet! The History of Engagement Rings and Wedding Bands These days, many people take wedding bands and engagement rings for granted, and although they give these beautiful items of jewellery with integrity and love, they are often given with no real knowledge of the meaning behind them. Selecting the Perfect Wedding Gift for the Bride and Groom One of the most memorable days in our lives is when two people commit their love to one another through marriage. Wedding gifts are traditionally offered to the newlyweds as tokens of affection and love as well as a means to provide the new couple with starter home supplies. Wedding Centerpiece Ideas Everybody who has decided to marry wants their day to be special and they want every aspect of their day to be just so. When it comes right down to it just how important are your wedding centerpiece ideas? A Butterfly Release; Alternatives to Throwing Rice Brides are looking for different ways to make their wedding different and unique. The releasing of butterflies is starting to become a very popular alternative to throwing rice. They are environmentally friendly and beautiful also. As the butterflies fly around and even land on guests, you will see the delight and excitement on their faces. They will leave talking about the release and some may even be walking out with a butterfly on their shoulder. Florida Honeymoon Vacations Celebrate your marriage by planning a Florida honeymoon vacation with lots of pleasant surprises in store for you! This is because Florida is the host to plenty of popular honeymoon spots. Couples can enjoy one another's company with activities such as horseback riding on white sandy beaches, biking or walking along bicycle trails, quiet visits to the museums, visits to the civil war tort, strolling along the cool breeze to lighthouses, sight-seeing of beautiful tropical garden, cuddling together enjoying the sounds of the sea and yes, fun-filled amazing entertainment at Walt Disney World, Orlando. Creating a Realistic Wedding Budget While Still Having the Wedding of Your Dreams Perhaps the single most important thing that must be accomplished when you are ready to begin planning your wedding is to first create your budget. Your budget is important because it is almost impossible to know what you can afford for each aspect of the wedding if you don't give yourself a limit to the overall spending costs. For most people, creating the budget is the hardest job to do because you want to have the nicest and most memorable wedding that you can afford. Bridal Shower Games?The Good, the Bad and the Overdone Games can make or break a shower. The best can break the ice and liven up the party. The worst can embarrass and bore. So, how can you avoid this? Cancun Honeymoon Vacation - Pleasure Unlimited! The Cancun honeymoon vacation comes with its bagage of sweet promises of fulfilment and bliss for one and all. Lying in the lap of nature in the arms of your loved one is one of the many cherished experiences you would have in a Cancun honeymoon vacation. ![]() |
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