Marriage & Wedding Information
Fifteen Fabulous Favors
The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating (or choosing) wedding favors. Take a look at the list below for fifteen fabulous ideas.
The Second Time - Another White Wedding?
That first wedding was a dream, a gorgeous long white wedding dress, a beautiful church, luscious bridesmaids and the groom in tails. Plus all the trimmings and a heavenly reception and a great honeymoon.
Ending Co-Dependence
Why does Co-dependence arise? Well because two or more individuals make an unconscious contract with each other to try to satisfy the unmet needs of the other. Initially, especially in the case of a couple, this contract is defined as "love". For instance, how many times have you heard yourself or others say something like "I can't live without you". Usually this means "without you my needs won't get met". In other words, "I will start to feel empty, needy, anxious and desperate without my needs being met by you".
Eight Cheap Honeymoon Ideas for Couples on a Budget
Between paying for the wedding and setting up a new household, many couples find there?s not much money left in their budget for the honeymoon. But who says you have to spend a fortune to enjoy a romantic honeymoon at your dream destination? Here are eight ideas for a more affordable, yet still romantic, honeymoon.
Five Ideas for a More Romantic Honeymoon
Candles, rose petals, satin, succulent foods, perfume?you?re probably already familiar with all of these time-honored ingredients for creating a romantic mood on your honeymoon. But candles, rose petals, and other sensual ingredients only go so far. The real key to creating a romantic honeymoon is to spend time celebrating your relationship and your new life together as a married couple. After all, romance is more about the heart than the body.
Can a Marital Separation Ever Save a Marriage?
As an experienced counselor, one of the questions I?m asked frequently is, ?Can a marital separation ever save a marriage?? My answer is a qualified ?yes.?
Mens Diamond Rings ? The Ultimate Wedding Ring For The Modern Man
Mens diamond rings are becoming more and more popular with the modern man. As more men celebrate their marriage by the wearing of a wedding ring, mens diamond rings are fast becoming the new mens fashion.
Bridal Hair Stylist Goes Above and Beyond the Call of Duty
You are locked in your seat on the most famous roller coaster in the world, the Cyclone in Brooklyn, New York. Your fiancé is right next to you, both of you dressed in wedding attire. As you go up the steep climb the preacher, who is seated behind you, begins reading your vows. At the pinnacle of the climb, you are pronounced Mr. and Mrs., only to let out a loud scream as you plummet almost 60 miles per hour at a 60 degree incline. On the second time around, your hair stylist, who is seated next to the preacher, reaches over and fixes a few hairs that have fallen out of place in your fancy bridal updo?
Meaningful Wedding Gift Ideas
A wedding is one of the most special days planned in a life. Everything must be perfect, thought of and taken care of so that the wedding day turns out as beautiful as a dream.
Twelve Ways to Make Your Spouse Dislike Sex
It?s really not difficult to ruin what could have been great sex. If that?s your goal, following these twelve suggestions will ensure that, over time, your spouse will become very creative in finding ways to avoid having sex with you.
Your Wedding Invitation?s in the (e)Mail: Pros and Cons of the Virtual Wedding Invitation
From purchasing the garter to choosing the photographer, brides (and grooms!) are online and as the Internet?s many advantages have begun to permeate most every aspect of wedding planning, a single question has been popping up more and more: can I use the Internet for my wedding invitations? As a wedding website designer I?ve answered numerous emails from brides asking if an email announcement to visit their wedding website can not just supplement their wedding invitation but actually replace it. It?s an interesting idea, one with the potential to save a great deal of time and money. However, one big question remains. Is it acceptable? Considering the potential benefits, it?s certainly a question worth asking, and some compelling arguments can be found on both sides.
First, consider the many purposes of a wedding invitation. Most obvious is the intent that the recipient understands who is invited. Also important is the inclusion of maps and directions, RSVP information, reply cards and essential wedding details. Furthermore, the wedding invitation is an expression of the couple?s personal style and can serve as a memento for friends and family to remember the event. Considering all these essential functions, the question, then, is whether the traditional wedding invitation can be replaced by a simple email invitation to visit the couple?s site online. Certainly, a creative and informative wedding website can serve the majority of the purposes mentioned. In fact, wedding details might be more specific and useful on a website given the amount of space that can be afforded an entire page devoted to each subject. One can easily give details and links to important wedding locations, schedules, maps, etc. Also, if the bride and groom are able to create their own site or find a designer they like, they can certainly express their own unique style and theme on a wedding website. But what about the empty space in grandma?s album just waiting for her granddaughter?s wedding invitation? Here is where an online invitation falls short. One solution, however, could be to purchase or make a wedding CD with the website on it. Technologically hip grandparents can treasure this memento like they would a written invitation (even if it doesn?t go well in an album).
Still can?t decide? Consider some of the pros and cons of the ?virtual invitation?:
*Save money on wedding invitations (certainly the most compelling argument for many). The cost of an online invitation, including one designed by a reasonably priced professional, should be considerably less than sending written invitations for an average sized wedding when factoring in the cost of the printing, postage, and reply cards.
*Save the time of selecting and sending written invitations, especially if you were going to have a wedding website anyway.
*Make things a little easier for those guests who already do a great deal online.
*Receive RSVP responses via email.
*Include links to maps and directions.
*Have wedding details laid out for guests to avoid the bother of answering the same questions over and over.
*Include important links so guests can find the information they need on such things as local attractions, accommodations, and travel (particularly useful for destination weddings).
*Compiling all of your guests? current email addresses can be a daunting task.
*Not everyone is online. Unless you know for a fact that you can get your email invitation to everyone who should receive one, this is not a good option. You never want to offend family and friends when planning a wedding.
*Etiquette, etiquette, etiquette. If etiquette is particularly important to you or the people who will be receiving your invitations, this is not the right choice for you.
For those who are thinking the whole ?virtual invitation? is too drastic a change I suggest a compromise. Many couples are finding that combining the modern with the traditional is the way to go until all their friends and family have caught on to the Internet. The couple?s web address can be included in the traditional invitation so their guests can have two sources for wedding information. Also, written invitations can be sent with instructions to RSVP online thus saving the couple time and money for postage and reply cards (with just a slight bend in tradition).
In the end, whether it?s traditional, modern or modern-traditional, what matters most is that the bride and groom have the wedding they desire. The best advice I can give is don?t worry too much about tradition and etiquette; rather, spend the time planning the wedding of your dreams and maybe make some traditions of your own along the way.
copyright 2003 Tamara Baker and Celebrate Our Lives Wedding Websites
How to Save Money on Wedding Photography
All brides want that one photograph that perfectly captures the wedding day. But to get it, you have to hire a skilled photographer--and unfortunately, they usually cost several thousand dollars. Here are some tips to cropping your photography budget down to size:
Wedding Planning: Prioritize to Stay Within Your Wedding Budget
So you're planning your wedding and a thousand decisions must be made! It can be an exciting, but tiring experience to pull off the wedding of your dreams, especially within your budget.
Wedding Planning: Clear Communication with Your Wedding Guests
Effective communication between you and your wedding guests is essential in the months leading up to your wedding. But in this stressful time, how can you maintain healthy relationships with your family and friends when you're flooded with questions and feeling in over your head?
Choosing the Perfect Wedding Gown
Selecting a wedding gown is possibly one of the most exciting things for a bride to do. It's one of the most fun aspects of preparing your wedding. Regardless of whether you know what kind of gown you want or not, it is a dress you will remember for the rest of your life. So with this in mind, it's one part of your wedding you do not want to wait until the last minute to plan. Here are some tips to help get your gown-search started!
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Business Partners & Marital Partners Will The Marriage Survive - Part I
With today's economy, and the layoffs occurring as a result of these economic conditions, more and more people are opting to start their own business. Due to the low start up costs, the prevalence of home-based businesses is on the rise, many of these started by husband and wife teams.
Displaying Your Wedding Bouquet
The great day has come and gone, and you are now happily married. You now want to showcase your silk bouquet as a memory of the wonderful occasion.
A good display will help to really show off your wedding, and will also help to make sure the bouquet stays in tip-top condition.
How to Keep Hope Alive During a Marriage Crisis
During a marriage crisis, you can feel like your whole world is falling apart and all of your dreams are being shattered. Hearing the words "I don't love you anymore," "I want a divorce," or "I don't know if I want to stay married" can leave you reeling from the shock.
Trust in Marriage
Trust is the basis of all human relationships. Trust can be thought of as a thermometer that can measure the positive and negative nature of a relationship. The more positive one feels about a person, the higher the trust level associated with him/her.
Organising your Wedding Stationery
Of all the things you need to do, buy and organize in preparation for your wedding, wedding stationery is something that must be planned ahead. After all, you need to let your guests know well in advance of your forthcoming big day. Your wedding invitation and accessories set the tone for your special day firmly establishing your style and taste. It is the first official message about your wedding that a guest will receive from you, so make it special. If wedding etiquette is important to you, then make a start with your wedding stationery.
Your Bridal Shoes: No Need to Sacrifice Style for Comfort
Think your bridal gown is the most important garment you'll need for your wedding? Think again! Your shoes could make or break your day. When your feet hurt, it shows on your face, and you only want smiles on your wedding day.
Cheap Wedding Party Gifts
Thanking your wedding party with special gifts is a favored tradition. Depending on the size of your wedding party it can be an expensive one as well. With so much money spent on the wedding ceremony and the reception, this can often be an aspect of the ceremony that you can have a hard time in deciding upon because it can be difficult to find inexpensive, original and thoughtful items that will be good enough to express your appreciation to your wedding party.
Las Vegas Casino Weddings
If you are at all familiar with Las Vegas, you know that the number one item on everybody's list there is gambling. You can find anything to gamble on and someone to gamble with somewhere in Las Vegas. And if you've ever spent time in any of the casinos in Las Vegas you'll already know that the flow of money back and forth over tables is not interrupted by somebody's wedding ceremony.
Wedding Favors That Embrace Nature?s Beauty
A wedding planned in the spirit of nature provides the perfect opportunity for selecting wedding favors fashioned after elegant symbols consisting of, but not limited to maple leaves, butterflies, lavender buds, and roses. While there is certainly no shortage of wedding favors available today that are inspired by nature, those that are carefully designed with distinctive style and artistic detail remain popular choices.
Wedding Dress Styles ? What?s Available
There are so many styles of wedding gown to choose from, which makes it difficult when deciding which type of gown is for you. What type of bride are you? Vintage couture, Romantic plush, or Simple elegance, what ever you fall under there is a gown out there to suit your style.
Is Conflict Healthy in Marriage?
Today my three-year-old daughter told my husband that she wants to be married. When he asked her why, she replied, "Because you get to be nice to one another".
Rockland: Maines BestKept Secret for A Wedding Destination
In 2004' Rockland Maine celebrated its 150th anniversary, yet very few in the past would have ever considered it to be a place for a vacation, let alone a romantic getaway experience or wedding destination.
Perhaps, this is a draw back to the time when visitors would experience the unpleasant whiffs emanating from the SeaPro fish-rendering plant. In fact, it was not uncommon to hear the jingle: "Camden by the Sea, Rockland by the Smell."
Inside Secrets On How To Stay In Love
My husband Bill and I have just had our 37th-wedding anniversary and our love is deeper today than when we got married. Whether you are in a relationship or looking for a relationship we trust that these few insights will help you to stay in love.
Minor But Important Duties For Your Wedding Party, Bridesmaids, and Groomsmen
Your wedding party is a major factor in the success of your wedding day. Too many couples assume that once they've selected their brides maids and grooms men that they are finished. Unfortunately, many people don't know what it means to be in a bridal party. Bridesmaids and groomsmen need to do more than just look pretty. Put these people to work! If your wedding party knows the who's, what's, when's, and why's, they will be able to handle many of the details that may derail the enjoyment of what should be your happiest day.
Marriage Advice: Seven Marriage Myths You Can?t Afford to Ignore
If you're like most people, you probably entered into marriage with a number of unchallenged assumptions in place. These assumptions may have been about what marriage is and entails, about love, or about your spouse. While you may have already bumped into reality concerning some of your assumptions, you still may be operating with others firmly in place.
Planning Your Outdoor Wedding Reception
An outdoor wedding reception can be host to an almost unlimited number of guests and has the aura of nature that can never be duplicated in an indoor ballroom. Some of the following outdoor wedding reception ideas should help to get you started with planning this special day, including avoiding some of the dangers involved with an outdoor setting.
Negotiation Strategies Especially for Couples
These guidelines will help you avoid the three most common negotiating mistakes couples make: 1) Failure to prepare before the negotiation with your partner; 2) Caving in too quickly to avoid tension or to keep the peace; and 3) Stubbornly pushing too hard for your own solution.
The Bridezilla Syndrome: Do You Have It? Ten Ways to Avoid All the BS!
In a fast-paced world of wedding planning, stress levels are high; immune systems are low; and over the course of the past 20 years, brides have transmitted, what has become a bridal epidemic of our time.
Get The Bling Without The Sting - Affordable Engagement Rings
Just because you don't have a lot of money doesn't mean you can't find an affordable engagement ring that looks like it cost a fortune.
Wedding Music
What should you "walk down the aisle" to? Should you stick with the traditional Wedding March or should you shock your grannie with "Bat out of Hell"?