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Give Me Accutane or Give Me Death: The Politics of Prescriptions
Any teenager will tell you that acne can drive you crazy, but is it dismal enough to drive you to kill yourself? Since its market debut in 1982, enraged parents and lawyers have implicated Accutane in the hospitalizations and suicide deaths of over 200 teenagers in the US. Accutane (isotretinoin) is one of Hoffman-LaRoche's most popular and controversial pharmaceuticals. Doctors prescribe Accutane for patients with severe nodular acne that does not respond to systemic treatments with antibiotics. Michigan Democrat Representative Bart Stupak lost his son, BJ, to suicide in May of 2000 while the teenager was using Accutane. Since then, Congressman Stupak has led a crusade for further research to establish Accutane's risks of birth defects and psychiatric disorders like depression and suicide. While the safety of isotretinoin is hotly contested, there are previous Accutane users such as 21 year-old Krista Savino who view the drug as a Godsend. The antithesis of Congressman Stupak, Savino vows to do whatever she can to keep Accutane on the market. Savino sometimes experiences acne so severe that she deems her condition the "social equivalent of suicide". Accutane gives her clear skin and the confidence to leave her home without feeling overly self-conscious. Hoffman-LaRoche, following FDA guidelines, lists depression as a possible Accutane side effect. Notwithstanding, the link between isotretinoin and the development of depression and/or suicide remains marred. Like Senator Stupak, Dublin accountant Liam Grant, blames Roaccutane for the suicide death of his 20 year-old son, also named Liam. Grant alleges that his son exhibited signs of severe depression after taking Roaccutane in the months prior to his death. According the British newspaper, The Sunday Times, Grant has spent almost £500,000 on independent research to try to prove that Roaccutane causes depression. Grant hired Douglas Bremner, MD of the Emory University School of Medicine to conduct the investigation. Grant hopes to use this research to force Roche Pharmaceuticals to admit liability for Liam's death. Dr. Bremner's results, which were published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, have made strides in identifying Accutane's influence on the brain. Dr. Bremner explains that to invoke depression, isotretinoin must affect the brain. Dr. Bremner's Roaccutane study involved 28 healthy men and women between the ages of 18 and 50. During the investigation, brain function of the subjects was measured using positron emission tomography (PET) before and after four months of treatment with isotretinoin. Isotretinoin treatment was associated with decreased brain metabolism in the orbitofrontal cortex- the area of the brain known to mediate symptoms of depression. Yet, there were no differences in severity of depressive symptoms between the isotretinoin and antibiotic treatment groups before or after treatment. The study concluded that isotretinoin treatment is associated with changes in brain function. Dr. Bremner's findings call for further investigation of the drug isotretinoin. However, insufficient funding may impede such a study. The American Academy of Dermatology wants clinical trials to prove that isotretinoin causes depression or "psychiatric events" before it encourages stronger warnings and tighter regulations of the acne drug. Yet, the FDA does not have the funding to cover the testing. While delving into the affects of Accutane Dr. Bremner has come to agree with David J. Graham, MD, MPH- the Associate Director for Science and Medicine in FDA's Office of Drug Safety. Graham warns that Accutane should be taken off the market. Dr. David Graham paints a daunting image of how the FDA determines a drug's safely. He relates that using the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research's (CDER) standard for drug safety to a pistol holding 100 chambers. The gun symbolizes a drug while the bullets represent a serious safety problem with the drug. "Using CDER's standard, only when you have 95 bullets or more in the gun will you agree that the gun is loaded and a safety problem exists," explains Dr. Graham. He adds that if only 90 bullets were in the chamber, CDER would conclude that the gun is not loaded and the drug is therefore safe. The FDA is strengthening its risk minimization action plan (RiskMAP) for Accutane and generic version of isotretinoin in hopes of reducing the possibility of birth defects associated with fetal exposure to the acne drug. Women will now have to present negative pregnancy tests before filling their isotretinoin prescription each month. Some dermatologists have practiced this pregnancy monitoring without prodding from the FDA. This new measure makes no mention of depression or suicide that may result from isotretinoin usage. Dr. Bremner adds that patients taking isotretinoin have to be asked about depression, they don't just openly talk about it. Discussing symptoms of depression is an added measure that doctors prescribing isotretinoin can make to ensure the well-being of their patients. It's great to live in a country that inspires enterprise, invention and independence. All these things come with a price. The buyer gets to decide how much they're willing to pay. The FDA exists to protect the consumer. Whether you feel the FDA's efforts are insufficient or overbearing, you have medical options. Geoffrey Redmond MD, author of The Good News about Women's Hormones, suggests using hormone therapy and/or using Retin-A if Accutane seems too risky for you. Health author and Noixia campaigner Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include "Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne" (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work "Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we're still not getting this dieting thing" (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005. For useful acne self-help articles visit http://www.Noixia.com
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Food for Thought Depression is a disorder marked by sadness, low energy, impaired concentration, and feelings of dejection. Some people believe that depression is normal. Hectic daily activities and the conflict between family and career cause constant stress. Yet depression and anxiety as a response to stress are not normal. They can be signs of illness, which may worsen and result in physical symptoms or an inability to function. 10 Benefits of an Electronic Medical Record Electronic Medical Record Online Pharmacy Watch: DEA Does Spring Cleaning Of Illegal Internet Pharmacies Since early 2004, it has become more apparent every day that the online pharmacy industry is being destroyed. Who is doing such damage to bring the industry crashing down, you ask? So far, the people responsible are savvy businessmen who are using their skills to create temporary safety nets for black-hat operations using loopholes in international security. Many pharmacy businesses were just shut down, and 20 people arrested during a DEA operation to stop the illegal sale and importation of controlled substances into the United States. I'd rather call these businesses drug rings than online pharmacies because many offered these medications of questionable quality without a prescription. ?So? Which One Do I Use Doctor? Heat or Ice? Heat has long been used to provide temporary relief of arthritis pain, and is used in many different forms. Contrast baths, whirlpools, electric pads, microwaveable gel packs, hydrocollator packs, infrared lamps, and hot showers are some of the different techniques used. Even warm tap water probably will meet some of your needs for heat therapy at home. Lunesta Memory Problems Lunesta may be the only sleeping pill that is FDA approved for long-term use, but it still has some of the same effects as other sleep aids. Ambien, Sonata and others have all been known to cause this problem. It can make life strange and difficult for some of us. What Not to Tell Your Doctor? For many years since medicine has been established as an ethical profession and gained widespread credence people have believed that they could and should tell their doctor everything even remotely pertinent to their health and that it was held in the strictest confidence. Furthermore, how can the physician make accurate judgments when important or significant information is missing? This system worked very well until relatively recently but there now exists a breach of this confidence that people should know about and this breach has developed from the advent of third party investigations into people's backgrounds. Your medical records are no longer confidential because you are forced to reveal them. Let us look at some scenarios. Talking Money with Your Doctor: Drugs and Tests for Less Would you buy groceries without knowing their prices? I suspect not. You probably compare the costs of different boxes of cereal in order to get the best deal. But when it comes to medical care, do you even ask for the prices involved? ?Doc, my mouth is so dry all the time. What could be the problem?? Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disorder ? a disorder in which your body attacks its own tissues because it thinks they are foreign. It prevents your body's exocrine (moisture-producing) gland from producing enough moisture for different areas of your body. This leads to chronic and lifetime dryness. Sjogren's syndrome affects many areas of your body. In addition to the mouth and eyes, other affected areas include the skin, vagina, respiratory tract (lungs), and gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines). Why Our Healthcare System Isnt Healthy Most people are well aware that an estimated 45 million Americans currently do not have healthcare, but is the crisis simply the lack of health insurance or even the cost of health insurance? Is there a bigger underlying problem at the root of our healthcare system? Although the U.S. claims to have the most advanced medicine in the world, government health statistics and peer-reviewed journals demonstrate that allopathic medicine often causes more harm than good. The Equine Cushings Cure Equine Cushings disease is caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production and regulation of hormones. Symptoms include a long, shaggy coat that does not shed, excessive drinking and urination, laminitis, a tendency for recurring infections in the hoof (foot abscesses), and a loss of muscle mass, especially along the topline and rump. Naturopathic Medicine Naturopathic Medicine is an holistic approach that relies on natural remedies. Sunlight, air, and water are thought of as natural healers; this, along with nutritional supplements and massage therapies are all part of naturopathic medicine. Causes and Types of Cerebral Palsy In the case of Cerebral Palsy there is no one cause of this severe condition. There are many things that may increase the risk of this condition but will not cause cerebral palsy all the time. In the majority of cases and average of seventy percent, it results from brain injury before the child is even born this is known as congenital cerebral palsy this would be present from birth but may take months even years to diagnose depending on how severe it illness is. There is also a chance of acquired cerebral palsy which could happen through there being a case of meningitis or brain injuries. Check Out The Wonders Of Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil is the essential oil comes from the Australian plant Melaleuca alternifolia. This species is unique to Australia and native to Northern New South Wales. This tree has very strong therapeutic and medicinal values which are found in its oil, which is obtained through steam distillation from the leaves of the tea tree. It has powerful antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties, making it very versatile. This is why some people have called it the "wonder oil for the skin from down under." Another neat fact about tea tree oil is that it is the only essential oil, except for lavender, that can be applied directly to the skin without a carrier oil. This aboriginal Australian traditional medicine is used for bruises, insect bites, and skin infections. Since tea tree oil is a strong 100% pure concentrate, very little is needed to achieve results. Therefore, it should be used very sparingly. Tea tree oil contains 48+ compounds, with the main 1 beiing terpinen-4-ol. This is what is responsible for tea tree oil's antibacterial and antifungal properties. A Closer Look at Neck Pain Relief Neck pain afflicts many people at some point in their life - two-thirds of American adults report having experienced at least one incidence of neck pain in their lives. 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The manufacturers however (a step further into illegality), failed to include sildenafil on the product ingredient label. It is not legal for dietary supplements to contain prescription ingredients because they are not as firmly regulated and can create greater potential for serious injuries or risks in people who take the pill. Bextra Recall: Lawyer Says Help Is On The Way By now, you have probably heard of the prescription drug Bextra. You may not know, however, why that a recall is in order. The reason is quite simple. The FDA has asked Pfizer to withdraw Bextra from the market because of increased risks of heart attack and stroke. Benefits of a Virtual Top Doctor Consultant Looking for the best doctor to suite your medical needs can be a problem, especially if you don't have time and you need to research the doctor's credentials. Whether you're in urgent need of help, or just need a second opinion, I will show you how to access all the information you need ? through the Internet's Virtual Top Doctor Consultant. Technology Over Drugs for Stress Related Tension Disorders As much as 95% of the population suffers from some form of reoccurring stress and tension related headaches. Pain in the Butt. How to Deal with Hemorrhoids? This is very sensitive area of your body. Too private. Nobody likes when something is wrong over there. However it happens. Acid Reflux ? Symptoms and Treatment Acid reflux (also known as GERD or heartburn) is a common condition -- Over 60 million Americans experience it at least once a month. ![]() |
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