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Bulk Forming Drugstore Laxatives
There are five basic types of drugstore laxatives you should be aware of. Some of these laxatives can be dangerous to use. In addition, some of these laxatives are combinations of these five types, which are designed to create an effective constipation product. In making this combination, a product is created that can be even more dangerous to your health. The five types of drugstore laxatives are: * Bulk Forming Laxatives ? (clears constipation in 1-3 days) * Stool Softening Laxatives ? Emollients ? (works in 1-4 days) * Lubricant Laxatives ? (works in 5- 9 hours) * Osmotic or Saline Chemical Laxatives ? (works 1- 3 hours) * Stimulant Laxatives ? (works in 6 ? 24 hours) If you are going to use any of these laxatives keep in mind they will work faster when you take them on an empty stomach. Use them only for the time necessary to get relief from constipation. Once you have cleared your constipation, look for a more natural way to keep regular. Start by eating more fruits and vegetables to get more minerals and fiber. Bulk Forming Laxatives Bulking laxatives are the safest laxative to use and can be use longer than other types of laxatives. These laxatives contain fiber or fiber like products. However, it is best to get your fiber from food since food has a balance of all nutrients your body needs. These laxatives work by making your stools larger and heavier and help attract and trap water into their fiber structure. This stimulates your colon to have a bowel movement. Using laxatives that contain fiber is a natural way to stimulate your colon into action. Bulking products or food can be used for mild cases of constipation. Use them with plenty of water so the bulking material does not expand in your throat or cause a back up in your colon. Using an excess of bulking products daily can cause the problem you are trying to eliminate - constipation. Natural bulking agents are karagy, guar, agar, and psyllium seed. Some semi-synthetic bulking agents are methylcellulose or carboxy-methyl cellulose, which I do not recommend. Some bulk forming laxatives you will find in the drugstore are: * Citrucel ? contains methylcellulose (not recommended) * Fiberall ? contains psyllium seeds * Fibercon ? contains Calcium Polycarbophil (not recommended) * Hydrocil ? contains psyllium seeds * Metamucil ? contains psyllium husks * Perdiem Fiber ? contains senna * Ultrafiber ? contains psyllium seeds and prunes Some bulk forming laxatives contain excess sugar and sodium. Read the label for these items, if you have high blood pressure or are diabetic. If you are pregnant, using bulk forming laxatives may be the safest way to relieve your constipation, but look for natural fiber food products. These natural products are discussed in other articles that I have written. Avoid using any other type of laxative since the chemicals they contain can get into the fetus or, when breast-feeding, the breast milk. Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid e-books. He writes a newsletter called natural-remedies-thatwork.com and his information on other topics can be seen at http://www.stop-constipation.com
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This article explains the use of interactive technology in healthcare and how this benefits instruction and education of healthcare professionals. Find a Doctor How to find a doctor? There's no magical route to finding the right doctor. If you have a primary care physician just call him or her and make an appointment. If you don't have a primary care physician, try the route suggested above. Or, if you feel you need specialist care, you can save time and money by going directly to a specialist with your particular medical problem. In the old days most patients would ask their primary care physician for a referral. While this is still done, more and more patients are going directly to a specialist for their medical needs. Natural Vitamin E Combined with Vitamin C for Treatment of Alzheimers Disease Checklist of Treatments for Alzheimer's Disease Clinton on South Beach Diet Clinton's recent quadruple bypass surgery has been largely debated. Being on the South Beach Diet made everybody wonder how the former president's illness advanced so much as to need to be surgically corrected. Some even blame it on the diet. Some wonder why the diet didn't help avoiding surgery. The Truth about C Reactive Protein and Cholesterol Lowering Drugs You might disagree, but hear me out on this... Online Pharmacies Are Becoming Increasingly Popular Due To Their Convenience And Discreetness Leading online pharmacy companies are providing consumer with a secure, safe, convenient, and discreet way to acquire prescriptions. Online Pharmacies are Making it Possible for Internet Consumers to Acquire Prescriptions Online Internet Pharmacies are convenient and quick, but some websites selling prescriptions may be putting your health at risk. Consumers must take into account risk factors involved with ordering prescriptions online. Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Cybill Shepherd Reveals All Cybill Shepherd has revealed that she suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The star of Moonlighting and Taxi Driver says that she has struggled with her symptoms for many years, and is now hoping to raise awareness of IBS and encourage sufferers to talk more openly with their doctors. Bee Propolis: Synergisitc Health Care for the 21st Centruy For well over a century modern science has progressed at a startling rate. With this increase in knowledge has come medicinal and healthcare benefits that have seen ages peak and diseases eradicated. These medical advances were based around the paradigm of the "magic bullet", isolating the active ingredient and using it to alter the chemistry of a single molecule/protein to elicit a change of state in the patient. Success however has turned to obsession as cracks appear in the armoury of disease fighting drugs at our disposal. MRSA is rifling through our hospitals as antibiotics become ineffective and severe side effects of modern drugs are becoming common place now years after their introduction. A direct consequence of a one dimensional strategy, it is maybe the time to acknowledge the synergistic health benefits of natural medicine. Propolis is a unique natural medicine because of its breadth of action. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immunomodulatory effects, it could help treat asthma, allergies, arthritis and joint disorders, eczema and dermatitis, ME, viral infections including HIV and even cancer. This medicine could help treat an illness or keep you fit and healthy. Propolis: Defender of the City Propolis is a mainly resinous substance that bees collect from trees and plants. Being made up of waxes, resins, fatty acids and even amino acids. Aristotle reputedly coined the name Propolis meaning "defender of the city". This is exactly what Propolis is for the hive, it acts as a bee population's external immune system keeping the hive sterile and free of microbial invaders Evidence Based Medicine In the following paragraphs I will describe to you the pharmacological properties of Propolis. Before I do so I must explain where this evidence comes from. All the properties and actions of Propolis have been witnessed and detailed in scientific studies which have subsequently been published in journals. The bulk of these scientific studies have been performed in vitro (i.e. in a test tube) or in vivo (i.e. in a host animal for example rats), a much smaller proportion of these studies are clinical trials tested on humans. The abstracts of these papers can be found on the Medline and pubmed databases on the Internet. Propolis: A natural antibiotic Propolis is probably best known for its antibiotic properties. Even as early as 1960 French1 research demonstrated the bacteriostatic action on Bacillus subtilis, Proteus vulgaris and Bacillus alvei. The results have been replicated many times and Propolis has even been shown to be effective to MRSA2, the same antibiotic resistant bacteria that has infected up to 70% of our hospitals. A 1997 study by Calder et al. at the University of Oxford concurred with these results and found that the cinnaminic acids and flavanoids present in Propolis in particular show bacteriocidal action. This action believed to be as a consequence of Propolis uncoupling the bacterial energy respiratory chain. Interestingly this action may be involved in a synergistic action with antibiotics when used together, boosting the effectiveness of the drugs. Anti-Viral and immuno-stimulatory Viruses present a unique dilemma in the quest for good health, they are not affected by antibiotics and mutate so frequently that vaccines are hard to produce. They also cause illness by hijacking cells and using the cells machinery to replicate. Modern drugs aim to slow or stop the virus from the replicating and subsequently because they are attacking host cell machinery they have certain side effects. Viruses perhaps pose the greatest threat to humans' health, we are currently in the middle of a HIV pandemic with "39.4 million" people infected world wide. With a Flu pandemic overdue and certainly on its way and predictions of world wide casualties and chaos, a solution is needed. The bioflavanoids in propolis have a unique approach to combating Viruses, instead of trying to combat them once they have infected a cell, they lock the virus in its protein coat. This means that the dangerous machinery and DNA/RNA of the virus is nullified and the infection stopped. Propolis has been shown to be more effective than the pharmaceutical anti-viral acyclovir in treating genital Herpes in a clinical trial conducted in the Ukraine4 and there is growing evidence that Propolis could help treat people with HIV5. Propolis also works hard as an immunomodulator which is of interest for all of us. It does this by altering the way cytokine production and release is managed. Cytokines are the chemical messengers that allow immune system cells to communicate. By altering the cytokine system, it primes the immune system to be ready to react to antigens quickly and effectively. As well as this, bioflavanoids within Propolis stimulate the production of interferon which can help people recover from ME, stimulating their immune system. This alteration of the cytokine and interferon systems means that your body is ready to fight off infection and keep you healthy, making a case for using propolis as a supplement for good health, like vitamins. Prevention is better than the cure. Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergen A survey of Propolis consumers showed that arthritis was the health problem that Propolis was used to treat the most. This is because of the potent anti-inflammatory properties of the propolis constituents in particular CAPE (Caffeic acid Phenyl ester), CAPE has been shown to suppress T cell activation. A paper by Marquez et al in 20046 evaluated this to mean that since T-cells play a key role in the onset of several inflammatory diseases, CAPE is important because the this phenolic compound is a potent inhibitor of early and late events in T-cell receptor-mediated T-cell activation. Results like this have led other researchers to propose that CAPE is a worthwhile agent for reducing the severity of conditions associated with inflammation. Many of the experiments performed on CAPE were done so in vitro, however the anti-inflammatory properties of Propolis have been documented in rats when treating rat adjuvant arthritis. A paper by Park et al in 19997 concluding that the ethanolic extract of propolis had profound anti-inflammatory effects on both chronic and acute arthritic inflammations. These anti-inflammation properties extend to other illness and disorders such as asthma and allergies reducing both smooth muscle airway contraction8 and allergic responses. Any disorder or illness related to inflammation could be helped by Propolis. Anti-tumour/cancer Propolis and CAPE have been shown to reduce the size of tumours and to selectively destroy and to curb the proliferation of malignant cells of many different types of cancer. As recently as June 10th 2005 Cancer researchers have been given a grant of a million dollars to investigate the therapeutic value of Propolis for cancer. Costas Koumenis the lead investigator for the study was quoted as saying, "a very interesting property of these compounds is that they have been shown to cause cell death in tumor cells but not in normal cells." This study along with other current studies promises to propel Propolis into the limelight in the field of cancer treatment. Current Propolis Research in the UK BVR (BeeVital Research) recently won a major government Research and Development Award, part of a £250,000 research programme looking at the chemical, biological and clinical properties of propolis. These studies will focus on the: 1. Documenting the regional variances in chemical and biological properties, by HPLS, GC-MS and NMR. (Taking place at Univeristy of Strathclyde) 2. Futher investigating the role of Propolis in the Hive (University of Gloucester) 3. Dental trials ? looking at effectiveness of Propolis for Mouth Ulcers, Pericorinitis, Gingivitis and Sensitive Teeth. (Manchester University Dental school) 4. HIV/AIDS trials ? looking at the effectiveness of Propolis with anti-virals in Zambia and Tanzania 5. The effects of standardised propolis on mood, stress, fatigue and cognition at the Human Cognitive Neuroscience Unit at University of Newcastle. 6. To evaluate the use of local and non ? local propolis for wound healing and the treatment of skin and other dermatological problems. ( The Regional Teaching Hospital for University of Dar es Salaam) Be Informed About The Medications You Take The recent withdrawal of the prescription drugs Vioxx and Bextra have arthritis patients concerned about their health, lawyers busy with lawsuits, and Congress poring over thousands of pages of documents obtained from the manufacturer. The drugs, part of a family of medications known as COX-2 inhibitors, have recently been shown to increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes among users who take the drugs for long periods of time. 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And yet many of us don't know what it is, why it's dangerous, and what the treatment options are. First Responder Human Hibernation Units In the next few years paramedics, first responders and military medics will have instant hibernation devices. These devices will come in small canisters of the gas to slow the body down after replacing lost blood and/or stopping bleeding. The replacement blood will be synthetic and coagulate faster to seal the wounds and once this happens the victim of the injury will be given hibernation gas. This gas will put the person in temporary suspended animation. When multiple victims are around each person will be administered the hibernation gas as the available first responders work thru the victims in order of most injured and serious first. Medical Billing Software Takes the Stage Medical Billing Software Is Anxiety Ruling Your Life? Anxiety is the most frequently occurring mental health disorder in the United States, according to the US Surgeon General. There are millions of people who are diagnosed with it every year. A small amount of anxiety helps to get us going, but when it becomes more severe, it can be overwhelming. If you start feeling like it's more than it should be, you may want to visit a doctor for a clinical diagnosis. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has estimated that 19 million Americans aged 18 to 54 suffer from anxiety disorder every year. Orphan Drugs: Hope Where There Is Little or No Hope NEW YORK, N.Y., February 18, 2004 ? On a visit to his doctor, Gary Jacob received distressing news ? not about himself, but a friend of the doctor's. ![]() |
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