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Kids and Medication Part I
We have all talked a lot about the problems in our educational system, about latchkey kids, about teacher turnover (50 percent of teachers quitted within the first five years on the job), psychologists over prescribing medications such as Prozac and Ritalin with our friends and families. We can all foresee a terrible problem in the future because we are feeding these drugs to kids under the age of six, their brains have not been fully formed yet and these drugs and their predecessors and competing drugs all have adverse side effects. There are over 10,000 chemicals that the brain reacts to, there are over 2000 chemicals in the brain in any one time, in your brain is reacting to 20 or 30 of those chemicals in a big way. And along comes in new enhancements. Why because we're not allowed to discipline or own children, we might be turned in for child abuse. God help you if you smacked her child for mouthing off, hitting their siblings, or general rude behavior. Benefit teacher doesn't they can go to jail to. So what happens when Johnny is bad the sandbox; he is put into a corner as a punishment away from the other kids and we call this a timeout. On the other hand if we give Johnny a Swift kick in the rear, then maybe he might learn something. When he acts out they put him in a corner and then he wants attention, so he further misbehaves; so the teacher says into the office and the principal calls in a special psychologists who refers little Johnny to the medical nurse, who calls Johnny single mom at work which embarrasses her, you see Johnny's father left and he is a deadbeat dad, unwilling to pay for Johnny's costs even though he brought Johnny into the world and now Johnny's mother doesn't know what to do, so they convince her that her child has ADHD. When in reality Johnny is just like all the other kids a little hyper all the time probably has to much sugar at home in being young has just a ton of energy. Since Johnny lacks the discipline of a child under supervision, without father around he isn't a lot of trouble as do most kids were not discipline. But instead disciplining Johnny they decide to drug him instead. Johnny now is on drugs and ever been really discipline ever assumes that he has a problem because his mother, teacher, nurse, Dr., principal say so. Now Johnny has lower expectations of himself as do his elders best Johnny performed on to that ability which is right around 0. Johnny acts off gets into trouble, becomes a juvenile delinquent tries a few drugs with his friends does a little graffiti causes of any crimes and decides to join a gang. Where is mom, trying to make ends meet without the assistance of Johnny's dad who has skipped how sold his construction company to a friend who pays them five dollars an hour. Thus Johnny's dad is unable to make restitution and the courts changes restitution to such a small amount it isn't even worth Johnny's moms trouble to try to collect. And it's certainly isn't worth her trouble to share custody rights. So when you look at George W. Bush's plan to keep the families together, especially low income families where the mom has to work and support for kids you can see the incredible problem we have in why something must be done. Either we have discipline the schools and When two people have the kid they stick together and raised a child in a responsible for child or we all pay later for more prisons, prison guards, rehab facilities, police officers student faculty support employees etc. do you know right now that the nurse gives a child and aspirin that child must get a note from their parents. However if that child needs an abortion, that child can get an abortion without the school ever contacting the parent, give me a break. The easy issues affect every employer at the store level due to unmanageable employees they might have and their productivity goes South all too often, this affects their ability to work and pay into the system or advance in a company. When a kid does drugs and gets into trouble we all pay. If that child grows up into a life of crime it costs more to keep that child in prison for one year that it does to send them to two years of college, so you figure it out either we drop the BS stop over Medicating and start disciplining or we will pay later and we will pay dearly. We just have to stop feeding our kid's drugs for mood enhancement. We know these drugs have side effects. Let's look at these for a bit one by one. Adderall is a amphetamine which is taken once per day and stops areas of the brain responsible for organizing thoughts; it has some very real side effect such as rapid heart beat, high blood pressure and sometimes over stimulation and can become addictive. With Concerta it keeps the neurons with lots of norepinephrine and dopamine, which reduces hyperactivity and inattention, and it's side effects include head aches, stomach pain, sleeplessness and can cause over stimulation. Strattera was the first non-stimulant which enchances norepinephrine levels in the brain and also has some serious side effects, which include; decreased appetite, fatigue, stomach pain and nausea. Ritalin is an active agent, methylphenidate to stimulate the brain to filter and prioritize incoming information. But the side effects we know too; Headaches, lack of appetite, irritability, nervousness and insomnia. Methypatch is the patch form of the methylphenidate and delivers continuous doses through the skin. Kids and Medication End Part I "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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New Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy Millions of Americans suffer with Peripheral Neuropathy and until recently there was no specific treatment available. Peripheral Neuropathy is often associated with Diabetes, but can occur on its own. Typical treatments in the past included physical therapy, medication and in severe cases even surgery, all of these therapies offer little or no relief. Neurologist, Family Physicians and Podiatrists are now referring their patients for Anodyne Therapy with excellent results. Nasonex And You: Breathe Easy, Not Sneezy While everybody else is wandering around enjoying the spring weather, are you hiding out in your hermetically-sealed house? Do you dread the start of poolside parties because your date is going to be a box of tissues? If so, like so many of us, allergies may be running your life. The Right Medical Equipment For You Home Or Practice! Quality, dependable Medical Equipment is an important component of every medical practice. It can't be overstated that while the practice of medicine is an art, Medical Equipment is the science behind the implementation of that art. 10 Reasons To Buy Drugs From An Online Canadian Pharmacy 1. Online Canadian pharmacies offer overall best prices on Canadian drugs, as well as on international drugs. This is due to the fact that there are many online Canadian pharmacies and they lower their prices to increase the sales number. Drug Interactions: Five Common Dangerous Interactions You Should Know About Prescription drugs can save your life. But interactions between prescription drugs and other drugs or with illnesses or conditions you have can lead to significant consequences. Drug interactions may make your drug less effective, cause unexpected side effects, or increase the action of a particular drug. Some drug interactions can even be harmful to you. See examples of common interactions and what their results are in the table on this webpage. ?Winning the War Against Rheumatoid Arthritis? RA is a condition that forces half of patients to become disabled from the work force within five to ten years? and reduces life expectancy by as much as 18 years. RA affects about one per cent of the world's adult population, most commonly women between the ages of 30 and 50. How To Save Money On Prescription Medications If you are a regular user of prescription medications, you know that these drugs can be costly to purchase. Cutting back on drugs can be dangerous to your health, but if you are on a fixed income your choices can seem limited. Let's look at some cost effective ways for you to slash your prescription costs. Hacking through the Medical Scheduling Software Jungle: Helpful Search Tips It is the reality of the 21st century medical practice that in order to ensure the most effective office management and to provide the best service to patients, a medical office must incorporate medical scheduling software. Medical scheduling software helps to run the modern medical practice. But, to find the right medical scheduling software is like searching for buried treasure. Warning! Flu Shots Can Be Dangerous To Your Health Every year about this time doctors around the world are recommending that people go in and get their annual flu shot. What most people don't know or understand is just how dangerous this could be, especially for children under the age of 12. When people call and say "My doctor is telling the family to go in and get a flu shot. Should I do it?"?I tell them they should learn about the side effects and decide for themselves?as a chiropractor and naturopathic physician I don't' have the time or energy to argue with family practitioners or family doctors who are obviously uneducated on the possible side effects or detrimental effects flu shots or vaccinations in general can have on the body. Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease With Lipitor and Pravachol Results of a new study comparing the effectiveness of Pfizer Inc.,'s Lipitor with Pravachol, made by Bristol-Myers Squibb, was recently published in the New York Times. The study details the clinical observation that Lipitor was significantly more effective than Pravachol in lowering patient's LDL cholesterol levels. However, the study did not comment on the overall effect that Statin drugs have on patient health, or the research that indicates Statins may actually increase your risk of heart disease and heart attack. You Are Getting Very Sleepy....The Truth about Hypnosis A hypnotic "trance" is not something that is foreign to us--we've all been so absorbed in thought while reading a book or watching a movie that we fail to notice what is happening around us. These focused states of attention are similar to hypnosis. Simply put, when our minds are concentrated and focused, we are able to use them more powerfully. In this condition, we can tap into normally unused mental powers to create new possibilities of experience. Robotic Future of Hospitals; Pandemic Prevention and Bio-Terrorist Attack There is a huge concern in the medical industry that if a biological weapon were released that those sick might come to the hospitals in such large numbers that before you realized an attack had occurred everyone in every nearby hospital would also be infected. Then of course the hospital itself would be rendered useless and all those already in the hospital no matter what the reason would literally condemned. The biggest issue with this is that those places we have available to help our populations stay well would be immediately and totally useless. For some background on the World Think Tank discussion and on-going subject of bio-terrorism control and isolation, please see this page: What Not to Tell Your Doctor? For many years since medicine has been established as an ethical profession and gained widespread credence people have believed that they could and should tell their doctor everything even remotely pertinent to their health and that it was held in the strictest confidence. Furthermore, how can the physician make accurate judgments when important or significant information is missing? This system worked very well until relatively recently but there now exists a breach of this confidence that people should know about and this breach has developed from the advent of third party investigations into people's backgrounds. Your medical records are no longer confidential because you are forced to reveal them. Let us look at some scenarios. Bee Propolis: Synergisitc Health Care for the 21st Centruy For well over a century modern science has progressed at a startling rate. With this increase in knowledge has come medicinal and healthcare benefits that have seen ages peak and diseases eradicated. These medical advances were based around the paradigm of the "magic bullet", isolating the active ingredient and using it to alter the chemistry of a single molecule/protein to elicit a change of state in the patient. Success however has turned to obsession as cracks appear in the armoury of disease fighting drugs at our disposal. MRSA is rifling through our hospitals as antibiotics become ineffective and severe side effects of modern drugs are becoming common place now years after their introduction. A direct consequence of a one dimensional strategy, it is maybe the time to acknowledge the synergistic health benefits of natural medicine. Propolis is a unique natural medicine because of its breadth of action. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and immunomodulatory effects, it could help treat asthma, allergies, arthritis and joint disorders, eczema and dermatitis, ME, viral infections including HIV and even cancer. This medicine could help treat an illness or keep you fit and healthy. Propolis: Defender of the City Propolis is a mainly resinous substance that bees collect from trees and plants. Being made up of waxes, resins, fatty acids and even amino acids. Aristotle reputedly coined the name Propolis meaning "defender of the city". This is exactly what Propolis is for the hive, it acts as a bee population's external immune system keeping the hive sterile and free of microbial invaders Evidence Based Medicine In the following paragraphs I will describe to you the pharmacological properties of Propolis. Before I do so I must explain where this evidence comes from. All the properties and actions of Propolis have been witnessed and detailed in scientific studies which have subsequently been published in journals. The bulk of these scientific studies have been performed in vitro (i.e. in a test tube) or in vivo (i.e. in a host animal for example rats), a much smaller proportion of these studies are clinical trials tested on humans. The abstracts of these papers can be found on the Medline and pubmed databases on the Internet. Propolis: A natural antibiotic Propolis is probably best known for its antibiotic properties. Even as early as 1960 French1 research demonstrated the bacteriostatic action on Bacillus subtilis, Proteus vulgaris and Bacillus alvei. The results have been replicated many times and Propolis has even been shown to be effective to MRSA2, the same antibiotic resistant bacteria that has infected up to 70% of our hospitals. A 1997 study by Calder et al. at the University of Oxford concurred with these results and found that the cinnaminic acids and flavanoids present in Propolis in particular show bacteriocidal action. This action believed to be as a consequence of Propolis uncoupling the bacterial energy respiratory chain. Interestingly this action may be involved in a synergistic action with antibiotics when used together, boosting the effectiveness of the drugs. Anti-Viral and immuno-stimulatory Viruses present a unique dilemma in the quest for good health, they are not affected by antibiotics and mutate so frequently that vaccines are hard to produce. They also cause illness by hijacking cells and using the cells machinery to replicate. Modern drugs aim to slow or stop the virus from the replicating and subsequently because they are attacking host cell machinery they have certain side effects. Viruses perhaps pose the greatest threat to humans' health, we are currently in the middle of a HIV pandemic with "39.4 million" people infected world wide. With a Flu pandemic overdue and certainly on its way and predictions of world wide casualties and chaos, a solution is needed. The bioflavanoids in propolis have a unique approach to combating Viruses, instead of trying to combat them once they have infected a cell, they lock the virus in its protein coat. This means that the dangerous machinery and DNA/RNA of the virus is nullified and the infection stopped. Propolis has been shown to be more effective than the pharmaceutical anti-viral acyclovir in treating genital Herpes in a clinical trial conducted in the Ukraine4 and there is growing evidence that Propolis could help treat people with HIV5. Propolis also works hard as an immunomodulator which is of interest for all of us. It does this by altering the way cytokine production and release is managed. Cytokines are the chemical messengers that allow immune system cells to communicate. By altering the cytokine system, it primes the immune system to be ready to react to antigens quickly and effectively. As well as this, bioflavanoids within Propolis stimulate the production of interferon which can help people recover from ME, stimulating their immune system. This alteration of the cytokine and interferon systems means that your body is ready to fight off infection and keep you healthy, making a case for using propolis as a supplement for good health, like vitamins. Prevention is better than the cure. Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergen A survey of Propolis consumers showed that arthritis was the health problem that Propolis was used to treat the most. This is because of the potent anti-inflammatory properties of the propolis constituents in particular CAPE (Caffeic acid Phenyl ester), CAPE has been shown to suppress T cell activation. A paper by Marquez et al in 20046 evaluated this to mean that since T-cells play a key role in the onset of several inflammatory diseases, CAPE is important because the this phenolic compound is a potent inhibitor of early and late events in T-cell receptor-mediated T-cell activation. Results like this have led other researchers to propose that CAPE is a worthwhile agent for reducing the severity of conditions associated with inflammation. Many of the experiments performed on CAPE were done so in vitro, however the anti-inflammatory properties of Propolis have been documented in rats when treating rat adjuvant arthritis. A paper by Park et al in 19997 concluding that the ethanolic extract of propolis had profound anti-inflammatory effects on both chronic and acute arthritic inflammations. These anti-inflammation properties extend to other illness and disorders such as asthma and allergies reducing both smooth muscle airway contraction8 and allergic responses. Any disorder or illness related to inflammation could be helped by Propolis. Anti-tumour/cancer Propolis and CAPE have been shown to reduce the size of tumours and to selectively destroy and to curb the proliferation of malignant cells of many different types of cancer. As recently as June 10th 2005 Cancer researchers have been given a grant of a million dollars to investigate the therapeutic value of Propolis for cancer. Costas Koumenis the lead investigator for the study was quoted as saying, "a very interesting property of these compounds is that they have been shown to cause cell death in tumor cells but not in normal cells." This study along with other current studies promises to propel Propolis into the limelight in the field of cancer treatment. Current Propolis Research in the UK BVR (BeeVital Research) recently won a major government Research and Development Award, part of a £250,000 research programme looking at the chemical, biological and clinical properties of propolis. These studies will focus on the: 1. Documenting the regional variances in chemical and biological properties, by HPLS, GC-MS and NMR. (Taking place at Univeristy of Strathclyde) 2. Futher investigating the role of Propolis in the Hive (University of Gloucester) 3. Dental trials ? looking at effectiveness of Propolis for Mouth Ulcers, Pericorinitis, Gingivitis and Sensitive Teeth. (Manchester University Dental school) 4. HIV/AIDS trials ? looking at the effectiveness of Propolis with anti-virals in Zambia and Tanzania 5. The effects of standardised propolis on mood, stress, fatigue and cognition at the Human Cognitive Neuroscience Unit at University of Newcastle. 6. To evaluate the use of local and non ? local propolis for wound healing and the treatment of skin and other dermatological problems. ( The Regional Teaching Hospital for University of Dar es Salaam) Talking Money with Your Doctor: Drugs and Tests for Less Would you buy groceries without knowing their prices? I suspect not. You probably compare the costs of different boxes of cereal in order to get the best deal. But when it comes to medical care, do you even ask for the prices involved? Neurontin Lawsuit: Neurontin Off-Label Abuse Lawyer Pfizer is currently marketing Neurontin as an oral medication for managing postherptic neuralgia, the pain that lingers after shingles has healed. This is an FDA-approved use, and studies have shown that Neurontin works to reduce patients' pain. It is a good drug, with many useful applications and few negative side effects, but it has a surprisingly long and sordid past. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is a severe and deadly allergic reaction to certain drugs, some proscription and some over the counter, which causes the severe burning of skin and mucosal membranes from the inside out. 15% of people who develop Stevens Johnson Syndrome will die as a direct result. Many drugs which have been known to cause SJS do not have warning labels notifying users about the very real danger of Stevens Johnson Syndrome. If you or a loved one has SJS, a Stevens Johnson Syndrome lawyer can help you receive financial compensation. Acid Reflux ? Symptoms and Treatment Acid reflux (also known as GERD or heartburn) is a common condition -- Over 60 million Americans experience it at least once a month. Pain in the Butt. How to Deal with Hemorrhoids? This is very sensitive area of your body. Too private. Nobody likes when something is wrong over there. However it happens. FDA Orders Search Engines to Stop Online Pharmacies How Does Online Pharmacies Affect Pharmacy Leaders? ![]() |
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