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A Look At Acid Reflux Treatment
Heartburn is a by-product of digestion, specifically affecting the esophagus and the stomach. The esophagus is a tube that delivers food into the stomach, and it has a valve that opens and closes to allow food in and to keep it down during digestion. This valve can become lax or get overwhelmed by too much food or too much acid. This condition causes stomach acids to reflux or spill back up through the valve onto the esophagus, fanning flames of discomfort within the center of the chest. Is there an acid reflux cure? Yes and no. Yes, because it can be treated effectively and relieved, but also no, because researchers have yet to find a root cause and it can always come back. Acid reflux treatment regimens include medications, lifestyle changes, and stress management. Depending on severity, acid reflux can be curbed with as little as only a few behavioral modifications such as quitting smoking and eating better to powerful acid reflux medication treatments under a physician's supervision. Acid Reflux Medication Acid reflux medication strategies vary in how they defend against heartburn. With serious, recurrent heartburn, a physician may recommend acid reflux medications to include histamine antagonists that suppress acid secretions triggered by histamine and gastrin. You could also be prescribed proton pump inhibitors, a newer compound designed to block the last step in acid production. Prokinetic agents make up another group that, unlike the first two, does not block or suppress acid production, but instead aims to increase the pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, helping to push food through faster. Acid Reflux Relief In many cases, lifestyle alterations can provide a great deal of acid reflux relief like changing your diet, quitting smoking, sitting up after meals, and learning to manage stress. Exercise is also highly effective in relieving acid reflux because it aids in speeding digestion and stifles one of the peskiest acid reflux culprits-being overweight. Also check out specialized pillows, shaped into wedges that help keep your head higher than your stomach so that acid stays where it should while you sleep. Others opt for natural herbal remedies found in health food stores. These herbal remedies tout all-natural ingredients that relieve heartburn symptoms and tend to be milder than medical treatments. Prescription medications are the most aggressive acid reflux treatments and are designed to provide relief for those who suffer from serious, chronic heartburn or acid reflux disease. You may have to try more than one or a combination of relief strategies in order to find out which is the most effective for you. Remember to consult your physician on any medical concern, and always keep educated and proactive when it comes to your health. Acid Reflux Info provides comprehensive information on the cause, symptoms, treatment, and diet associated with normal and infant acid reflux. Acid Reflux Info is the sister site of Pain Relief Web.
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?Do you suffer from Osteoarthritis? Here?s how to tell!? The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis (OA). This type of arthritis is commonly referred to as wear and tear arthritis or degenerative arthritis." The Right Stethoscope For Your Needs! Just about all health care providers have need of stethoscopes. Whether you're a nurse, respiratory therapist or a medical doctor, the need to auscultate the chest, lungs and heart is a necessary and important part of your work. In deciding from the many stethoscopes to choose from it's important to keep in mind what you'll be using your stethoscope for. For general purpose listening, stethoscopes are excellent tools and come at a very good price. Tempest in a Tea Cup, Wisdom in a Sake Cup What an oxymoron the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has turned out to be. This vegan organization has one colossal ax to grind with their archrival, Darth Atkins. This is an old score that they've unfairly flung in front of the public before, all in the effort to squash the low carb idea and its adherents. Watch Out for Misleading Pharmaceutical Advertising In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration relaxed the rules for drug advertising on television and radio. Since that time, the airwaves have been flooded with commercials for all sorts of drugs. Some of them are vague, with a simple "Ask your doctor if drug x is right for you"; others spell out what the drug is used for and devote the commercial to telling you how much you will appreciate your product. Most consumers will probably assume that these commercials are honest, that the drugs will do what the ads say they will do, and that there are no side effects other than those mentioned in the ad. That may not be true, and consumers should be aware that the ads may not tell the whole story, and that they may be misleading.The pharmaceutical industry spends $9 billion per year advertising their products, and the money they spend on television and radio ads is probably the most effective. Doctors may be skeptical of a product touted by a salesman, but consumers are easily swayed by television ads that show people living happy, productive lives while being treated for an ailment using the advertised product. Unfortunately, these ads may not be completely honest. In 2004, the FDA investigated thirty-six ads for drugs that the agency found to be misleading or incomplete in their descriptions of side effects. Consumers might think that the commercials must be honest, since the FDA wouldn't allow dishonest commercials to air. Unfortunately, that's not the case. The FDA does not require pharmaceutical companies to provide screening copies of their advertisements prior to airing. The FDA doesn't actually see the ads until the consumers do. Several months may pass before the FDA takes action. In the case of misleading advertising, the most the FDA can usually do is ask the companies to either stop running the ads or to change them. These requests aren't always timely, however. In the last five years, the FDA has asked the drug companies to stop running several ads that had already stopped running!What this means for consumers is that some doubt should be exercised while viewing a commercial for a new drug. If you think an advertised product may be useful to you, discuss it with your physician, but ask if they know of any problems associated with the product. Research the product on the Internet. When your health is at stake, a little caution may be a good idea. 10 Tips for Responsible Medication Use All medications, which include prescriptions, over-the-counter preparations, vitamin and mineral supplements, and herbal preparations, are potentially dangerous. Following some simple rules will not only reduce your chance of having a problem, but should reduce your cost as well. OxyContin Addiction: Doctors & Drug Lords OxyContin is a narcotic drug, an opiate, that has been approved by the FDA to legally treat chronic pain. Chronic pain is documented medical condition, a progressive disease of the nervous system and spine that causes constant a patient to experience constant, excruciating pain. Chronic pain is caused by the failure of the body's internal pain control systems and is accompanied by changes of the chemical and anatomical makeup of the spinal cord. Left untreated, the condition will spread to unaffected areas. A patient suffering from chronic pain does not produce enough natural opiates, so a pharmaceutical opiate like OxyContin is an effective treatment for the disease. Alzheimers Toxin May Be Key To Slowing Disease Australian scientists say they have identified a toxin which plays a key role in the onset of Alzheimer's, raising hope that a drug targeting the toxin could be developed to slow the degenerative brain disease. Cold-Eeze Side Effects Lawyer: Zinc Destroys Sense of Smell! Cold-Eeze is a homeopathic solution to the common cold. It is a zinc-based solution that can be taken as a tablet or a nasal spray. Limited studies have found that the nasal spray reduces the duration of the common cold to less than three days, down from an average nine days. These amazing results have lead thousands of Americans to try this new medication, with terrible results. Back Pain & Muscle Pain - Effective & Natural Pain Treatment Alternatives Pain and Stress. They seem almost to go hand in hand - not only in their negative connotation, but also in their biological causes and triggers. Back pain and muscle pain is typically caused by inflammation in the proximity where the pain originated, which in turn creates internal pressure, activating pain receptors in the nerve endings and sending the signal (registered as varying levels of discomfort) to the brain. Bextra Recall: Lawyer Says Help Is On The Way By now, you have probably heard of the prescription drug Bextra. You may not know, however, why that a recall is in order. The reason is quite simple. The FDA has asked Pfizer to withdraw Bextra from the market because of increased risks of heart attack and stroke. Using Blood Pressure Monitors To Maintain Your Health Many people today realize the importance of keeping their blood pressure under control. Blood pressure monitors are now available for home use. Zyprexa - History of the Drug Since the beginning of mankind, mental illness has played a role in our society. Victims of such illnesses have been outcast, stereotyped and often ridiculed. However, over time, medical and psychiatric science advanced and the medical community became more knowledgeable of these conditions. Thimerosal: Autism and Mercury Poisoning Side Effects? Thimerosal is a preservative that is added to vaccines (has been since the 1930s) that is almost half (49.6% by weight) mercury. Preservatives are added to vaccines to prevent bacteria and fungi from growing. These vaccines include antivenins, skin test antigens, ophthalmic and nasal products. Thimerosal preserved vaccines have been given to children as well as adults. Finding the Medical Supplies you need! It's now possible to locate and purchase a wide variety of Medical Supplies on the internet. Whether you're looking for Medical Supplies for your medical practice or your looking for home health care needs, just about anything can be found through searching online. ADHD - Are there Treatment Options? As an ADD coach I am often asked about the treatment options available for Attention Deficit Disorder. Generally when someone says "ADD" the first thing that will come to the layperson's mind is 'Ritalin' or an image of a hyperactive "Dennis-the-Menace" type. Fortunately, there is a lot more to Attention Deficit Disorder than drugs and hyperactivity. Each individual is unique and therefore different people will respond well to different treatment options. Zyprexa Lawsuits Zyprexa is an antipsychotic medication that works by changing the actions of chemicals in the brain. Zyprexa is used to treat the symptoms of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Zyprexa may also be used for other purposes. Antibiotics and Bowel Flora The word Antibiotic is constructed from Greek words anti, which means "against" and bios, meaning "life", is a phrase used to describe an antibacterial substance made from micro-organisms, all though nowadays most are made synthetically. Antibiotics inhibit the growth or destroy other micro-organisms; penicillin, cephalosporin, amino-glycosides, streptomycin and tetracycline are all examples of common antibiotics. Penicillin is the largest group of antibiotics to be used in modern clinical medicine. Misuse and overuse of antibiotics has caused a lot of bacteria to become immune to them. This is why nowadays many hospitals are having problems in combating strains of bacteria such as methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, other wise known as MRSA. Is Anxiety Ruling Your Life? Anxiety is the most frequently occurring mental health disorder in the United States, according to the US Surgeon General. There are millions of people who are diagnosed with it every year. A small amount of anxiety helps to get us going, but when it becomes more severe, it can be overwhelming. If you start feeling like it's more than it should be, you may want to visit a doctor for a clinical diagnosis. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has estimated that 19 million Americans aged 18 to 54 suffer from anxiety disorder every year. Phentermine Diet Pills: When Diet and Exercise Arent Enough To Help You Lose Weight Have you been struggling to lose weight, but diet and exercise aren't giving you the results you need to be healthy? Are you sick of people telling you that you could lose weight if only you had the will-power? It may be time to ask a physician about a phentermine prescription. Your Kidney Function Really Matters: A Lighter Look at What You Need to Know to Prevent Adverse Dru When you (or loved ones) are taking prescription or over the counter medications...there is a lot you should be worried about, and a lot that your pharmacist may not be telling you. ![]() |
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