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A Fresh Start Plan for People With Neck Pain!
"If you have to deal with chronic neck pain, it can be a real struggle. I know? because I've had to do it myself," states Dr. Nathan Wei, a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of The Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. How arthritis causes neck pain... Pain can come from anywhere! Also, neck pain can be referred from the shoulder, the upper chest, or even the heart! ?Problems in the soft tissues of the neck such as growths or tumors affecting the thyroid gland, esophagus (food pipe) or trachea (wind pipe) can also lead to neck pain Injury to the muscles and ligaments (example= whiplash auto accident) can cause neck pain. Dr. Wei declares, "This is the type of problem I have had for many years. I've been rear-ended a few times and I have degenerative arthritis in the neck at the C5-6 level. Patients I have talked with agree with me when I report popping or grinding in the neck with movement. Other patients say it "feels like sand back there" when they move their head?" Pain from whiplash can radiate up the back of the head and cause headache. It may also radiate into the shoulders or between the shoulder blades. Dr. Wei also adds, "Some types of neck pain are dangerous. When neck problems are associated with pressure on the spinal cord, this is called myelopathy and is a neurosurgical emergency!" What are the most effective treatments? Dr. Wei (pronounced "way") is a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the nationally respected Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and has served as a consultant to the Arthritis Branch of the National Institutes of Health. He is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians. For more information on arthritis and related conditions, go to: http://www.arthritis-treatment-and-relief.com
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Vioxx Personal Injury Lawsuits Personal injury attorneys representing clients who have allegedly been harmed by the prescription drug Vioxx are congratulating themselves over a historic judgment rendered recently. On August 19, 2005, a judge awarded the family of Bob Ernst $253.4 million due to his death from the drug. Vioxx, which had been prescribed most often for arthritis pain, was withdrawn globally by its maker, Merck, after research trials showed it increased patients' chances of a heart attack. Although Merck pulled the drug off the market in September 2004, legal action against this leading pharmaceutical giant will continue and expand. Let's take a look at why Vioxx has become a litigation lightning rod. Electric Wheelchairs When you search online for Electric Wheelchairs, like any other things, you will face a situation, where you will need to choose a provider out of so many companies that offer the service. The search engines will bring you thousands and thousands of results when you type the phrase "Electric Wheelchairs." Which vendor or provider to choose? It is important that you make an informed decision. Are Drug Companies Destroying The U.S. Health Care System? The U.S. government's annual bill for healthcare spending ? $3,925 per person ? significantly exceeds that of all other nations. Despite this, our current health care system is increasingly failing both patients and medical practitioners. Of 13 nations, the U.S. is last for neonatal and infant mortality, last for years of potential life lost, 10th for age-adjusted mortality, 11th and 12th for female and male life expectancy respectively. Chronic degenerative diseases ? heart disease, cancer, arthritis, obesity, etc. ? are at epidemic levels and create the ideal long-term customers to grow the medical industry. The Power of Ice Using ice to treat injuries is one of the oldest methods of pain control. Proven to be safe and effective at reducing swelling, relieving pain and decreasing muscle spasms, ice therapy is an easy self-care technique that anyone can administer. Every mother knows to put ice on a bruised knee after a soccer game or on a teething toddler's tender gums. But do you really know how ice works? Tomorrow Well Have Rabbit Feet; Cloning I am not sure where I'm at with this subject of cloning, it sounds a bit cheesy to me; you know the old saying: something smells in Denmark. It kind of reads like this in my mind, confused mind, or maybe not so confused, maybe the world is wrong and I am right, any how it goes like this: let's kill an infant, why not, we do a million of them abortions a year that way, anyhow; now that we've legalized this, let's use some of it for fish bate. "No, no?no!" says the laboratory man (or woman), "?you've got it all wrong!" I knew that was coming. They always say that, and ten years down the road they modify. I mean, today it's absolutely right, tomorrow they say: "Well, we just didn't know back then?!" In reality, we knew a million or so people knew because most likely, they were screaming it, but others were screaming louder, and no one heard. Top Ten Reasons Why We Hate IBS! Irritable bowel syndrome can be a nightmare?constant diarrhea and terrible stomach pains, or unbelievable constipation and never-ending gas. While it's good to stay positive and keep looking for help, sometimes it's even better to just have a good old moan! Traditional Treatments for Back Pain... Which Ones Work and Which Ones Don?t? When Dorothy followed the yellow brick road, she was told to do so by those who wanted her to get where she wanted go. Well as humans when we blindly follow recommendations even by individuals who have good intentions, it may not always be your best option. So I'm preparing this article to compare and contrast what are known as traditional treatments vs. complementary or alternative treatments for back pain. Remember there is rarely only one reason for your back pain and almost never one silver bullet fix? you may need to try several approaches till you find what works for you. Antibiotics and Bowel Flora The word Antibiotic is constructed from Greek words anti, which means "against" and bios, meaning "life", is a phrase used to describe an antibacterial substance made from micro-organisms, all though nowadays most are made synthetically. Antibiotics inhibit the growth or destroy other micro-organisms; penicillin, cephalosporin, amino-glycosides, streptomycin and tetracycline are all examples of common antibiotics. Penicillin is the largest group of antibiotics to be used in modern clinical medicine. Misuse and overuse of antibiotics has caused a lot of bacteria to become immune to them. This is why nowadays many hospitals are having problems in combating strains of bacteria such as methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, other wise known as MRSA. Lunesta Memory Problems Lunesta may be the only sleeping pill that is FDA approved for long-term use, but it still has some of the same effects as other sleep aids. Ambien, Sonata and others have all been known to cause this problem. It can make life strange and difficult for some of us. Risperdal Side Effects: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome NMS Risperdal is an atypical anti-psychotic drug that balances the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. It helps to stabilize patients with mental illness including the manic stages of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. However Risperdal has been prescribed not just for people with mental illness, but also for children and the elderly who have behavioral and conduct disorders and for autism. Studies have only approved Risperdal for use with adults, not children. Children on Risperdal could retain lasting side effects. Pain in the Butt. How to Deal with Hemorrhoids? This is very sensitive area of your body. Too private. Nobody likes when something is wrong over there. However it happens. Quitting Smoking: Planning To Succeed With Zyban! Step One: The Big Decision Hemorrhoids Treatment - A Variety of Options A variety of options exist for hemorrhoid treatment including surgery, herbal remedies, and hemorrhoid creams that provide temporary relief of symptoms. While prevention is the best hemorrhoid cure, treatment of hemorrhoids is critical to avoid more serious complications. Orphan Drugs: Hope Where There Is Little or No Hope NEW YORK, N.Y., February 18, 2004 ? On a visit to his doctor, Gary Jacob received distressing news ? not about himself, but a friend of the doctor's. Three Antioxidants (ginko biloba, grade seed extract, and selenium) for Alzheimers Treatment Checklist of Treatments for Alzheimer's Disease Acid Reflux ? Symptoms and Treatment Acid reflux (also known as GERD or heartburn) is a common condition -- Over 60 million Americans experience it at least once a month. Redux Lawyer Discusses Fen-Phen Fad In the early nineties, Redux was the original miracle diet pill. A predecessor to fenphen, Redux was just the "fen", fenfluramine in the form dexfenfluramine. The drug increased the production of seratonin, which gave the brain feelings of satiety, or fullness. Overweight people felt a great responsibility lifted from their shoulders. In Redux, the drug industry promised a thin, healthy body without painful exercise or unpleasant diet restrictions! Within three months, doctors were writing 85,000 prescriptions for Redux every week. Lipitor Lawyer: Statin Drugs Cause Muscle Damage in 98% Doctors have been encouraged to prescribe the cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins quite liberally. Patients who suffer heart attacks often have elevated levels of cholesterol, so statins like Lipitor are prescribed to lower the cholesterol. There have been no conclusive studies to prove the full effectiveness of these drugs, however, and some doctors worry that reducing cholesterol simply takes away the warning signs of heart disease. The drug companies also claim that statin drugs have a low, nearly nonexistent incidence of side effects. These claims are based on trials of the drug on a carefully screened group of people, hardly a representative selection of the general public. Considering the rigorous selection process for drug trials, it is hardly a surprise that 51% of prescription drugs found to have serious adverse side effects not detected prior to FDA approval. Doc, My Tummy Aches and My Joints Hurt! Is there a connection? Inflammatory disease of the bowel- regional enteritis (Crohn's disease) and ulcerative colitis- are often associated with arthritis. This occurs because inflammation in the bowel and the joints may share a common immunological abnormality. Pagan Medicine: Then and Now A time will come when our children's children will look back upon the age of "modern" medicine of the 21st century as paganistic witchcraft, foisted upon ignorant masses of people. May God rightly judge those who corrupted His ministry of healing and killed His children. ![]() |
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