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Healthcare Providers -- Its Time for Your Physical
I think this is a good time for a checkup, or physical as it is termed in the healthcare industry. I mean this is a good time to check the health of your site or setting. As healthcare providers, we are dedicated to curing our patients of their ills and keeping them healthy. My question is, "Do you have the same attitude about the place you work?" Is your site meeting its highest goals? If not, then it is time for a change. I think that as a group healthcare sites are a lot like our patients. Some patients don't work hard at keeping healthy. In fact, many engage in behavior that is very detrimental to their well-being. You probably can easily image such a person. Maybe they are very overweight. Well, there are many healthcare facilities that are like that. They have many processes in which there are steps which add no value, that are a complete waste of time and effort. Then, there are patients who do a lot of the right things. They eat correctly, get a good amount of exercise, and generally have a positive outlook. There are a few healthcare facilities that are fit too. What does a healthcare site in not so good shape look like? These sites, I believe, have as their goals just to meet their compliance standards, those set by the state, JHACO, or the FDA or some other body. As long as they are being accredited, they are satisfied. Their attitude may be, "If it isn't broken, don't change it." They are like patients who are content to just sit on the couch, watch TV, and eat whatever they like as long as they don't feel poorly. What does a healthcare site in good shape look like? I believe that such sites are continually looking for ways to better themselves. They engage in "continuous quality improvement" activities. They are really concerned about the health and attitudes of their patients and clients. They use surveys and they question and listen. Some even use a tool called quality function deployment when designing new facilities or programs. Besides listening to patients, they pay close attention to their employees. They actively seek ideas from the employees on how things could be done better. They want to have their employees enjoy working at their site and support its mission. The leaders of such sites actively reflect this attitude. Further, such sites seek ways to improve the processes at their site. They cut waste and save time and improve the bottom line. Many tools for doing this can be found in quality disciplines such as Lean Healthcare and Six Sigma. You can find a very good white paper on Lean Healthcare at the www.IHI.org website. What are the results of these positive and active approaches? Our patients are happier, fitter, and find time to do the things they want. They generally live longer with fewer health problems. Healthcare sites which are actively engaged in continuous quality improvement programs generally find that they have the time to accomplish their objectives and don't feel rushed, they have an improved bottom line, and they rarely experience adverse events. The doctors don't have to work impossible hours to accomplish all they want. They work as a team. Let me encourage you at this time to sit down with your colleagues and leaders and assess the health of your site. If you find that you fall short of what you should be, I hope that you put in the effort to reach the best goals. After all, we expect the same from our patients, don't we? Donald Bryant helps healthcare providers meet their challenges and writes "Making Good Healthcare Better" a free monthly ezine for healthcare providers who want to dramatically improve patient health, improve the bottom line, and make work more rewarding, guaranteed. More free articles are at his web site. Be sure to visit.
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Protopic Cancer Risk Lawyer The FDA issued a warning in July of 2005 on two skin creams, Elidel (pimecrolimus) and Protopic (tacrolimus) to all ages. Recent animal studies have found that Protopic causes lymphomas and skin cancers in an unknown percentage of users. The FDA recommends that healthcare providers be very careful prescribing and applying these medications. New Company Helps Another Medical Condition Become: ?Acceptable? Dinner Conversation Recently once taboo subjects like plastic surgery have become acceptable dinner conversation. Medical conditions are no longer whispered to friends, but have instead become part of the dinner table conversation with full blown discussions on Botox, erectile dysfunction and the feared colonoscopy. However recently there is a new kid on the block, well maybe not so new, it's actually plain old heel pain. You might ask why is this happening? Why is it so important now? After all heel pain for the most part won't kill you. 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It kind of reads like this in my mind, confused mind, or maybe not so confused, maybe the world is wrong and I am right, any how it goes like this: let's kill an infant, why not, we do a million of them abortions a year that way, anyhow; now that we've legalized this, let's use some of it for fish bate. "No, no?no!" says the laboratory man (or woman), "?you've got it all wrong!" I knew that was coming. They always say that, and ten years down the road they modify. I mean, today it's absolutely right, tomorrow they say: "Well, we just didn't know back then?!" In reality, we knew a million or so people knew because most likely, they were screaming it, but others were screaming louder, and no one heard. Defective Heart Defibrillators Recalled by Guidant Corporation On June17, 2005 Guidant Corporation recalled close to 50,000 heart defibrillators worldwide because of potential malfunctions that could cause injury or death. This recall comes in the wake of two recent deaths among patients who were implanted with Guidant defibrillators. It is believed that Guidant Corporation failed to inform doctors and patients that the defibrillators contained a defect that could cause them to short-circuit. The Truth about C Reactive Protein and Cholesterol Lowering Drugs You might disagree, but hear me out on this... Bextra, Vioxx and Side Effects ? Do You Need Aa Lawyer? The recent withdrawals of the prescription medications Vioxx and Bextra from the marketplace have many people concerned. Studies show that the use of Vioxx could increase the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks; Bextra carries those same risks and also increases the chances of contracting Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a potentially fatal skin disease. Frequently prescribed to minimize the inflammation and pain of arthritis, these prescription drugs belong to a family of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs known as COX-2 inhibitors. 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My afterthoughts on substance abuse attitude testing are in the end of the article. How To Locate An Alcohol Rehabilitation Center In California Alcohol rehab in California refers to the centers that help people in California to get rid of the menace of alcoholism. Taking The Sting Out Of Bug Bites (NC)-In most cases insect bites are harmless and if left alone, the irritation will subside within 48 hours. ![]() |
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