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Lunesta Tolerance
Lunesta is a newly released sleeping pill. Marketed as a revolutionary sleep aid, Lunesta is the only medication approved by the FDA for long term treatment of insomnia symptoms. Although Lunesta is a quality medicine that has already helped many people cure their insomnia and get a better night's sleep, there is something you should know before your buy Lunesta. Tolerance is an issue that nearly everyone deals with at some time while taking a prescription medication. Your body can develop tolerance to a medication over long-term use, making it less effective in treating your symptoms. Most prescription medications such as Ambien, Sonata and Lunesta work by manipulating certain chemicals in your brain or nervous system. They might lower production of one chemical, or raise the production of another. In many cases, the drugs manipulate chemicals in your brain called neurotransmitters, and a side effect of this may be neurotransmitter depletion. This causes your body to stop reacting to the medication, rendering it ineffective. To our surprise, Lunesta showed groundbreaking results in a six-month clinical trial. Not one person developed tolerance to their Lunesta treatment, and they continued symptom-free for the entire six months! Hopefully, you will not need treatment for such a long time, but some of us are unlucky enough to have chronic sleep problems that are ongoing. Copyright 2004, 2005 Ian Mason, Shoppe.MD research team. Learn about Lunesta tolerance, side effects, pregnancy issues, and much more in our Lunesta guide.
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Medical Billing Specialist As Pres. Bush was touring the Midwest, shortly before he was re-elected as President, and even after, he spoke of medical reform centering on liability costs. He called it "defensive medicine." Searching for a good medical billing specialist who is familiar with reliable electronic medical record systems is quite possibly one of the best defensive medicines that consumers and practices can employ. I say that because small practices spend an average of $150,000 per year in liability costs. That may include insurance or even law suits. Consumers may also have to fit the liability bill if things get ugly. Pagan Medicine: Then and Now A time will come when our children's children will look back upon the age of "modern" medicine of the 21st century as paganistic witchcraft, foisted upon ignorant masses of people. May God rightly judge those who corrupted His ministry of healing and killed His children. Medical Error Crisis The unfortunate truth about medical errors is that they plague the poor and uninsured, reflecting the great medical inequality in our country. For those who do not consider medical errors to be a problem, consider this: medical errors kill between 44,000 and 98,000 Americans every year. This reflects the fact that medical errors kill more people per year than breast cancer, AIDS, or motor vehicle accidents. Doctors complain of inflated medical malpractice insurace costs, but medication-related errors for hospitalized patients cost around $2 billion annually. Root Canal Therapy: Frequently Asked Questions Overview Warning! Flu Shots Can Be Dangerous To Your Health Every year about this time doctors around the world are recommending that people go in and get their annual flu shot. What most people don't know or understand is just how dangerous this could be, especially for children under the age of 12. When people call and say "My doctor is telling the family to go in and get a flu shot. Should I do it?"?I tell them they should learn about the side effects and decide for themselves?as a chiropractor and naturopathic physician I don't' have the time or energy to argue with family practitioners or family doctors who are obviously uneducated on the possible side effects or detrimental effects flu shots or vaccinations in general can have on the body. Could This Be Arthritis In My Hands Hi Rusty. A few days ago, I slightly injured a finger on my hand. Now my hand is swelling with severe joint pain in the fingers. At first I thought this was a possible sprain in that region, but now my other hand is showing the same swelling of the fingers and pain of the joints. Should I go check this out right away? It doesn't seem to be getting worse today, but the pain and swelling are persistent. Could this be a sudden arthritis attack? I'm 38 years old and in good health (I just had a check-up at the doctor last week and the blood work came back okay). 22 Inside Tips on How You Can Make Your Arthritis Medicines Work Twice as Effectively in Half the.. This report will give you 22 important tips to make sure that you're getting the very best out of your arthritis treatment program. A Very Medical Miracle Madeline Mann once weighed less can a can of soda making her the tiniest surviving newborn known to medicine. Next week, she enters high school as something even more exrtaordinary- a honor student who likes to play violin and Rollerblade. The Unique Benefits of Medical Adjustable Beds With more medical advantages, an adjustable bed finds more functions in a hospital or a nursing home. It provides relief to people who are bed-ridden or those who have to stay in bed for long hours and can be adjusted either manually or electrically. An Introduction to Acid Reflux Disease Acid reflux disease, also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD, afflicts millions of people. Many suffer from an occasional bout with heartburn, but acid reflux disease, as a diagnosis, should only be made if the heartburn causes impediments to your lifestyle due to severe, chronic discomfort over prolonged periods of time. Usually, if you suffer from heartburn 2 or more times per week for at least 12 weeks, there's a good chance that your diagnosis would be GERD. Unfortunately, no one knows exactly what causes acid reflux disease, but there is an ample amount of information available at your doctor's office and on the Internet. Who Else Wants General Information on Arthritis? Today there are about 70 million Americans with arthritis?that's one person out of every four who suffer both pain and the expense of this crippling disease. In one year alone, arthritis will be responsible for over half a billion dollars in lost wages. The economic consequences of arthritis are important to review because each year, arthritis takes a devastating financial toll on our society. Tomorrow Well Have Rabbit Feet; Cloning I am not sure where I'm at with this subject of cloning, it sounds a bit cheesy to me; you know the old saying: something smells in Denmark. It kind of reads like this in my mind, confused mind, or maybe not so confused, maybe the world is wrong and I am right, any how it goes like this: let's kill an infant, why not, we do a million of them abortions a year that way, anyhow; now that we've legalized this, let's use some of it for fish bate. "No, no?no!" says the laboratory man (or woman), "?you've got it all wrong!" I knew that was coming. They always say that, and ten years down the road they modify. I mean, today it's absolutely right, tomorrow they say: "Well, we just didn't know back then?!" In reality, we knew a million or so people knew because most likely, they were screaming it, but others were screaming louder, and no one heard. Bextra and Vioxx Withdrawal Spawn Advertising Pause from Bristol Myers Pharmaceutical giant Bristol Myers Squibb has announced that they will suspend direct-to-consumer advertising for their prescription drug products for a year. This comes in the wake of the well-publicized withdrawals of Merck's Vioxx and Pfizer's Bextra, two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that were voluntarily withdrawn from the market recently. Studies showed that they increase the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks among patients that take them for prolonged periods of time. This represents an unusual move for a pharmaceutical company, as they tend to spend a large portion of their annual advertising budget on direct-to-consumer advertising. Why Modern Medicine is the Greatest Threat to Health There is the underlying assumption that modernity translates into better health. A corollary of this logic is that we can live our lives pretty much as we want because we can always buy a repair. You know, the car won't start, the TV is broken, the telephone is dead ? no problem. Just call in an expert, spend some money and all is well. 4 Reasons Why You Should Use Canadian Pharmacies Let's face it: purchasing prescription drugs in the U.S. can be a costly undertaking. By filling your prescriptions online through Canadian pharmacies, your savings can be substantial. Here's why you should consider having your drugs shipped to your home from Canada: Every Pharmaceutical Drug LEECHES Nutrients From Your Body Are you currently on one or more pharmaceutical drugs? Perhaps you are not aware, but every pharmaceutical drug depletes the body of various nutrients, depriving your cells of the essential raw materials which drive normal, natural cell function. The data on our industrialized food supply already suggestes that each of us is not getting enough nutrition from diet alone. If you're taking one or more pharmaceutical drugs, your situtation is likely to be even worse. Molluscum Contagiosum Virus (MCV) Treatment Information - But First, What Is Molluscum? Molluscum contagiosum treatment is certainly possible with the correct treatment information. Watch Out for Misleading Pharmaceutical Advertising In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration relaxed the rules for drug advertising on television and radio. Since that time, the airwaves have been flooded with commercials for all sorts of drugs. Some of them are vague, with a simple "Ask your doctor if drug x is right for you"; others spell out what the drug is used for and devote the commercial to telling you how much you will appreciate your product. Most consumers will probably assume that these commercials are honest, that the drugs will do what the ads say they will do, and that there are no side effects other than those mentioned in the ad. That may not be true, and consumers should be aware that the ads may not tell the whole story, and that they may be misleading.The pharmaceutical industry spends $9 billion per year advertising their products, and the money they spend on television and radio ads is probably the most effective. Doctors may be skeptical of a product touted by a salesman, but consumers are easily swayed by television ads that show people living happy, productive lives while being treated for an ailment using the advertised product. Unfortunately, these ads may not be completely honest. In 2004, the FDA investigated thirty-six ads for drugs that the agency found to be misleading or incomplete in their descriptions of side effects. Consumers might think that the commercials must be honest, since the FDA wouldn't allow dishonest commercials to air. Unfortunately, that's not the case. The FDA does not require pharmaceutical companies to provide screening copies of their advertisements prior to airing. The FDA doesn't actually see the ads until the consumers do. Several months may pass before the FDA takes action. In the case of misleading advertising, the most the FDA can usually do is ask the companies to either stop running the ads or to change them. These requests aren't always timely, however. In the last five years, the FDA has asked the drug companies to stop running several ads that had already stopped running!What this means for consumers is that some doubt should be exercised while viewing a commercial for a new drug. If you think an advertised product may be useful to you, discuss it with your physician, but ask if they know of any problems associated with the product. Research the product on the Internet. When your health is at stake, a little caution may be a good idea. Health Needs of Survivors of Domestic Violence Domestic violence is not over when the victim is safe and out of harm's way. It's not over until justice has been served. Even then, it's not over. It's not over until the victim is safe, justice has been served, and the victim is well. ?Ooohhh? my aching knee!!!? Insider Secrets on How You Can Get Relief Quickly and Easily! When your knee hurts, getting relief is all that's on your mind. Getting the right relief, though, depends on knowing what's wrong. The correct diagnosis will lead to the correct treatment. ![]() |
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