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10 Home Remedies For Arthritis Pain Relief
Your Remedy No. 1 Stretch Gently for Strength and Mobility. When it comes to arthritis, moving hurts, but not moving destroys. Incorrect moving harms, but intelligent moving heals. Yoga teaches movement with proper joint alignment which helps bring deformed joints back to normal position as appropriate muscles are lengthened and strengthened. Consider a private session with an Experienced teacher or buying a book to leam the correct poses. But remember, Smart Yoga Exercise is the key to restoring health to arthritic joints. Work within the limits imposed by the disease, but don't let yourself be immobilized by it. Your Remedy No. 2 Find Relief Through Less Stress. If you are hurting and you tense up, you hurt more. People who have things in their lives under control will be better pain managers than people who don't. Recent research confirms the importance of psychological attitude on arthritis pain relief. People with arthritis need to learn how to pace themselves and not try to do everything they can possibly do on the days when they're feeling good. All that does is make you tired and sore the next day. Try to do a little each day, whether you are having a flare-up or not. Learn to relax. Take a lesson from natural childbirth. Childbirth is very painful, but women learn how to deal with that pain by learning how to relax. Books and audiotapes teaching relaxation techniques are available at many bookstores Idle joints can become painful joints. If you focus on pain, it hurts more, but if you get busy doing other things that are important to you, you're not going to feel it. Your Remedy No. 3 Try Night Prevention for Morning Stiffness. Almost 90 per cent of the patients suffer from some type of Morning Stiffness. Apply a muscle ointment at night before going to bed. It will relaxe you and gives you a psychological boost as well. The reason? People with arthritis tend to feel much better all day if they aren't stiff when they wake up in the morning. Your Remedy No. 4 Float The Pain away. Studies have shown that floating in specially designed floatation tanks, also known as isolation or sensory deprivation tanks, can relieve arthritic pain. You usually spend about an hour in the tank. The pain relief is produced by stress reduction. The body is relaxing, the muscles are relaxing, and this seems to stimulate a release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. Water in the tanks is heated to precisely 93.5°F, the same temperature as the skin, and the surrounding air is warm and tranquil, leading to deep relaxation. Your Remedy No. 5 Mix Oil and Water. Recommendation: Heat and eucalyptus ointment, in the form of a thick, oil-based product called Eucalypta-Mint, work for both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Use that in conjunction with moist heat when feeling stiff or having pain. Simply rub it on and wrap the joint in plastic wrap. The moist heat can be applied with warm towels, or you can soak your hands or feet in warm water. Your Remedy No. 6 Copper Bracelet Sometimes longevity confers respect along with age. Artifacts that were rarely noticed in their day take on new meaning and value as they persist throughout time. Such is the case with the copper bracelet, which for decades has been worn for arthritis relief and remains popular today. Studies have shown that some people with arthritis seem to have difficulty metabolizing copper from the food they eat, leading to increased pain. The dissolved copper from [a copper] bracelet bypasses the oral route by entering the body through the skin. This might be the only way arthritics ever receive the copper their bodies need -copper that studies have shown can indeed relieve pain. Physicians remain somewhat skeptical about bracelets but don't entirely dismiss them, either. Copper may have a role. It's possible that a copper deficiency does increase joint inflammation, and it doesn't seem that supplementing copper in the diet has the same effect as wearing it. Your Remedy No. 7 Work Wonders with Water Excercise. Ask a dozen doctors about the merits of any arthritis treatment and you'll get a dozen different opinions. But ask them about exercising in water and they all seem to agree. Water exercises are excellent. Your pain will be significantly reduced in the water, and you become much more flexible in water than you are in air. The beginning exercise techniques are easy for anyone to follow. They consist of waving, walking, and bending motions performed in chest-deep water. The more advanced movements look like aquatic dance steps designed to take advantage of water's natural resistance and gentle buoyancy. Your Remedy No. 8 Get Your Spouse Involved. Though it's only natural for a husband or wife to do whatever's possible to help a mate who's hurting, such help can often do more harm than good. When a wife tries to do everything herself and is constantly asking her husband how he feels, she is reinforcing his pain. Advice: Don't be attentive and supportive only when your spouse is in pain, but also when he or she is feeling good and being active. That's the time to say, "I'm really happy to see you doing things". Praise is really important and something people tend to forget to do. Your Remedy No. 9 Use Ice to Prevent Pain. Recommend cold treatments for those times when a joint's been stressed from overuse or overwork. Use a gel pack but ice in a plastic bag or a bag of frozen peas will do just as well. Apply for 15 to 20 minutes, then remove for 10 to 15 minutes. That can be repeated for hours at a time if needed. Your Remedy No. 10 Fast on with Carrot Juice. A vegetable-juice fast significantly reduces pain for many patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Carrot juice, celery juice, cabbage juice, or tomato juice can be used. Fast on nothing but the vegetable juice for one day during the first week to get started. Follow that by alternate fasting for two days during the next week (i.e., Monday and Wednesday) and three days during the third week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). Don't attempt any type of fasting without your doctor's supervision, however. Dr Rashid M.H.
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Bextra Withdrawal Could Be Just the Beginning for Pfizer The pharmaceutical industry is a tremendously profitable one, as anyone who reads the business pages of their newspaper can see. Although it can take years to develop a new drug and bring it to market, the profits obtained from a breakthrough drug can be staggering. Last year Merck sold about $2.5 billion worth of Vioxx, and Pfizer sold about $1.3 billion worth of Bextra. The profits are huge, but so are the losses if a problem should develop with a pharmaceutical product. Pfizer voluntarily withdrew the popular anti-inflammatory drug Bextra from the market last month, and their stock has suffered from both the loss of sales and the potential for a large number of product liability lawsuits. Pfizer may have to endure a double whammy this year as the FDA announced that they are investigating reports that the impotence drug Viagra may be linked to cases of blindness in male users. Cialis and Levitra were also mentioned in the report, although most of the cases involved the use of Viagra.The FDA reports shouldn't cause alarm; the agency says that it is investigating fewer than 50 incidents of blindness in patients who use a drug that has been used by more than twenty million people since its introduction seven years ago. The FDA investigation says less about the likelihood of blindness in patients than it does about the agency's own concerns about its reputation. The FDA rightly insists upon rigorous testing of drugs before they reach the market in the name of public safety. But that coin has two sides, and there are those who say that the agency is too quick to approve potentially dangerous drugs and others who say that the agency's testing isn't thorough enough. Adding fuel to the fire are the recent memos obtained from Merck employees that suggest that the company was aggressively marketing Vioxx even though their sales staff knew the drug was potentially dangerous.There may be no link between Viagra and blindness at all, as the form of sudden blindness alleged to have been caused by Viagra use is common to the sorts of patients who have erectile disfunction. The FDA is just being cautious, as they should be. Further tests will determine if there is an actual link. The party likely to suffer immediately is Pfizer, as stockholders, already concerned about Bextra lawsuits, drove the stock price lower immediately upon the release of the Viagra news. Sales will probably decrease, too, as patients who are now accustomed to reading about drugs being withdrawn from the market may shy away from the product until further tests are done. That could present a huge income for Pfizer, as they currently sell about $2 billion worth of Viagra each year. The drug business is a profitable one, but like any business, comes with risks. This year, it would seem that Pfizer is getting a double dose of bad medicine. The Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel and the FDA According to the Los Angeles Times, the California Association of Physicians and Surgeons, and even the Center for Diseases Control's own admission, well over 100,000 people in this country die each year from "properly" administered prescription drugs. This is absolutely shocking! Chinese Medicine Chinese Medicine, over 2000 years old, is an ancient form of medicine. Consisting of acupuncture, moxibustion (moxibustion - using material made up of "moxa-wool," in a form of a cone or stick; moxibustion is used to treat and prevent disease by applying heat to pints or certain locations of the human body), herbal medicine, acupressure, cupping, therapeutic exercise and nutrition, traditional Chinese medicine is notated by its principle of internal balance and harmony, or "chi," (life force) regulation through energy channels. The Power of Ice Using ice to treat injuries is one of the oldest methods of pain control. Proven to be safe and effective at reducing swelling, relieving pain and decreasing muscle spasms, ice therapy is an easy self-care technique that anyone can administer. Every mother knows to put ice on a bruised knee after a soccer game or on a teething toddler's tender gums. But do you really know how ice works? Diagnosis and Treatments of Cerebral Palsy Before a child can be appropriately diagnosed with cerebral palsy, their doctor must first have to look closely at both the child and the mother's medical background to see if there are any known causes of cerebral palsy present in the case. The doctor will very carefully check the baby's motor skills and the reflexes, and then will be tested by a physician, also they will try to determine the Childs hand preference often a child with cerebral palsy will use the hand that is not always the most practical to them due to the fact that depending on the brain damage one side of the body will be much stronger than the other side that is affected. Prescription Drug Benefit Cost Understated by $324 Billion! When the legislation was passed for Bush's prescription drug benefit in 2003, costs were said to be approximately $400 billion over the next decade. In great contradiction with this estimate, the centers for Medicaid and Medicare have admitted that costs will actually be around $724 billion. Stem Cell Breakthrough: Can You Now Make Your Own? Over the past few years, stem cells have been getting a lot of attention. What makes them so interesting is their ability to stimulate the production of many types of healthy cells. That means that a single stem cell can turn itself into brain cells, liver cells, skin cells, pancreas cells, and so on. Seroquel Side Effects: Effects of Seroquel Worth the Risk? Seroquel is an atypical antipsychotic drug that is used to treat hallucinations, delusions and confusion caused by psychotic conditions such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Atypical antipsychotics are not SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) or benzodiazepines. Atypical antipsychotics like Seroquel affect only certain parts of the brain, blocking the input of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, histamine, and muscarine. The benefit to atypical antipsychotics is that they are non-habit forming and are not as frequently abused as normal antipsychotics. Is the Mexican Pharmacy safe to buy drugs online? Are you frustrated with the high prices of prescription drugs? Take a look at a Mexican Pharmacy. Not only can you save a lot of money but you can also be sure that you are getting quality medicines and online customer service that provides you all the necessary information on drugs. Whether you are looking for prescription medication or herbal products Mexican Pharmacy is your souce for your purchasing medicines.These are all claims that are associated with Mexican pharmacies catering today. But there are some risks involve in it too, which cannot be totally ignored. Awareness is one sure step towards better informed consumer for health care products. Potassium and The Dialysis Patient Any dialysis patient who has had a brush with high potassium will know only too well how dangerous this can be. We are forever being told to watch our potassium intake, so I thought I would explore the reasons for this, and what practical steps we can take to limit the risks. Bextra Recall: Lawyer Says Help Is On The Way By now, you have probably heard of the prescription drug Bextra. You may not know, however, why that a recall is in order. The reason is quite simple. The FDA has asked Pfizer to withdraw Bextra from the market because of increased risks of heart attack and stroke. 22 Inside Tips on How You Can Make Your Arthritis Medicines Work Twice as Effectively in Half the.. This report will give you 22 important tips to make sure that you're getting the very best out of your arthritis treatment program. Family Healthcare: The Dangers Of A Heart Attack & How To Avoid It A heart attack happens when the blood supply to part of the heart muscle itself (the myocardium) is severely reduced or even stopped entirely. Find a Doctor How to find a doctor? There's no magical route to finding the right doctor. If you have a primary care physician just call him or her and make an appointment. If you don't have a primary care physician, try the route suggested above. Or, if you feel you need specialist care, you can save time and money by going directly to a specialist with your particular medical problem. In the old days most patients would ask their primary care physician for a referral. While this is still done, more and more patients are going directly to a specialist for their medical needs. Lunesta FAQ: Things To Know Before You Buy Lunesta Online When was the last time you enjoyed a good night's sleep? I'm talking about feeling tired, heavy, and relaxed - the times when you might say "wow! I love air conditioning" and fall right into a deep sleep. If you haven't fallen asleep quickly and woken up feeling refreshed and ready for anything, then you're not alone. Generating Pharmaceutical Sales before Marketing Authorization When a patient has a serious illness and there is no approved drug available, the physician may want to try one which has not been authorized for marketing by national health authorities but has shown promise in clinical trials. European Named Patient Programs, like US compassionate use programs, offer physicians access to pharmaceuticals which have not yet been licensed. However, there is one important difference: in Europe an unlicensed drug can be reimbursed. This presents drug-makers with an opportunity to generate revenues while development is still in-progress. Drug Interactions: Five Common Dangerous Interactions You Should Know About Prescription drugs can save your life. But interactions between prescription drugs and other drugs or with illnesses or conditions you have can lead to significant consequences. Drug interactions may make your drug less effective, cause unexpected side effects, or increase the action of a particular drug. Some drug interactions can even be harmful to you. See examples of common interactions and what their results are in the table on this webpage. A Closer Look at Neck Pain Relief Neck pain afflicts many people at some point in their life - two-thirds of American adults report having experienced at least one incidence of neck pain in their lives. You can strain your neck during exercise, at work, or even something as simple as turning over in your sleep. It's an ailment so common that it has even earned it's own colloquialism. But while your boss, neighbor, or even children can all be a real "pain in the neck" sometimes, so can the pain in your neck! Tempest in a Tea Cup, Wisdom in a Sake Cup What an oxymoron the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has turned out to be. This vegan organization has one colossal ax to grind with their archrival, Darth Atkins. This is an old score that they've unfairly flung in front of the public before, all in the effort to squash the low carb idea and its adherents. Health Needs of Survivors of Domestic Violence Domestic violence is not over when the victim is safe and out of harm's way. It's not over until justice has been served. Even then, it's not over. It's not over until the victim is safe, justice has been served, and the victim is well. ![]() |
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